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Are biological woman really "in danger of being replaced?"


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8 hours ago, Headlock said:


This is giving “and then the whole bus clapped” energy :priceless:

Sounds like you don’t have a lot of friends if you’ve never had those conversations. My girlfriends talk about their periods and men being douches all the time.


I’m not giving you examples out of my ass, I’m giving you examples that have happened and that have been observed. There is nothing hypothetical here, and it’s telling you choose to not argue my points but respond only to the parts you want to make fun of? 


I don’t know what to tell you dude. Sorry this is so triggering for you.

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37 minutes ago, HeavyMetalAura said:

Sounds like you don’t have a lot of friends if you’ve never had those conversations. My girlfriends talk about their periods and men being douches all the time.


I’m not giving you examples out of my ass, I’m giving you examples that have happened and that have been observed. There is nothing hypothetical here, and it’s telling you choose to not argue my points but respond only to the parts you want to make fun of? 


I don’t know what to tell you dude. Sorry this is so triggering for you.

You are expecting to me to believe you have constantly been having conversations about periods, and someone pipes in saying “AcTuALlY!!” :rip:

36 minutes ago, HeavyMetalAura said:

Sorry this is so triggering for you.

Aaaaaaand there it is :allears:

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9 hours ago, Trent W said:

But also dismissing biological women do don’t like to be called “cis”


1 hour ago, vale9001 said:

and some discussions are not about men.. gay men included 

Quickly - if straight women said not to call them straight because having opposite binary sex attraction is "the default" and "norm" (the argument against words like 'cis'), is that a valid claim? :celestial5:

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Yeah I keep seeing this on social media too... and now TikTok keeps giving me videos of women catching their husbands cheating on them with trans women... is this where all of the hate is coming from these days?

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4 hours ago, BGKC said:

I mean isn’t it a common theme in general for heterosexual, white (majority Christian) folks to play victim and make one believe they are all “wolves among sheep” and whatnot? Having to “fight” for their place in a changing world as if they’re not the ones being intolerant? 

Yep. And I think for a long time women just ignored it because it's such a ridiculous argument but I think the right wing media machine is powerful and they have somehow convinced women that they are "being replaced" I also think in some weird way straight men get off on seeing marginalized groups fight amongst each other especially when they think they're at the center of what those fights are about.

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Yes, we are. 

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10 hours ago, Trent W said:

But also dismissing biological women do don’t like to be called “cis”, birthing person or menstruator which is a common topic when they open this discussion is also ridiculous.

One of these things is not like the other. Some people don't like being called white women/straight women etc but it doesn't make them any less that.


I agree that birthing person/menstruator/uterus haver are stupid terms but only chronically online people use those phrases. I doubt there's much risk of widespread adoption of those.

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Anyway no cis women aren't in danger of being replaced. I can count on one hand the number of out trans women I have met in my life and I live in a huge city.


The way people make the same argument when it comes to immigration worrying that white people will be replaced as the main ethnicity in European countries :rip:

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47 minutes ago, Headlock said:


You are expecting to me to believe you have constantly been having conversations about periods, and someone pipes in saying “AcTuALlY!!” :rip:

Aaaaaaand there it is :allears:

Constantly having those conversations? No, never said that. But I do have them. And yes, it’s happened multiple times that someone further left on the liberal spectrum will use that language. Which is fine! I’m not necessarily opposed to it - just not sure it’s the best way to be inclusive. Gaslighting me into thinking I’m not having conversations I am having is a strange tactic, I’ll give you that. Especially when I’m not even arguing about whether it’s a good or bad thing to use this language - simply just musing on its rise. 

On another note, it’s interesting you aren’t one of those people who’s pushing it and that you aren’t experiencing those conversations! Maybe that means it won’t take off, but in young liberal spaces some people seem to want it to. I guess we’ll see if this catches. 


Putting you on ignore now as I won’t engage with someone who’s only tactic to argue is telling me I’m not having or seeing the conversations I am having (aaaaand *there* it is :) )Perhaps you’ll find the following helpful in the future: https://psychcentral.com/blog/how-to-argue-effectively



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Oh lord. Imagine defending men. Imagine even considering men are not the scum of society. 

