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Nikki Haley: Biden is likely to die within five years


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Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said Wednesday that President Joe Biden, 80, is likely to die within five years and that his supporters would have to count on Vice President Kamala Harris if he were to win re-election next year.


“He announced that he’s running again in 2024, and I think that we can all be very clear and say with a matter of fact that if you vote for Joe Biden you really are counting on a President Harris, because the idea that he would make it until 86 years old is not something that I think is likely,” Haley, 51, said in an interview on Fox News.


In an unusually blunt response from the White House, deputy press secretary Andrew Bates told NBC News, “As you know, we don’t directly respond to campaigns from here. But honestly, I forgot she was running.”



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Given how an 80 y/o man is more sane than any of the GOP candidates, I will take that risk.

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The Republicans are going to go HARD on Biden’s age in 2024. It will NOT be pretty. The debates will be BRUTAL if he’s up against Trump which looks most likely. 

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Him as a corpse would be a better President than her 💀

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30 minutes ago, midnightdawn said:

, “As you know, we don’t directly respond to campaigns from here. But honestly, I forgot she was running.”



Who okay’d this statement? :rip: can’t think of a dumber thing to say. “As you know we don’t respond to campaigns, but here’s our response to her campaign”

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6 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

The Republicans are going to go HARD on Biden’s age in 2024. It will NOT be pretty. The debates will be BRUTAL if he’s up against Trump which looks most likely. 

With Trump as nominee, there probably won't be any debates at all, and both parties will be more than happy with that. Trump always accuses moderators of being unfair to him, and Biden runs the risk of blowing up everything with a gaffe so bad that exposes the fact that his mind isn't really there anymore.

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They were testing the waters during Palin/Trump eras and now they’ve learned being outwardly offensive and dishonest works and without reproach.

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16 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

The Republicans are going to go HARD on Biden’s age in 2024. It will NOT be pretty. The debates will be BRUTAL if he’s up against Trump which looks most likely. 

The kii being that Trump is only 4 years younger :gaycat6:

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3 minutes ago, suburbannature said:

They were testing the waters during Palin/Trump eras and now they’ve learned being outwardly offensive and dishonest works and without reproach.

What's dishonest about saying that an 80 year old man is likely to die of old age when he's already lived past the life expectancy of an American male?


Offensive? Only to pearl-clutching Democrats who are in denial about how close to the brink Biden is and are under the delusion that he's still the same spring chicken that debated circles around Paul Ryan. He's declined HEAVILY in the last ten years, and it shouldn't be offensive to acknowledge that.

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12 minutes ago, cockatoo said:

The kii being that Trump is only 4 years younger :gaycat6:

And in horrible physical shape :deadbanana2:


Biden is atleast fit and in good shape lmao

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7 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

What's dishonest about saying that an 80 year old man is likely to die of old age when he's already lived past the life expectancy of an American male?


Offensive? Only to pearl-clutching Democrats who are in denial about how close to the brink Biden is and are under the delusion that he's still the same spring chicken that debated circles around Paul Ryan. He's declined HEAVILY in the last ten years, and it shouldn't be offensive to acknowledge that.

And he's still in better shape than your man Trump :dies:

Fat" Viral Donald Trump Photo Is Photoshopped

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6 minutes ago, JustHoran said:

And he's still in better shape than your man Trump :dies:

Fat" Viral Donald Trump Photo Is Photoshopped

ClashAndBurn is not a Trump supporter. Most of the US wants new candidates anyway. Most do NOT want Biden to run for re-election. 

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17 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

What's dishonest about saying that an 80 year old man is likely to die of old age when he's already lived past the life expectancy of an American male?


Offensive? Only to pearl-clutching Democrats who are in denial about how close to the brink Biden is and are under the delusion that he's still the same spring chicken that debated circles around Paul Ryan. He's declined HEAVILY in the last ten years, and it shouldn't be offensive to acknowledge that.

I know you're not calling Democrats pearl-clutching with the current state of the Republican party :ahh: 

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9 minutes ago, JustHoran said:

And he's still in better shape than your man Trump :dies:

Fat" Viral Donald Trump Photo Is Photoshopped

I despise both of these old men, and not even because either of them are old/"past their prime" or whatever. If Trump croaked from choking on his nightly Big Mac+McFish meal, Biden would be even more screwed by having a much younger foil to contrast him, so you should be praying for a Trump candidacy since that's genuinely the Democrats' best chance at holding onto the fickle suburban moderates. :zzz: 


3 minutes ago, suburbannature said:

I know you're not calling Democrats pearl-clutching with the current state of the Republican party :ahh: 

You DON'T think Democrats spent four years clutching their pearls over a fictional pee tape filmed in a Russian hotel? :ahh: 

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12 minutes ago, Maxxxine said:


His mental fitness leaves something to be desired, and his VP doesn’t inspire much confidence though lbr here. 

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54 minutes ago, cockatoo said:

The kii being that Trump is only 4 years younger :gaycat6:


41 minutes ago, JustHoran said:

And in horrible physical shape :deadbanana2:


Biden is atleast fit and in good shape lmao

The insult they're doing is not about Biden himself - they're trying to pivot to the bigger liability that is Kamala. 


Trump similarly could soon die but he doesn't have a VP yet to make the argument on if he'd leave his presidency in bad hands.

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Didn’t she get pissed when Don Lemon said she was past her prime? And now she’s here commenting on age :skull: typical Republican hypocrite

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27 minutes ago, ZIVERT said:

Didn’t she get pissed when Don Lemon said she was past her prime? And now she’s here commenting on age :skull: typical Republican hypocrite

Don Lemon was being sexist with his comments, and THAT was what made people (not just Nikki Haley) angry with him. Not that I'd expect too many gay men on ATRL to care about misogyny.


Biden's age would be less relevant if his chosen successor wasn't so horrendous and unpopular.

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Not only is it a very strange thing to say, it’s also completely incorrect since once you reach 80 you actually have a very good statistical chance to live quite a few more years. But no one ever accused republicans of knowing their facts. 

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Which is why it's important to defeat Biden in Democratic primaries :clap3: 


Not only because of his questionable status but because Biden is unpopular and lacks energy to get voters out. Last election he barely beat Trump with 11k votes in swing states despite Trump's unpopularity and Covid crisis. In 2024, Biden is a losing game against any Republican nominee because he is unelectable and unpopular and lacks to motivate young and apolitical people to go out and vote.


Marianne Williamson Dnc Debates 2019 GIF by GIPHY News

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I mean, he's old as hell, but there's no way of knowing he's going to die in five years and this is simply a gross, disrespectful thing to say. If the shoe was on the other foot, Republicans would be having a field day, and the so-called progressives who weirdly push Republican talking points on a daily basis would also be pissed at Dems. :rip: 

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