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MTG calls Dylan M a pedophile


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How amazing would it be if Dylan sued her ass for every penny she's worth?

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I can see why people find her triggering, but her shtick is to be provocative and as loud as possible. As a teacher, you learn to tune people like this out. 

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If Dylan opens up a fund to sue this idiot and cover the legal fees, I'd donate for sure.

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Hope her ass get sued over this.

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15 minutes ago, Zoe_ said:

She can be sued for this.

I was thinking this but then she also deleted her video. Would Dylan still be able to persute a lawsuit?


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:bibliahh: What a clown :clownny: At this point, I genuinely would not be surprised MTG is a pedo herself. No one without skeletons in their closet would throw around accusations like this 

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Dylan should hit IT with a fat lawsuit. 
the party of “personal responsibility” need to start being held accountable for the repulsive sh#t they say daily. 

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These people do nothing but project so I won’t be surprised if it’s eventually revealed she had an affair with a teenage boy, honesty 

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33 minutes ago, SmittenCake said:

I was thinking this but then she also deleted her video. Would Dylan still be able to persute a lawsuit?


Yes, she would 

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MTG is a noted child predator. She has literally attacked survivors of school shootings. She needs to stop projecting on others. There is only one person she needs to worry about and that is herself. 

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45 minutes ago, getBusy said:

If Dylan opens up a fund to sue this idiot and cover the legal fees, I'd donate for sure.

BAM! seconded :clap3:


I feel for Dylan. people are such assh*les these days and she doesn’t deserve any of this vitriol

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This *** is a horrible person, and sadly rightly represents a good chunk of the right in this country. I also agree Dylan should sue, the problem is that I don't know if this is actionable. There have been similar lawsuits dismissed on 1A because they consider it political rhetoric (which is insane, yes)

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Why do Americans keep voting for her? Does she help the public in any shape or form? I just don't get it. 

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How does a congressman have time to run a podcast 

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1 hour ago, RockStarShit101 said:

Why do Americans keep voting for her? Does she help the public in any shape or form? I just don't get it. 

Girl it's just a few people in Northern Georgia who keep voting for her, no one else wants her :gaycat6:


I really hope Dylan sues her ass

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1 hour ago, RockStarShit101 said:

Why do Americans keep voting for her? Does she help the public in any shape or form? I just don't get it. 

if you were to visit the district she represents in georgia, you’d understand unfortunately :doc:

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1 hour ago, Katamari said:

How does a congressman have time to run a podcast 

Coause she doesn't do ****

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Marge is going to get hit with a defamation suit for this

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  • ATRL Moderator

I honestly would have no idea who Dylan Mulvaney is if transphobes just shut the f**k up about her. I hope she sues MTG and wins for this because this is unacceptable.

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3 minutes ago, Bloo said:

I honestly would have no idea who Dylan Mulvaney is if transphobes just shut the f**k up about her. I hope she sues MTG and wins for this because this is unacceptable.

This. I don’t know the first thing about the girl and had never even heard of her before the Bud Light thing. Regardless, she should sue MTJ’s a** and I’d happily donate towards her legal fees. 

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