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No,only the truly dense and idiotic believe in replacement theory. It is best not to engage with those types because they won't change their minds. Too hyper focused on the wrong things because it aligns with their personal subconscious bias.

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2 hours ago, Communion said:


Quickly - if straight women said not to call them straight because having opposite binary sex attraction is "the default" and "norm" (the argument against words like 'cis'), is that a valid claim? :celestial5:


You are not going to call people labels they don’t want in general, I understand the need of the word in lgbtq spaces to separate biological sexes  and trans people but the rest of the population is different.


The word cis is probably never going to pass liberal spaces just like the term LatinX was widely rejected by the latino community 




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1 hour ago, Trent W said:


You are not going to call people labels they don’t want in general

So I can't refer to people who are straight as straight?

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7 hours ago, Communion said:


  1. Dylan never was the "face" of Bud Light. Her face was never sold on cans. She, as an influencer with a huge platform on TikTok, got sent one (1) can as a gift by Bud Light and did one sponsored post.

oh wow is this true?  I haven't been following this closely but I was under the impression that she was plastered on all their cans. 


The media is so complicit and moral-less

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This thread reeks of not only transphobia, but also misogyny. Why are cis men never afraid of being "replaced"?

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I don't understand why people open threads like this. You know you're not allowed to disagree based on ATRL's policy right? :rip:

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5 hours ago, Communion said:

So I can't refer to people who are straight as straight?

If someone doesn’t like it, you don’t use the term in front of them


I’ve never met anyone who is bothered by it tho, while most people really dislike the term “cis”.

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8 hours ago, HeavyMetalAura said:

Constantly having those conversations? No, never said that. But I do have them. And yes, it’s happened multiple times 


18 hours ago, HeavyMetalAura said:

It certainly is a thing? Maybe we are different demographics, but as a Gen Z I hear other Gen Zs and older people on the left using this language generally and trying to push it all the time.  

Hmmmmm, interesting how your blanket statement is now isolated to a few anecdotal incidents :allears:

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3 hours ago, directionlockerlock said:

I don't understand why people open threads like this. You know you're not allowed to disagree based on ATRL's policy right? :rip:

And what policy is that, don’t be shy, say what you think :)

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14 minutes ago, Trent W said:

If someone doesn’t like it, you don’t use the term in front of them

Says who? What are they gonna do if I do?


15 minutes ago, Trent W said:

while most people really dislike the term “cis”.

The vast majority of Americans support trans people and the word cis is already fully integrated into both academic, medical, queer and younger lexicon, lacking the kind of linguistic issues that plagued a word like Latinx that make such a  comparison incoherent. Cite your sources for such an outrageous claim. 

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There’s like 4 billion women on the planet. Trans people don’t even account for 1% of the population. You’d have to be genuinely, dangerously stupid to believe that they could - or would even want to - somehow “replace” cis people. 


Let’s talk about real feminist issues and not this ridiculous anti trans propaganda, this is so old now, please :rip:


The sad thing is, the cis women who buy into these conservative talking points are the ones actually getting in the way and preventing themselves from achieving any women’s rights progression because they are fighting the boogeyman instead of focusing on actual problems effecting themselves. It’s really ****** up. 

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45 minutes ago, Communion said:

Says who? What are they gonna do if I do?

That’s exactly what a  conservative bigot says when someone wants specific pronouns :skull: 

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3 hours ago, Trent W said:

That’s exactly what a  conservative bigot says when someone wants specific pronouns 

"Asking someone to not dehumanize trans people is the same thing as asking someone to not point out the privilege they have!"



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Yes, I remember when I first heard about trans people, I remember cis women being beaten in the street and made to strip themselves of xx chromosomes, it was unreal. It's very true and very real. So true and so real it gets hidden by the Elite™ that control our society. It's happening right now, you just have to buy this device to see for yourself, escape the matrix!




Unfortunately, no, we don't live in fasclandia for dominant groups, especially when narratives are crafted by people who have a vested interest in divisive lies to suit their own agendas. No longer are domestic violence abusers, rapists and emotionally abusive cis men the main perpetrator like all of our data says; it's now the trans people, who can't even seem to get to use a toilet at Sears. :rip:


Transphobes are scared(they should be!) because as with every other detriment to societal development, they're being left behind. The world doesn't need more people to suffer, we just need bigots to.

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