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Who's more of a legend: Taylor Swift or Beyoncé?


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  1. 1. Who do you consider more of a legend

    • Taylor Swift
    • Beyoncé

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27 minutes ago, Redstreak said:

How many objectively acclaimed albums does this girl have to get before y’all stop living in this twilight realm where she’s seen as “basic” :gaycat6:  Midnights has the same meta score as Self-Titled ❤️ And how quickly y’all forget that her melodic work is just as acclaimed as her lyrical prowess, that’s just as much part of the songwriting. And what a laugh to claim that a genuine musician who can play multiple instruments has only a singular talent

We all know that she only has the same score because of poptimism, Midnights is nowhere near as respected as ST, that album was revolutionary in 2013 not a step backwards like Midnights.


Taylor also has AOTY’s because she is white, Bey deserves more but she’s at a huge systematic disadvantage.


Taylor might become a legend one day, when her impact is actually more reflected and people see her the way they see Beyonce


Sadly she will never be as talented as Beyonce so, it’s interesting how future generations will see her.


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It’s so gross that y’all say Taylor will never be as talented as Beyonce and vice versa. Taylor doesn’t have to be a vocal godsend or a dancer when she’s a composer and songwriter that Beyonce isn’t necessarily on the level of, and Beyonce doesn’t need to write or compose at the consistency that Taylor does when she can sing and dance better than almost any other mainstream artist these days.


They both excel, vastly, at different things. One is not more or less talented than the other. Neither is more or less authentic than the other. These are THE pinnacles of women in popular music this century and I can’t believe all of you have spent so much of this thread downplaying both of them. :shakeno: 

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It’s 2023 and y’all are still pitting women against each other :shutup: when will we ever learn

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Both are legends in their own right. 

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4 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

Is Billie Eilish a bigger legend than Madonna because she won AOTY? Is Bruno Mars a bigger legend than Prince because he has an AOTY Grammy?

There’s an Oscars joke in here somewhere :gaygacat6:

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My first thought was Taylor, but I get why Beyoncé most likely is the right answer 

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28 minutes ago, Trent W said:

We all know that she only has the same score because of poptimism, Midnights is nowhere near as respected as ST, that album was revolutionary in 2013 not a step backwards like Midnights.


Taylor also has AOTY’s because she is white, Bey deserves more but she’s at a huge systematic disadvantage.


Taylor might become a legend one day, when her impact is actually more reflected and people see her the way they see Beyonce


Sadly she will never be as talented as Beyonce so, it’s interesting how future generations will see her.


Not anywhere near as respected in what sense? Based on? It ranked on enough year end lists to place in the overall top 10 for the year so I’m just wondering

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Just now, Redstreak said:

Not anywhere near as respected in what sense? Based on? It ranked on enough year end lists to place in the overall top 10 for the year so I’m just wondering

Taylor is only talented in the songwriting area, and she navigates through white privilege(even tho is not her fault).


Beyonce is by far the best singer and performer of the last 3 generations, her music is always the most acclaimed in terms of females.


It’s just common sense.

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Both are legends but Beyonce is a household name in the media since she has a longer career. Taylor is also great and is bigger than Beyonce in terms of success. She is a very close second to Beyonce and will surely surpass her in a few years.

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4 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

Is Billie Eilish a bigger legend than Madonna because she won AOTY?


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17 minutes ago, Trent W said:

Taylor is only talented in the songwriting area, and she navigates through white privilege(even tho is not her fault).


Beyonce is by far the best singer and performer of the last 3 generations, her music is always the most acclaimed in terms of females.


It’s just common sense.

@WeFoundTrouble yeah plus only Beyoncé exhibits that visionary genius and creative force only seen in legends like Madonna and that sets her apart for all her contemporaries as well as the popgirls that came afterwards.

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1 hour ago, XtunaStan said:

She had to give away the tickets for her 2nd shows on UK and Ireland on her last tour b srs.

Beyonce last tour dates in the UK/Ireland didn't perform better than Taylor's and the gap in popularity only widened since then.

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8 minutes ago, Axelios said:

Beyonce last tour dates in the UK/Ireland didn't perform better than Taylor's and the gap in popularity only widened since then.

If you mean OTR II it still did better though. Bey's one date in Manchester grossed almost as much as Taylor's two dates and the London ones grossed almost the same despite Taylor having by far the bigger stadium :rip:


I'm not saying Taylor can't have 2 or even 3 geniunely soldout dates at Wembley now, but it still won't be enough to reach Bey's overall demand in the UK.

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33 minutes ago, XtunaStan said:

@WeFoundTrouble yeah plus only Beyoncé exhibits that visionary genius and creative force only seen in legends like Madonna and that sets her apart for all her contemporaries as well as the popgirls that came afterwards.

I could say “only Taylor exhibits the business and marketing sensibility that only Madonna has ever had before that set her apart from her contemporaries as well as pop girls afterwards” and it would be just as true as what you said. Taylor and Beyonce are the only women this century with the right combination of success, acclaim, and longevity that legends like Madonna have had. Beyonce is a creative visionary, you’re absolutely right — but Taylor also has something the other girls don’t have and that’s staying power, knowing just how much to reinvent and when to do so. Etc, things Madonna also knew. 

