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Next US president Marianne Williamson discusses her rapid rising popularity with GenZ


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As well as being the Queen of TikTok :clap3:


She also drags Jordan Peterson and neoliberal media blackout, discusses that pathethic infamous Politico smear article of being a meanie Girl Boss and slays her speech at various college campus events. 


President of Zoomers, soon to be US :clap3:


ATRLers, are we ready for Mother Williamson to be mothering America?


Marianne Williamson Thank You GIF


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BiDONE is trembling. 


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Considering she was at 10% a month ago and is now at 4%, I’m not sure “rapidly rising” is the right term :bird:


6 points below an anti-vax candidate in a Democratic primary… Marianne sis

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Now if the boomers would all just die and stop hanging on for dear life, we could easily elect her into office but I just know it’s gonna be so hard :jonny2:

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1 hour ago, Icarus said:

Considering she was at 10% a month ago and is now at 4%, I’m not sure “rapidly rising” is the right term :bird:


6 points below an anti-vax candidate in a Democratic primary… Marianne sis

ATRL doesn't like to live in reality. 

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1 hour ago, Icarus said:

Considering she was at 10% a month ago and is now at 4%, I’m not sure “rapidly rising” is the right term :bird:


6 points below an anti-vax candidate in a Democratic primary… Marianne sis

This numbers don’t go well with Atrl’s alternative reality :celestial5:

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23 minutes ago, zasderfght said:

ATRL doesn't like to live in reality. 


17 minutes ago, Sergi91 said:

This numbers don’t go well with Atrl’s alternative reality :celestial5:

Atrl sees a woman running and makes it about stanning

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Ugh…quit trying to make marianne williamson happen. It’s not going to happen.

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2 hours ago, Icarus said:

Considering she was at 10% a month ago and is now at 4%, I

I know you're British and thus American polls can be confusing but the link you provided above shows she was at 4% and remains at 4% despite a Kennedy entering the race. Shocking that Biden lost over 8 points from Kennedy entering. Maybe you didn't read what you shared. 


Marianne stable while Biden is fragile. :clap3:

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1 hour ago, zasderfght said:

ATRL doesn't like to live in reality. 


1 hour ago, Sergi91 said:

This numbers don’t go well with Atrl’s alternative reality :celestial5:


1 hour ago, Jotham said:

I can't believe some people on this site actually watch Breaking Points :dies:

3 people getting duped into believing fake news by a foreign operative posting misinformation about American elections. :biblio:

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20 minutes ago, Communion said:



3 people getting duped into believing fake news by a foreign operative posting misinformation about American elections. :biblio:

I'm open to being wrong about where I got my facts, but do you truly believe Marianne Williamson, of all the possible Democratic candidates, actually has a chance of winning in 2024? 

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24 minutes ago, Communion said:

I know you're British and thus American polls can be confusing but the link you provided above shows she was at 4% and remains at 4% despite a Kennedy entering the race. Shocking that Biden lost over 8 points from Kennedy entering. Maybe you didn't read what you shared. 


Marianne stable while Biden is fragile. :clap3:


Not to mention that poll has nothing to do with polling specifically Gen Z voters :dies:  


1 minute ago, zasderfght said:

I'm open to being wrong about where I got my facts, but do you truly believe Marianne Williamson, of all the possible Democratic candidates, actually has a chance of winning in 2024? 


Most Marianne supporters want to see her get as much platform as possible to spread left-wing message to broad voters first and foremost. In particular; demanding universal healthcare as number one issue


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6 minutes ago, zasderfght said:

I'm open to being wrong about where I got my facts, but - 

I mean, there really is no but. That user claimed Williamson fell 6 points in that poll and its just objectively untrue. I just don't see merit in debating the rest because I believe people can have whatever opinion they want and vote or not vote for whoever they want. It is of note to me though that specific user who posted the misinformation is trying to influence our elections through lies. :michael:

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18 hours ago, Communion said:

I mean, there really is no but. That user claimed Williamson fell 6 points in that poll and its just objectively untrue. I just don't see merit in debating the rest because I believe people can have whatever opinion they want and vote or not vote for whoever they want. It is of note to me though that specific user who posted the misinformation is trying to influence our elections through lies. :michael:

I didn't mean "but" in saying misinformation is ever okay. I actually respect the hell out of your previous posts (no joke/sarcasm), I like that you're thorough w your research. 


I meant "but" as in I still think Marianne doesn't have a shot of winning at all. Great she wants to spark new debates in the next election cycle (and democracy, at large), but who is going to take her seriously? She had two opportunities to prove herself on the debate stage, and she says crap like "And only love can cast out [the dark forces]," antidepressants are a bandaid for depression (yes, she apologized for downplaying or suggesting antidepressant meds. don't have their place), but no one asked for her opinion on psych. meds, and as someone who is literally dependent on antidepressants, she can shove it. 


Also, not a fan of her posting stuff like "Millions of us seeing Dorian turn away from land is not a wacky idea; it is a creative use power of the mind." "Visualization, meditation for those in the storm." This makes it sound like she's saying people can block the hurricane with their minds :rip:


I can get behind what she stands for-- reparations for black people, treating the root cause of a mental and/or physical illness, demanding clean energy, but her lack of political experience AND her total lack of ability to read the room is why people like me and the GP cannot take her seriously. 


I hope that makes sense. Believe me, I'm not a Biden fan (and absolutely not a Trump or Republican supporter/fan), but Marianne Williamson is not the answer. 

Edited by zasderfght
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Sure jan, Marianne isn't winning.

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I could never vote for Biden again after being scammed to vote for him in the last election. 

neither would I vote for trump.


so she has my vote.

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4 hours ago, zasderfght said:

I hope that makes sense. Believe me, I'm not a Biden fan

if someone isn't a Biden fan, then they would simply have no issue with someone challenging him from the left - which is objectively what Marianne is doing. If someone simply wants the Democrats to remain a center-right party and and Biden to keep making his dash to the right with his latest set of conservative actions, I'd rather they just say such instead of quickly trying to Google quotes by Marianne that don't actually mean what @ProudBrooklynBidenFan says they do, or post outright information, like that one right-wing British user did.


And I'm not saying that's you. I have no investment in people being on the Williamson bandwagon. If her vibe isn't for you, that's totally fine. But "I don't think Williamson's efforts to push Biden to the left will work, the Dems / Biden are hopeless and I probably just won't vote" is very different than these arguments of "She's not going to win! Stop trying to discredit Biden! FOCUS ON TRUMP!!" that right-wing liberals on ATRL continue to make.


Not liking Marianne because she's to your right is fine. Not liking Marianne's because she's to Biden's left is not.

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8 hours ago, MotoPapi said:

I could never vote for Biden again after being scammed to vote for him in the last election. 

You are kind of serving 


Biden was a conservative leaning moderate in the Senate for 35 years. His presidency has mostly been to the left of the stances he had in the Senate. Still extremely moderate and this year he has been drifting to the right 

Biden’s biggest selling point in 2020 was that he could beat Trump. I don’t think anyone thought Biden was going to an extremely progressive president, even though his republican rivals claimed that he is a socialist controlled by Bernie, AOC and the “radical” left 


Anyway, if the only democrat primary contenders are Biden, Williamson and Kennedy, I’ll be voting for Williamson. 

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On 4/14/2023 at 2:20 PM, CottageHore said:

Now if the boomers would all just die and stop hanging on for dear life, we could easily elect her into office but I just know it’s gonna be so hard :jonny2:

Boomers could all vanish in a puff of smoke and she’d still lose. 

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