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Killer charged with manslaughter: Man killed by civilian with chokehold on NYC subway


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The "hostile and erratic" behavior was yelling that he was hungry and throwing his jacket to the ground.



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The Republicans defending this guy after years of "NYC prosecutors never charge criminals anymore!!" narrative. :ahh: 

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This is the way New Yorkers feel about homeless people.  They couldn’t care less.  It’s very sad.  RIP to that man.

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Given the legal gray area around firearms now on the NYC subway in the middle of the fight between Gov. Hochul and the Upstate hunters that sued, and me being a few degrees of separation from the relative of a woman that was killed after being pushed off a platform downtown (won't go into details), as nothing's getting solved with mental health funding instead of shoveling away the homeless from shelter to shelter in addition to no substantial reforms to qualified immunity within the fraternal orders, I say, if you can't afford anything but the subway in the city as a walks likely too long (ride app's most expensive during peaks in the country barring maybe SF or LA so that's out of the question too) to continue taking it and pray (if you believe in that) but otherwise to work somewhere else altogether.


I can't stand the xenophobic gut-reaction talking points from conservatives on cities generally (that ignore their own problems like Jim Jordan's NYC commission that ignored Columbus, Ohio's much worse stats that isn't in but next-door to his district and has a worse problem with the illegal gun trade) but I do mean that sincerely, even given the stats being drastically lower than their early 90's peak.


That stat can't be thrown out every time to dismiss the lived experience of so many that need to use that transportation and experienced issues that can't be solved in the short-term and apparently won't ever be solved in the long-term. The cultural conversation is too large about accepted violence generally to tackle with substance in the short-term either - certainly not by this Governor who finally gave-up on appointing a far-right judge and then the theocratic joke of a Mayor (who I'm just going to flat-out say is already worse than DeBlasio from a scandal standpoint that weren't reported as much nationally, starting with his cabinet).


No answers and this story will blow by like most do from the NYC subway, and violence against the homeless generally nationally. 

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they are human before they are homeless. people are so gross and ofc the cops dont care

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Capitalism is a failed economic system just like many others that have also collapsed in the past. It's time for humanity to come up with something better and we have to do it quick

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One day, people will get tired enough and this **** will all go down. This incident is a perfect example of how this society treats its most vulnerable and it’s most exploited 

Edited by Chiidish
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I can't do this anymore...

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Just heard about this this morning. So disgusting how they released him without any charges.

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39 minutes ago, 99sandthe2000s said:


So talented. 

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Was there a post removed here? I remember seeing a Twitter thread or something. I was loaded last night though so who knows

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Hochul’s statement is even worse than Adams, and I didn’t think that was possible @khalyan

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  • ATRL Moderator
1 hour ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Hochul’s statement is even worse than Adams, and I didn’t think that was possible @khalyan

“Consequences” for having a mental health episode should not be death by civilian :biblio:


This situation is truly disgusting, I really hope it gains traction with media eventually and becomes something that they cannot just brush aside. 

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On 5/3/2023 at 12:14 PM, ChapelHooker said:

I can't do this anymore...

I feel you. I'm so done

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4 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Hochul’s statement is even worse than Adams, and I didn’t think that was possible @khalyan

I hope Hochul burns in hell. 

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27 minutes ago, Communion said:

I hope Hochul burns in hell. 

I mean, what do liberals want us to think about them when they’re openly saying stuff like “the mentally ill get what they deserve” when talking about stuff like this. They openly call for purging homeless people from the cities that they’ve gentrified and made completely unaffordable for working people to live in. It’s really so appalling.


And then there’s “leftists” like Batya justifying it because mental illness makes bystanders “uncomfortable”




On 5/3/2023 at 11:14 AM, Bang Up said:

The Republicans defending this guy after years of "NYC prosecutors never charge criminals anymore!!" narrative. :ahh: 

Well, they’ve escalated to saying that since cops are being too tied down by “bureaucracy and wokeness,” the citizens need to be protected by vigilantes instead. So that’s why they’re applauding this guy, actually.

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“Future of the Democratic Party” by the way. With how much liberals hate the homeless, I’m almost positive that the Democrats will nominate him for president one day and demand that we Vote Blue No Matter Who. He’s exactly *that* type of candidate who is extremely antagonistic towards the left that the DNC would push him to stick it to progressives.


I know @Espresso and I disagree strongly on the future of Adams in DNC politics, given his unpopularity in New York City, but I genuinely don’t feel that it matters. Kamala Harris is deeply unpopular, and yet she’s the most likely standard-bearer for 2028. Adams is really the only one I think that would even have a chance to supplant her. South Carolina voters would LOVE him for his tough-on-crime persona.

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Adams has gone full on theocrat and (non-PC alert) lapses into AAVE too much for white wine moms with enough power to cancel out the heavy advantage given to older black voters by the DNC, including subsequent to South Carolina. And that's just the branding aspect, not even touching on the scandals and policies.


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34 minutes ago, Espresso said:

Adams has gone full on theocrat and (non-PC alert) lapses into AAVE too much for white wine moms with enough power to cancel out the heavy advantage given to older black voters by the DNC, including subsequent to South Carolina. And that's just the branding aspect, not even touching on the scandals and policies.


Fair, but... counterpoint: A black cop who poses as tough on crime and knows when and how to code-switch would also be favorable as a candidate for white wine moms who fret about "black criminals" invading their WASP neighborhoods. Given how Glenn Youngkin got elected in VA, I would also guess that his anti-teacher stance on school closures would also score him points with that demographic that wouldn't be turned off by his stance on abortion post-Roe like they would have with the average Republican who shares the exact same views otherwise.

Edited by ClashAndBurn
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This is absolutely sick and I can’t believe we live in a world where everyone is so brainwashed that homeless/jobless people are seen as not deserving of life


Like we’re all just born in this system that forces us perform labor to literally just stay alive, and worst of all is that that system needs an x amount of people to be unemployed to sustain itself. It’s not those people’s fault. The housing market being completely ****** up resulting in homelessness is also not their fault


**** capitalism and **** democrats

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The American media is the enemy of the people. AP both-sides’ing a murder is as unsurprising as liberals defending vigilantes like Daniel Penny.

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He's never gonna get convicted of anything in front of a jury. This is just gonna exacerbate the crackdowns on homeless people 

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