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Marianne Williamson: Democratic Party Should Sever Co-Dependent Relationship with DNC


Did She Spill on the DNC?  

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Mother spilled! :clap3:

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Her point is totally valid. Why is Biden being imposed as the ultimate dem nominee? He should totally face the primary process





Edited by shyboi
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Way too much to unpack with this. Progressive groups since the Southern Strategy haven't been able to, for about 20 different reasons, have strong enough influence on the DNC. Especially when compared to the far-right which since the Tea Party has essentially taken over the neocons at the RNC.


She's right to a degree, but the inherent nature of the activist class is to not be wrangled or streamlined, the best recent example of which was the debate around the slogan Defund the Police. The donor and consultant class comparable to the DNC recoiled because it wasn't marketable, and the activists who never wanted to kowtow wanted to try and break through niceties to make a larger point about policing with its slave system roots needing to be pulled out from the root and started from scratch because we were so far from the point of trying to meet folks halfway with higher mental health and community service funding. The fraternal orders weren't ever going to be willing to budge on qualified immunity and the conversation died.


When enough coalescing of groups on the left begins to resemble the power of The Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation, call me. Otherwise it just strikes me as shouting into the wind. The progressive movement appears dead at the moment if Pramila Jayapal's latest actions are any indication.

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22 minutes ago, shyboi said:

Why is Biden being imposed as the ultimate dem nominee? He should totally face the primary process





bc incumbent presidents never lose primaries.

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23 minutes ago, shyboi said:

Why is Biden being imposed as the ultimate dem nominee? He should totally face the primary process





because hes the current president...? lmfaoooo. are you even voting age? in a way i hope you're not, that would make this logic less sad :rip:

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52 minutes ago, shyboi said:

Her point is totally valid. Why is Biden being imposed as the ultimate dem nominee? He should totally face the primary process





he's the incumbent president

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9 minutes ago, Horizon Flame said:

Marianne is an evil crackpot. She’s as big a grifter as Trump. What she did to AIDS victims is unforgivable. No to the antivaxxer. 



Marianne was one of the few people willing to help AIDS patients during that time:



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speaking as if she'd ever have a chance against Biden let alone Trump 

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21 minutes ago, xo_hours said:

speaking as if she'd ever have a chance against Biden 

I mean.... why shouldn't she even be given a chance to run against Biden, which is her complaint? In 2020, people polling in the single digits were all given the chance to participate in debates and give their policies. 


At the time of the first debate, in June 2019, all of these people had single digit polling:
- Cory Booker
- Pete Buttigieg
- Kamala Harris


Yet had been given the ability and privilege to compare their vision for the Democratic party against actually frontrunners like Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren.


That's not even touching on the people who didn't appear in most polls yet still qualified for the initial debate because of only needing to poll in at 1% in three different polls, like:
- Beto O'Rourke
- Amy Klobuchar
- Julian Castro
- Tim Ryan
- Jay Inslee
- John Delaney
- Andrew Yang
- Kristen Gillibrand
- John Hickenlooper
- Michael Bennet
- Eric Swalwell


This is why the hostility to Williamson doesn't make sense. The DNC has opened its doors many of times to grifters and political opportunists. Think back to 2020. Think back to all the debates. What do you even remember from any of them during the primary? Who mentioned an iota of policy ideas that stuck with you? 


Really all that sticks with me is Bernie defending the merits of M4A from an all out attack with Buttigieg mocking universal healthcare as too much like *checks notes* civil rights (the moment I lowkey decided I couldn't trust the Democratic Party) and Marianne putting herself forward and fighting for reparations to get talked about.


These conversations don't hurt the party. These conversations save the party from itself.

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It's obvious the ''Democrats'' don't want to give her a platform because she would destroy Biden and make him look terrible, further undermining his already slim chances at winning again. :rip:


This kind of move only hurts us common people and I wish more of y'all could see that. Even if Biden woins that's not really a good thing all things considered anyway. :doc: 

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right message wrong messenger. i think a lot of y’all are actually smarter than to fall for this fame hungry dingbat’s platitudes / copy-pasted policy positions but u hate the “liberal” wing of the party so much that you will accept anyone who parrots the talking points y’all wanna hear


she’s not even the first person to say this $h!t …. she’s an unserious candidate that has listened closely to what leftists want to hear and will say anything to corral as many of them as possible even tho they (lot of y’all on here) know damn well this idiot does not know how to implement/follow through with any of it. truly the donald trump of the leftists, but with less charisma and savvy.

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Talking about grifters while supporting Biden and his fellow corporate payola'd polticians who have been grifting general popular and middle class for 6 decades now. The lack of self-observation.



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  • ATRL Moderator
15 hours ago, JustHoran said:

he's the incumbent president

Why does this matter?


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  • ATRL Moderator
19 hours ago, fathillaryduff said:

because hes the current president...?

We shouldn't have democratic processes because we have an incumbent president? Make it make sense? Shouldn't Democatic voters get to decide in 2024 if they think he's done a sufficiently good enough of a job to be the candidate once again or should they be given no option to chime in?

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Would I like actual democracy in the democratic party? Sure! But dems are liberals, it's against their nature to think outside the box. It's why Republicans will always have a place in america. Brothers in arms.

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19 hours ago, qurl said:

right message wrong messenger. i think a lot of y’all are actually smarter than to fall for this fame hungry dingbat’s platitudes / copy-pasted policy positions but u hate the “liberal” wing of the party so much that you will accept anyone who parrots the talking points y’all wanna hear


she’s not even the first person to say this $h!t …. she’s an unserious candidate that has listened closely to what leftists want to hear and will say anything to corral as many of them as possible even tho they (lot of y’all on here) know damn well this idiot does not know how to implement/follow through with any of it. truly the donald trump of the leftists, but with less charisma and savvy.

And neither does the current president so what is your point?


Marianne Williamaon is no more unserious or a grifter than someone like Kamala Harris who grifted her way to a VP slot, for example. 

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4 hours ago, Communion said:

And neither does the current president so what is your point?


Marianne Williamaon is no more unserious or a grifter than someone like Kamala Harris who grifted her way to a VP slot, for example. 

the solution can’t be “okay she’s a grifter, so is the current admin” … ur above that hunnie !

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