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Chromatica: Misunderstood Masterpiece?


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Still one of my most streamed albums ever, I genuinely think Chromatica is incredibly misunderstood and is better than fans, critics or even the general public gave it credit for. Perhaps Stupid Love ruined the era but I don’t even think it’s truly a bad song (just not single material). 

Despite the anger from ATRL, it undoubtably has some of her most interesting visuals, houses career highlights, was curated to be her most cohesive experience, was crafted with her most personal and interesting lyrics and produced one of her best videos (with 911). So was it?

Anyways Stream:


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A master- piece of crap maybe




Chill chill I’m kidding lol. Chromatica is fine. Just a simple dance pop album, nothing groundbreaking but definitely not bad. Only Stupid Love and Plastic Doll are bad songs imo 


That second gif in the OP is stunning, what is it from?!

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It’s pretty good :clap3:


It wasn’t the artistically bold album that I wanted but it’s about as good as a pop album can get while sticking to the serviceable sound. It’s a very easy listen, every song flows smoothly, has great vocals, good subject matters on Gaga’s well-being, and just has a comforting feel overall. It pays tribute well to the 90s house sound in a fun, revitalized way. And even if it’s not the most bold project we’ve seen from Gaga, we still got glimpses of her artistry in a more refined/mature way with tracks like 911 & Replay.

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It's a good pop album. But you're really setting Gaga up by describing it as a "masterpiece" since you're gonna piss off a lot of people here :redface:

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It’s neither misunderstood nor a masterpiece. It’s fine enough. Somewhat forgettable.  

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Masterpiece is definitely a stretch, but I enjoy  the album quite a bit and don’t understand the hate it gets here. 


Admittedly I wanted her to capitalize on her ASIB hype with something a lot more ambitious, but it’s still a solid pop album.


I think stans would be more fond of it if every second of the era hadn’t been timed so poorly every step of the way. Stupid Love leaked way too early and they should’ve picked a new lead single after that, and then the rest of the era was DOA when she stopped promoting amid quarantine and protests.


It would’ve been so much fun to go out to gay clubs and dance to new Gaga pop music for the first time in years. 

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I think it’s her most cohesive album by far, but it’s not as interesting as it should have been.  It’s a very evenly balanced album, almost too much to the point that the highs just feel like another song.  I think many of us would’ve appreciated it more if she actually promoted the album.  The Chromatica Ball was easily her best tour ever, FYI.

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Chromatica is way too good for some of the shade it receives. I do feel like it's really not as thoroughly appreciated as it should be. The whole thing is good, fun, catchy, well-written - I play album tracks like Plastic Doll, 1000 Doves, and Free Woman pretty frequently. I feel like if it hadn't been released amid the whole lockdown situation, it might have been received a little differently and promoted more.


More than anything I love Chromatica's commitment to dance as a genre, and I love that Dawn of Chromatica embraces more underground dance and electronic sounds like hyperpop. Gaga is still the biggest artist in the history of the Billboard dance/electronic genre charts (by a lot) and it was great to see her go back to focusing on those sounds for a full era. I think her place within that specific space is maybe not appreciated enough, and I hope that Chromatica helped there.

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Enjoyed the album for the first month or 2, but nothing really stuck.

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That's not what masterpiece means.

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Not even a little. I'd rather have an unintentional flop like AP, or an unintentional flop like Joanne, than someone try to make Chiro as a "mistake" or "misunderstood". 


What it is, is literally Gaga and Blood making a dance record. I would almost say they were trying to recreate her past prime, but it's clear they were not, or have no idea how to do so.


Does Gaga care is the real question. 

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Nah it’s really ****.  Listened once all the way through and never did again. Extremely safe and uninspired. Gaga is so far removed from what she was back in the TFM/BTW era. Stack Chromatica against that and it’s kinda embarrassing tbh.:rip:

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For the most part, it has really good lyrics. The only 2 proper singles were as generic as they could get so I think those really affected the era as a whole. Actually, the whole first half was pretty generic. 

Enigma, 1000 Doves, Replay, and Babylon are amazing and all deserved more than what they got :'(  

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it's a nice enough album...

but misunderstood or masterpiece it is not. :gaygacat3:

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we understand perfectly that it's crap :clap3:

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It's understood quite well in Chromatica, I wouldn't be shocked if you were from there.

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I very much enjoy it. Is it anything "remarkable"? No. But it is a fun album. 


Some of the demos that leaked are better than the final product. She could have gone all out and been more experimental, but it's definitely the pop Gaga album we needed after so many years. 

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It’s too weighed down by the uninspired and predictable production. It’s easily my least listened to Gaga album. 

I feel like with Gaga you only get half the experience if you don’t get live performance. Joanne and Artpop records were elevated by the great performances of the songs and she didn’t promote Chromatica.

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it’s a fine dance record and her most cohesive work. i really haven't returned to it much since summer 2020 during the pandemic but i’ll still listen to tracks like replay and sour candy once in a while. i wouldn’t say it’s misunderstood though, the idea behind it is pretty straightforward

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Maybe it was just too ahead of it’s time for some people 




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