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How would you go about tackling the obesity crisis?


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What I want to say is that we need to just start treating unhealthy food like the monster it is. Alcohol and cigarettes come with warnings on them, so I don’t understand why a McDonalds Happy Meal or a large soda that contains days’ worth of sugar doesn’t have a health warning in big block letters on it that it’s bad for you or could cause adverse effects in large quantities. 

Then again that doesn’t necessarily stop being from abusing alcohol and cigarettes either, and most dietitians say labeling foods as “bad” leads to disordered eating. So maybe that’s not the solution.


Even still, there’s this notion that it’s “no big deal” to “treat yourself” every now and then as though some of these foods aren’t basically poisons - and we willingly buy them for our children on the regular - so we definitely need to start seeing these foods for what they are and ditch the nonchalant attitudes about them. 

edit: this isn’t a solution per se, but I guess what I’m trying to see is that I wish we had a culture where we associates sodas and cakes with vaping more than salads and whole grains. There should be more moral panic about our abuse of junk food than there is. I’d like to see some outrage. 

Edited by HeavyMetalAura
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38 minutes ago, Digitalism said:

Put a huge tax on foods high in glucose 

and make the rest of us pay just because some fat people can’t stop stuffing their faces like a laundry basket ? yeah no

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Mandatory fat camp for people above a certain BMI, obviously. 

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give free lipo and ozempic to obese people. plus ban fast food from serving them. 

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56 minutes ago, shookspeare said:

make bullying mainstream again

There is already a movement like that for men. Many men are being pressured now to lose weight and start doing physical fitness. Not straight up bullying but many influencers are now pushing guys to workout more in order to get a girlfriend, have more sex, get out of depression, make yourself presentable, get more confident to make friends and improve your appearance at work and social life at least for men it’s socially more acceptable to pressure guys to physically improve themselves. 

with women unfortunately no it’s more accepting to be plus size or accept how her body is at least on social media. 

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If we're talking about the US (I'm American so that's all I can really speak to), then I'd overhaul the entire food industry. Get rid of or substantially lower corn subsidies, increase subsidies on healthier crops. Regulate the ingredients that are put into food. A lot of food companies put ingredients in specifically because they know those ingredients make people more addicted to their foods. I'd heavily integrate health and wellness into the public school system (though the education system in America also needs a complete overhaul), make cooking classes a requirement from at least middle school up. Turn physical education classes into something that doesn't seem like a punishment to a large segment of students by offering a wide variety of physical activities for students to engage in. 


There's probably more, but this is what I immediately think of. 

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30 minutes ago, ScorpiosGroove said:

and make the rest of us pay just because some fat people can’t stop stuffing their faces like a laundry basket ? yeah no

the people in this thread are horrible. have something nice and useful to say. 

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9 minutes ago, thetea said:


the people in this thread are horrible. have something nice and useful to say. 

quote them instead of me then 

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1 hour ago, LoveInStereo said:

If we take nutrition out of the equation, the average person is sedentary throughout the day much more than they should be. I walk 30 minutes to & from work & my coworkers act like I’m climbing Everest because they all sit on transit or drive. Staying active is important & helps your metabolism!

Thats not feasible if it would be a 2 hr walk to work (for me) especially depending where you live. 


Edit actually 4 hrs lol



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Do what they do in Japan: government raises your taxes if the measurement of your waistline is above a certain limit.

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I’d do nothing. It’s a population filter like anything else. 

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1 hour ago, liver said:

jail for everyone who preaches body positivity 

I think body positivity is good but just to some extent. Some are going too far with it which makes people think being lazy and careless about your health/body are encouraged.


I have 2 jobs but I need to get my ass to the gym and train my ass off everyday to achieve the body that I have and they are saying that I am shallow and that I just want to be a f-boy.. eye- :skull:



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1 minute ago, duybeeGAshantiGA said:

I think body positivity is good but just to some extent. Some are going too far with it which makes people think being lazy and careless about your health/body are encouraged.


I have 2 jobs but I need to get my ass to the gym and train my ass off everyday to achieve the body that I have and they are saying that I am shallow... eye- :skull:



I love how the whole body positivity is always forgotten about when they try to drag someone who actually puts effort. 

Like how you gonna praise someone obese and then drag someone fit? :deadbanana:

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Lol its very easy. American food is full of toxics and ingredients that are banned elsewhere in the world


as someone who has lived in europe and usa.. you can stay fit without doing nothing in europe but in america you feel bloated and heavy

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8 minutes ago, Lipgloss said:

Don't let them reproduce. Fat people make fat children. 


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Tackling obesity starts with nutrition and exercise. Nutrition is a giant problem, especially with highly processed foods and because a lot of people’s every day diets are unhealthy. Exercise is also something that needs to increase.


I’m American and I never realized how generally terrible our diets are and how overly processed our foods are until I moved to Europe. I also don’t have a car here so I walk more places and also workout regularly. I lost a lot of weight within a year of moving. 

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 I hate how I see ads from the likes of McDonalds and KFC here are always like "we are so good and healthy and nutricious and cheap and happy" like OMFG that's straight up lies when I have to literally eat Brown rice.

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Raise more awareness for obesity, like for cigarettes. Bring back fatshaming.

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6 minutes ago, LittleStarmen said:

Lol its very easy. American food is full of toxics and ingredients that are banned elsewhere in the world


as someone who has lived in europe and usa.. you can stay fit without doing nothing in europe but in america you feel bloated and heavy

But obesity isn't just a problem in the US? 



Nearly two thirds (60%) of adults and a third of children in the World Health Organization’s European region are overweight or obese, and no state is on track to meet the target of halting the increase in the prevalence of obesity by 2025, WHO has said.1


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7 minutes ago, duybeeGAshantiGA said:

 I hate how I see ads from the likes of McDonalds and KFC here are always like "we are so good and healthy and nutricious and cheap and happy" like OMFG that's straight up lies when I have to literally eat Brown rice.

Literally, there should be graphics of fat people who can barely walk or rot in hospitals on the package of fast food meals, with texts like "obese people have a shorter life spans". 

Edited by PopKills
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