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Marianne Williamson goes on Sean Hannity; destroys him with facts and makes him angry


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Marianne was brave enough to be a guest on Fox News and speak with conservative audiences about her campaign. Hannity tried to smear her, attacked a Jewish woman and make her look crazy for being a person of faith despite Hannity himself being a Christian ( :deadbanana2:), tried to get Marianne smear Biden multiple times but failed desperately as she declined to do so because she has class. And finally, he brought up economy and the minute Marinne brought up stats and facts, he TALKED OVER HER IN ANGER and wouldn't allow her to finish any sentance, especially when she brought up top 1% and corporations and military industrial complex. LMAO this is why the they fear letting someone like Marianne go on debate stage. :clap3: :clap3: :clap3:


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She's really good at debates. Plus I'm glad she's pointing out that nobody else gets the religious scrutiny she does. Just because her beliefs are considered kooky doesn't mean they are more out there than what most Christians believe. Plus she doesn't use her faith as an excuse to attack equality. 

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not that its hard to destroy this fool 

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Sean Hannity is such a boorish loser. Every time Marianne was getting to her point he cut her off 

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I still don’t take her seriously, but Sean Hannity is such a partisan cheerleader I can’t stand to listen to him. Anything that isn’t “yaaaaas, big corporations! Yaaaaas, GOP talking points” gets him triggered beyond belief 

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2 hours ago, Mikeymoonshine said:

She's really good at debates. Plus I'm glad she's pointing out that nobody else gets the religious scrutiny she does. Just because her beliefs are considered kooky doesn't mean they are more out there than what most Christians believe. Plus she doesn't use her faith as an excuse to attack equality. 

It’s so hilarious when Christians make fun of “spiritual” people who believe in energy and manifestation, when their religion is literally all of that with just fifteen additional layers of kookiness and obvious delusion

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See what happens when you get guests who are educated

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He TRIED IT with those gotcha questions. Marianne is too smart for these establishment clowns. 

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3 hours ago, Mikeymoonshine said:

She's really good at debates. Plus I'm glad she's pointing out that nobody else gets the religious scrutiny she does. Just because her beliefs are considered kooky doesn't mean they are more out there than what most Christians believe. Plus she doesn't use her faith as an excuse to attack equality. 

This is the most reactionary aspect that's come from partisan Dems trying to attack Marianne.


There's countless other Americans like Marianne, many of whom who fall into similar demographics - older, secular Jewish Americans who have the same kind of spiritual leanings with little interest in organized religion.


That Marianne's spirituality - her belief that prayer can bring comfort, that ideas of the soul can help ease stresses on the mind - is some point of mockery feels distasteful, especially when Biden is a deeply religious Catholic.


Marianne speaking of the power of the wishing people well and expressing love in the face of struggle is literally no different than Biden giving his thoughts and prayers to another school shooting with yet no gun legislation passed.

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She handled this very well. Shes tough. I wish she had more of a chance

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Terrible interviewing, Sean Hannity is such garbage at his job:rip: I cackled when she said "you would have called me a Marxist", even his audience laughed at what a partisan hack he was being there 

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I would only suffer through him for Marianne and that was still painful to watch, he's just such a nasty piece of **** and the fact that he has cronies clapping for him and cheering for him on his own show serves insecure man child that needs constant validation

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She held herself very well. 

da annoying crowd, I’m like what is this? (Never seen any of his shows so I don’t kno)



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