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Joe Biden officially announces Reelection Campaign

Martyr Of Fame

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I really don’t want to vote for him again but I don’t feel I have a choice because I don’t want a Republican to win either, I feel a third party has no chance, and I don’t want to not vote. Our options as Democratic voters for 2024 are disappointing.


Considering the state of inflation and his continued lack of improvement/action in most areas of life (imo), I am pretty concerned he won’t be re-elected & he’s basically leaving the door wide open for a Republican to swoop in.

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I always thought it was weird the starting age to be president is 35 but there is no cap off limit in age :rip: 

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17 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:

Your tokenizing and weaponizing of “black voters” in your posts is borderline insulting and downright ridiculous. Find a better argument 

i literally brought it up as a point of comparison between the leftists on this website falling over themselves to announce how they’re not voting and people who have to endure constant voter suppression but choose to show up anyway. the response i got from those leftists was to accuse black women of being diversity hires, downplay the importance of black women in the democratic coalition and diminish the importance of the millions of black voters who live in red states. i’ll find a better argument when leftists have a better response. but sorry for breaking up the “voting is useless” virtue signaling party.

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Biden was far from my first choice. I understand some of the criticisms about him, and generally agree we need younger leaders. However, I think History will reflect kindly on him... It's almost miraculous, some of the things he's been able to achieve with such a divided legislature. His achievements aren't talked about enough, IMO, and people focus too much on his drawbacks.


After Biden, though, we for sure need new leaders. It's time.

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1 hour ago, Hannah Hunt said:

that was 3 national elections ago 

It was 2 presidential elections ago and what literally ushered into Trump. 


Also nor you trying to virtue signal with "Listen to black women" claiming Biden is somehow representative of them (Bernie won young black voters when there were actua primaries) yet you dismiss listening to black women when they show that Democrats need a fully progressive policy platform including economically progressice to ensure both their turnout and everyone else's. 


Joe Biden is getting heat because he is moving to the right in the last 6 months- literally the opposite of what he did in 2020 in order to win. Ate you just trolling in purpose?

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I will vote for him, there's literally no other choice, we can't afford another 4 years of Dump and his insane fanatics, he will destroy not only our country but many others too including Ukraine :gaycat2:

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  • ATRL Moderator
4 hours ago, Hannah Hunt said:

why do you have such a problem with black voters having their voice heard?

This may shock you, but older Black voters in South Carolina are not representative of all Black people in the United States.



~A Black voter :heart: 

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4 hours ago, Hannah Hunt said:

the far redder state Iowa

Neither Iowa or South Carolina should represent Democrats but what you're claiming is a misnomer when SC is literally redder than IA.


Trump won Iowa by 9 points and SC by 12 points. 

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would rather trump won than him tbh. and wouldnt even be surprised if he did win considering the rise of figures like andrew tate amongst gen z in the last year or so.

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7 hours ago, Gov Hooka said:

Don’t care to vote. But I will keep supporting local orgs and helping those in need in my immediate community because that’s what ACTUALLY matters. Not some useless vote for corrupt politicians that serve corporate power. The people crying in here writing essays about what they wanna do with one minuscule vote that won’t actually amount to change are really funny. Sincerely wonder what y’all’s political engagement outside of the theater and farce of US elections actually is.

oh wow you spilled :clap3:

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7 hours ago, Pop said:

Joe Biden is an amazing president.



I have been trying to remain optmistic but y'all are really making it tough.

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I will be voting for Marianne for president and then down ballet for my state and local candidates.


I will not be scammed by the media to vote for Biden who is pretty much a republican again. We need someone younger and with fresher ideas. 

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The only thing he should be announcing is immediate retirement. This clown show needs to stop eventually, right?

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49 minutes ago, Cruel Summer said:

The only thing he should be announcing is immediate retirement. This clown show needs to stop eventually, right?


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6 hours ago, Miss Show Business said:

Biden was far from my first choice. I understand some of the criticisms about him, and generally agree we need younger leaders. However, I think History will reflect kindly on him... It's almost miraculous, some of the things he's been able to achieve with such a divided legislature. His achievements aren't talked about enough, IMO, and people focus too much on his drawbacks.


After Biden, though, we for sure need new leaders. It's time.

This is very well said. :clap3:

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10 hours ago, Miss Show Business said:

Biden was far from my first choice. I understand some of the criticisms about him, and generally agree we need younger leaders. However, I think History will reflect kindly on him... It's almost miraculous, some of the things he's been able to achieve with such a divided legislature. His achievements aren't talked about enough, IMO, and people focus too much on his drawbacks.


