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Kingdom Hearts Animated Film Prospects?!


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Following the Smash hit Mario Movie, the Internet has been making speculation on Disney’s response. Frozen 3, Toy Story 5 and a New Zootopia have been officially GreenLit for developers.


With a VideoGame Adaptation Movement taking place in Film & Tv in the 2020’s, Many fans are open to a proper Kingdom Hearts Theatrical adaptation. The Convoluted Nature of the Plot and eccentric characters on the Final Fantasy side, may not be a Commercial Draw.


However, who could possibly tell of the potential that the Series has now that Multiverses and crossovers is mainstream. For those unaware of the iconic series of games, it mashes all Disney IP’s & Final Fantasy in an epic Tale. 

Thoughts on a High Budget Kingdom Hearts Series? Will it be a Massive hit if the rumors turn out to be true, or will it be a moderate success like Wreck it Ralph? Or would you prefer the finish up KH4 before talks of a Movie?

Edited by Gorjesspazze9
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I thought that Frozen 3 had already been in the works. I would like a well done Kingdom Hearts film (animated or live action). It has all the potential to be great because it can feed on nostalgia without being a complete recreation. 

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I'm not sure if an animated film would work, but I could see it do well as an animated TV series.

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1 hour ago, Gorjesspazze9 said:

Frozen 3, Toy Story 5 and a New Zootopia have been officially GreenLit for developers.

Those were greenlit way before Super Mario debuted ( unless you're saying that's what Disney is doing already and asking what else should they do).



I'm more for a series bur they have to do 4 first and clear up the storyline a bit cuz even as a fan of the series it's mad confusing. 

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46 minutes ago, JBJT2786 said:

Those were greenlit way before Super Mario debuted ( unless you're saying that's what Disney is doing already and asking what else should they do).



I'm more for a series bur they have to do 4 first and clear up the storyline a bit cuz even as a fan of the series it's mad confusing. 

Yeah I know. 

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I think it would be a disaster :rip:


I mean KH has some of the more confusing and badly explained lore in what you could call JRPGs. Don't get me wrong I am a huge fan and I love it, but I can't see it being translated well onto a movie if they already don't do a good enough job in the games. Maybe a series, but they would need a good ass screenwriter :michael:

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goodluck trying to adapt that plot :bibliahh:

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The problem is the source material. The first two entries were absolutely incredible and then the series jumped the shark. They need to retcon three and then just go it over again, tbh. Then they should focus on a TV series.

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2 hours ago, Cloudy said:

I think it would be a disaster :rip:


I mean KH has some of the more confusing and badly explained lore in what you could call JRPGs. Don't get me wrong I am a huge fan and I love it, but I can't see it being translated well onto a movie if they already don't do a good enough job in the games. Maybe a series, but they would need a good ass screenwriter :michael:

Same I’ve played this game all my life but I still don’t understand the story :deadbanana: 

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They would need to start with a real live action or animated Final Fantasy series first before they can do this.  FF is like the backbone of Kingdom Hearts and absolutely nothing in KH makes sense without that context.


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HELL NO, cause Nomura would find a way to make it an extension of canon and make things even more complicated :deadbanana2: let him cook with KH4 and the subsequent new arc and games before we start talking about other media projects jdkfkfk

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If they re-wrote it from scratch, sure! 

The series never met its potential because of terrible writing. Essentially KH1 was the peak. 

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Mario stans told me story doesn't matter in an animated movie and seeing how successful his movie is, they should do it.



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A TV series would be preferable but I want any kind of adaption. All we have is the manga. 

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