** I am not saying Taylor reinvented herself in the same ways Madonna did, Madonna was a lot more ambitious with her sound and aesthetic changes, but Taylor has successfully maintained and grown her fanbase by following this blueprint on a smaller scale and doing so in a way that no other pop girl since Madonna has been able to successfully do. 

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1 hour ago, Trent W said:

We all know that she only has the same score because of poptimism, Midnights is nowhere near as respected as ST, that album was revolutionary in 2013 not a step backwards like Midnights.


Taylor also has AOTY’s because she is white, Bey deserves more but she’s at a huge systematic disadvantage.


Taylor might become a legend one day, when her impact is actually more reflected and people see her the way they see Beyonce


Sadly she will never be as talented as Beyonce so, it’s interesting how future generations will see her.


Y'all have strung so many twisted narratives that you actually believe them.  You ignore the fact that both artists have multiple well-respected and acclaimed albums.  Taylor's won her AOTYs because she has acclaimed and respected albums and is a songwriter which despite what some people believe, is a talent.

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4 minutes ago, byzantium said:

Y'all have strung so many twisted narratives that you actually believe them.  You ignore the fact that both artists have multiple well-respected and acclaimed albums.  Taylor's won her AOTYs because she has acclaimed and respected albums and is a songwriter which despite what some people believe, is a talent.

They always lash us for putting her songwriting on a pedestal but we do that because people invalidate it so frequently by citing her as untalented just because she’s not a powerhouse vocalist or a backup dancer :rip: 

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Bey is more of a legend as she has been in the industry longer and proved herself time after time. But tay could and would be the bigger legend in the end unless bey is not going to stop until her 80s

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8 minutes ago, byzantium said:

Y'all have strung so many twisted narratives that you actually believe them.  You ignore the fact that both artists have multiple well-respected and acclaimed albums.  Taylor's won her AOTYs because she has acclaimed and respected albums and is a songwriter which despite what some people believe, is a talent.

I think Taylor is a talented songwriter and she definitely deserved and AOTY for Folklore, only for that album.


But honestly if she was black, asian or latina she wouldn’t get even the 10% of attention she gets as a white woman.


Beyonce is by far more respected, acclaimed and impacted culture in levels Taylor would dream of and all that while being a black woman.


I hate to use the race card, but Bey’s career is way more impressive and impactful considering everything she has against her.


To put everything into perspective, when they got political Bey released Formation and Taylor YNTCD.

That alone is a fair comparison of the quality each artist has. 

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No one listens to Beyonce's music anymore, so I'm going to have to go with Taylor for this one. 

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12 minutes ago, Trent W said:

I think Taylor is a talented songwriter and she definitely deserved and AOTY for Folklore, only for that album.


But honestly if she was black, asian or latina she wouldn’t get even the 10% of attention she gets as a white woman.


Beyonce is by far more respected, acclaimed and impacted culture in levels Taylor would dream of and all that while being a black woman.


I hate to use the race card, but Bey’s career is way more impressive and impactful considering everything she has against her.


To put everything into perspective, when they got political Bey released Formation and Taylor YNTCD.

That alone is a fair comparison of the quality each artist has. 

As a black person, Formation is not exactly a great song lol..


”I got hot sauce in my bag, swag” is no less cringe than shade never made anybody less gay. Bey is definitely a lot more political and you’re right, she has a lot more obstacles to overcome as a black woman, but that example of a song about activism wasn’t that great :deadbanana: 

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12 minutes ago, Trent W said:

I think Taylor is a talented songwriter and she definitely deserved and AOTY for Folklore, only for that album.


But honestly if she was black, asian or latina she wouldn’t get even the 10% of attention she gets as a white woman.


Beyonce is by far more respected, acclaimed and impacted culture in levels Taylor would dream of and all that while being a black woman.


I hate to use the race card, but Bey’s career is way more impressive and impactful considering everything she has against her.


To put everything into perspective, when they got political Bey released Formation and Taylor YNTCD.

That alone is a fair comparison of the quality each artist has. 

This is a strange response.  You switch your argument and agree with me that both artists have respected and acclaimed albums, but then come up with some strange hypothetical what if scenario to continue to discredit the other artist.  

Why is it so hard for y’all to accept that other artists can also be legends?  

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Both are legends; there’s no point of arguing - you have to be delusional to pretend otherwise. 

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10 hours ago, Devin said:

Mind u when Taylor reach Bey’s age them streams and sales are gonna wrinkle and dry up like her skin. And the NEXT sad white girl will blossom. :toofunny3:

How is this not considered racist? The double standard :rip: Don't even try to say it isn't when there would be 18 quotes in 5 minutes if the roles were reversed



I wonder when ppl will stop attacking others for their skin color...?

OT: Taylor of course :dies:

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