After Biden, though, we for sure need new leaders. It's time.

“New leaders” will include:


Kamala Harris, who will flop with the biggest Electoral College loss in over 40 years


Pete Buttigieg who has utterly failed as a mayor, condemning the homeless of South Bend, Indiana, to death by hypothermia as a result of his gentrification projects, AND has failed as Transportation Secretary.


Josh Shapiro, who is more or less another Biden- inoffensive and boring as a contrast to MAGA insanity. Not necessarily a compelling case when the Democratic base is depressed and demoralized after years of extreme failure.


Gavin Newsom, the textbook definition of California elitism distilled into Coastal Liberal snobbishness. Middle America would revolt against him.


Gretchen Whitmer, who really is the least egregiously bad out of the bunch, but her being an insurance heiress will be a massive turnoff for the left.


There are no new ideas to be found in the Democrats’ future. It’s guaranteed that there will be more decades of corrupt neoliberal ghoulishness while fighting off the left flank harder than they ever would against Republicans.

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8 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

“New leaders” will include:


Kamala Harris, who will flop with the biggest Electoral College loss in over 40 years


Pete Buttigieg who has utterly failed as a mayor, condemning the homeless of South Bend, Indiana, to death by hypothermia as a result of his gentrification projects, AND has failed as Transportation Secretary.


Josh Shapiro, who is more or less another Biden- inoffensive and boring as a contrast to MAGA insanity. Not necessarily a compelling case when the Democratic base is depressed and demoralized after years of extreme failure.


Gavin Newsom, the textbook definition of California elitism distilled into Coastal Liberal snobbishness. Middle America would revolt against him.


Gretchen Whitmer, who really is the least egregiously bad out of the bunch, but her being an insurance heiress will be a massive turnoff for the left.


There are no new ideas to be found in the Democrats’ future. It’s guaranteed that there will be more decades of corrupt neoliberal ghoulishness while fighting off the left flank harder than they ever would against Republicans.

I think your analysis of all these guys is mostly spot on (as somebody that lives in middle America, Gavin Newsome would be booed out of here). Shapiro is too new to the national scene and isn’t really defined yet, but he’s the most charismatic as a speaker and on overall “vibes”, but I’d see him as Obama 2.0 (not a good thing).

From a policy standpoint, Whitmer would get my vote (her repealing right to work is better than anything any of these politicans listed above has done). I can’t say the same for any of the above other than maybe Shapiro (I would not vote for Kamala, Pete, or Gavin)  

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22 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

I think your analysis of all these guys is mostly spot on (as somebody that lives in middle America, Gavin Newsome would be booed out of here). Shapiro is too new to the national scene and isn’t really defined yet, but he’s the most charismatic as a speaker and on overall “vibes”, but I’d see him as Obama 2.0 (not a good thing).

From a policy standpoint, Whitmer would get my vote (her repealing right to work is better than anything any of these politicans listed above has done). I can’t say the same for any of the above other than maybe Shapiro (I would not vote for Kamala, Pete, or Gavin)  

I can’t say I have personal objections to any of them except for the McKinsey Agent, but I’m realistic that mostly none of them are as electable as liberals want to believe they are. Whitmer really is the least objectionable, followed by Shapiro.


I don’t -hate- Kamala. Really she just exists. But… even though she’s almost guaranteed to be the successor to Biden and has the strongest chance of winning a primary, whether it’s contested or a default coronation process a la 2016… she has the least going for her from a general election perspective of anybody on the list.


Biden showed a severe lack of wisdom when he selected Kamala Harris as his Vice President. :doc: 

Edited by ClashAndBurn
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The difference in quality between these two announcements is shocking. :rip: 

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32 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

I can’t say I have personal objections to any of them except for the McKinsey Agent, but I’m realistic that mostly none of them are as electable as liberals want to believe they are. Whitmer really is the least objectionable, followed by Shapiro.


I don’t -hate- Kamala. Really she just exists. But… even though she’s almost guaranteed to be the successor to Biden and has the strongest chance of winning a primary, whether it’s contested or a default coronation process a la 2016… she has the least going for her from a general election perspective of anybody on the list.


Biden showed a severe lack of wisdom when he selected Kamala Harris as his Vice President. :doc: 

I personally wanted Biden to select Tammy Duckworth as his VP. Veteran, not terrible on policy, a solid senator (not like amazing, but she does her job well). Throwing that opportunity away for Kamala was…..such a waste. 

I don’t *hate* any of them, but I would not vote for them (with the exception of Whitmer and maybe Shapiro). 

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