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Austria Elections: Far Right surge & Communists return to parliament after 80 years


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Capitalist have no one but to blaim but themselves for lack support. Capitalist greed has ****** up people. Everything is so expensive, people can’t afford homes, or buy anything even with 2 or 3 jobs under their belt and looks like the younger generations won’t be able to retire either. I know people will say communist isn’t the answer but it’s clear as delight people want something new or anything than can make peoples lives easier. 

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Dankl the new Tito :celestial2:


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23 hours ago, publikcitizen said:

Is this good or bad?

an objectively good thing, obviously. :skull:


edit: I was refering to the communists part, not the far right one btw :rip:

Edited by AMIT
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2 hours ago, publikcitizen said:

Is this good or bad?

Almost 40% of the seats went to extremist parties. What do you think?

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Now for what it's worth, this is just a state parliament, and I'm not familiar enough with Austrian political dynamics to know whether or not it might be indicative of what a future federal election would look like, but it's definitely a noteworthy mix of political ideologies in the same space :gaycat6:

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Very expected outcome since the big parties have been completely ignoring a large share of the electorate (just like in many other European countries)

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Nothing good comes from Austria.

Germany shouldn't follow their trajectory. I hope we can kick The Left from the Bundestag next election since they were actually under the 5% hurdle. :giraffe: Austria should take notes.

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