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Poll shows GOP voters more interested in “fighting woke” than protecting entitlements


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They’re so embarrassing 

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The class reductionist left LOST. It’s always been obvious that a lot of right-wingers aren’t right-wing for economic reasons. 

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This is something I quite don't really get still. Is the general sentiment that social security and medicare benefits aren't in danger of being cut thus not a priority for them? Or is it because they have the money to not care about those either way? :lakitu:

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8 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

The class reductionist left LOST. It’s always been obvious that a lot of right-wingers aren’t right-wing for economic reasons. 

While that is true, trump specifically (before and after being out of office) specifically called for the party to protect entitlements 

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I am so tired of these types of republicans.

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2 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

While that is true, trump specifically (before and after being out of office) specifically called for the party to protect entitlements 

It’s become abundantly clear that for a huge chunk of Republicans, culture war issues and “owning libs” is what primarily motivates them. Many have given up on the idea of entitlements. 

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It's way beyond time to stop indulging their sense of ego by using their buzzword/shield "woke."


Call these motherf***ing bigots exactly what they are, and push them back to the fringes of society where they belong. 



Edited by Reginald
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I do think it's only polling this way because they know it's safe with the Democrats in power. Many of them would switch like a ****** if their entitlements actually looked like they were getting the cut.

Edited by Wonderland
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Republicans will give up on absolutely everything in their anti-woke crusade except guns :rip:

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And yet it's the left who are sheep they say.


These people would saw off their own feet to "own the libs". And it's exactly why they will continue to fail.

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Hold on,


Wasn't there a recent poll that showed GOPP voters wanted Republicans to stop focusing on "woke" issues so much? :confused:

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7 hours ago, Wonderland said:

I do think it's only polling this way because they know it's safe with the Democrats in power. Many of them would switch like a ****** if their entitlements actually looked like they were getting the cut.

I agree with this to an extent.


But as has already been mentioned, there were some other recent polls contradicting this somewhat so who knows.

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Of course they are. The vast majority of Republicans themselves are not poor. They're largely rich weirdos or religious "traditionalist" weirdos, often many being both. Trump's danger was being able to play the populist con simply no other Republican can. Romney was literally going to beat Obama in 2012 before that clip leaked of him mocking the poor half of the country as lazy and entitled. 


The greatest hurdle for Dems while pushing neoliberalism will always be that most poor people stay home on elections instead of voting for either main party or third parties. 

Edited by Communion
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While a small sample size, I feel like this is probably mostly true. Both online and offline, interactions with most republicans/conservatives in the United States show vastly more outrage at the left and woke and stuff like that than they are about actual issues. I have a lot of opinions on why that is, but I don’t feel like getting into it and it’s probably obvious anyway.


My favorite thing to bring up though is asking them what they actually do for a life. Or do they just spend their free time watching and browsing anger inducing media to make the person telling them rich? And you see the wheels turning in their head as they realize they’re lifeless and angry about something that has actually had just about no negative impact on their actual life. They just have an opinion and want to be right and that’s how they’re spending their life and it’s sad without making any actual difference about the things they supposedly care for

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