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Senate GOP roll back Biden's trucking emissions rule due to absent Sen. Feinstein


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It is so sexist/ anti feminist to ask a 90 year old woman, who doesn’t even remember what she ate for breakfast this morning, to retire! #womansrightsarehumanrights #womanareTIRED #slayqueen

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Incompetence is what Americans elect

Edited by Contessa
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This is why we need to set age limits in the government and/or force all government officials to take timed aptitude tests to keep their positions.  This is embarrassing on all levels.

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And Manchin remains embarrassing. :mazen:

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So shocked that there are no term/age limits in the US :deadbanana4:

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She should have removed herself years ago. You can tell she just does not care, and it was clear when she did this:



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But won't Biden just refuse to sign it? :rip: 

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3 minutes ago, Wonderland said:

But won't Biden just refuse to sign it? :rip: 

Joe Biden? Who just approved the Willow Project to spite environmentalists? :ahh: 

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1 minute ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Joe Biden? Who just approved the Willow Project to spite environmentalists? :ahh: 


Senate GOP roll back Biden's trucking emissions rule due to absent Sen. Feinstein

It's literally his rule they're trying to roll back why are you acting brand new? :rip: 

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2 minutes ago, Wonderland said:

It's literally his rule they're trying to roll back why are you acting brand new? :rip: 

The usage of Biden here is to indicate it's an EPA regulation done under his admin. There's no way to know if he would veto it given his recent move to the right on certain positions, particularly wrt environmental regulations.

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35 minutes ago, Wonderland said:

It's literally his rule they're trying to roll back why are you acting brand new? :rip: 

Why is Manchin moving to repeal his own Inflation Reduction Act? Biden and Manchin have been tacking massively to the right on environmental issues to attract Never Trump Republican voters.

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1 hour ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Why is Manchin moving to repeal his own Inflation Reduction Act? Biden and Manchin have been tacking massively to the right on environmental issues to attract Never Trump Republican voters.

Hell still probably veto this (while approving more oil projects). My theory (all just a guess): Schumer let this come to the floor so Manchin could vote for it, in exchange for Manchin to quit blocking some of Biden’s judges behind the scenes due to him not being happy how the IRA is being rolled out (they haven’t voted on judges since like mid March and are about to vote on a party line nom for the 9th circuit tomorrow). 

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39 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

Hell still probably veto this (while approving more oil projects). My theory (all just a guess): Schumer let this come to the floor so Manchin could vote for it, in exchange for Manchin to quit blocking some of Biden’s judges behind the scenes due to him not being happy how the IRA is being rolled out (they haven’t voted on judges since like mid March and are about to vote on a party line nom for the 9th circuit tomorrow). 

Not much that can be done about judges either since… well… Feinstein being selfish has completely ****** everything up. This genuinely won’t solve anything :skull: 


That woman’s hubris has created more problems than anyone else since RBG.

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She's disgusting and needs to resign NOW. These ancient skeletons in government are SO selfish. :biblionny:

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1 hour ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Not much that can be done about judges either since… well… Feinstein being selfish has completely ****** everything up. This genuinely won’t solve anything :skull: 


That woman’s hubris has created more problems than anyone else since RBG.

They have a lot of judges out of committee, that can be voted on. But there’s a few who need her vote (Michael Delaney for the 1st circuit though I hope gets shot down, he’s awful). What they can’t do is have Manchin or Sinema deflect on quite a few out of committee (they’re voting on 1 tomorrow on the senate floor for the 9th circuit).


Here, this list will give you a better representation: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_judges_appointed_by_Joe_Biden#United_States_courts_of_appeals

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That's what happens when you have two right wing parties.

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Feinstein da new RBG as it seems

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10 hours ago, elevate said:

She should have removed herself years ago. You can tell she just does not care, and it was clear when she did this:




QUEEN :bibliahh:

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2 hours ago, Virgos Groove said:

She's really gonna ruin her legacy and become the new RBG, huh? :rip:

I mean, the rest of the Senate Democrats are running cover for her…


in the end, this will ordeal be memory-holed, and the left will be blamed for Democrats not getting to fill more judge seats when they end up losing the Senate and making Mitch McConnell majority leader again

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