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American politicians condemn nations dropping $: "We'll lose our power to sanction"


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This was going to happen eventually and America should have been more prepared BRICS isn’t new.


If remember correctly they had same fear with Euro.

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womp womp womp. Time for American leaders to focus on what the American people want rather than continuously destroy and destabilize other nations.



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16 minutes ago, SmittenCake said:

womp womp womp. Time for American leaders to focus on what the American people want rather than continuously destroy and destabilize other nations.



You say this but historically this will end up not well 

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"Leftist" online forum users posting populist Republican takes that can easily be disproven with a 2-second Google search? I am absolutely shocked, let me tell ya. 




What's especially funny is that the only currencies that have made even slight advances against the dollar in the past 20 years are the Euro, the Yen, and the GBP. Certainly not the BRICS currencies, let alone the highly manipulated Chinese Yuan that no one wants to touch with a 10-feet pole. Good luck booking that geopolitical power you speak of with the South African Rand, or the Brazilian Real, or the Indian Rupee. 


7mwfTLy.png SCxTzzF.png


But hey, I'm sure that merging the Argentine Peso with the Brazilian Real, as suggested by economic genius Lula Da Silva, will help end USD dominance for good.




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23 minutes ago, Dephira said:

 posting populist Republican takes that can easily be disproven

Marco Rubio? The neo-con executive? A populist? Sis, it's giving political illiteracy. 


Just in the same way you seem to think the thread aims to support Marco's hot take as factually accurate - not sure de-dollarization would have the kind of impact he claims - as opposed to addressing (as the linked tweet intentionally phrases) the news worthiness of a sitting American senator saying outright that the aim of blocking other countries' economic prosperity is inherently linked to the US government's global hegemonic militarized domination. 


Such a blatant confession from a ghoul like Rubio is shocking and noteworthy. :soda:


Not sure how you are more emotionally charged at defending the hope that the US won't ever lose its ability to sanction unless you're someone who goes to bed praying for countless dead Cuban children :deadbanana4:

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55 minutes ago, SmittenCake said:

womp womp womp. Time for American leaders to focus on what the American people want rather than continuously destroy and destabilize other nations.




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What will they do when everyone switches to Bitcoin? :bird:

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7 hours ago, Dephira said:

"Leftist" online forum users posting populist Republican takes that can easily be disproven with a 2-second Google search? I am absolutely shocked, let me tell ya. 




What's especially funny is that the only currencies that have made even slight advances against the dollar in the past 20 years are the Euro, the Yen, and the GBP. Certainly not the BRICS currencies, let alone the highly manipulated Chinese Yuan that no one wants to touch with a 10-feet pole. Good luck booking that geopolitical power you speak of with the South African Rand, or the Brazilian Real, or the Indian Rupee. 


7mwfTLy.png SCxTzzF.png


But hey, I'm sure that merging the Argentine Peso with the Brazilian Real, as suggested by economic genius Lula Da Silva, will help end USD dominance for good.




dddd get 'em. they want america to fail so badly because they're bitter and petty. they don't care that a failed america = millions of deaths. 




anyways... and? other countries have the right to do with their currencies what they please.

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8 hours ago, Dephira said:

"Leftist" online forum users posting populist Republican takes that can easily be disproven with a 2-second Google search? I am absolutely shocked, let me tell ya. 




What's especially funny is that the only currencies that have made even slight advances against the dollar in the past 20 years are the Euro, the Yen, and the GBP. Certainly not the BRICS currencies, let alone the highly manipulated Chinese Yuan that no one wants to touch with a 10-feet pole. Good luck booking that geopolitical power you speak of with the South African Rand, or the Brazilian Real, or the Indian Rupee. 


7mwfTLy.png SCxTzzF.png


But hey, I'm sure that merging the Argentine Peso with the Brazilian Real, as suggested by economic genius Lula Da Silva, will help end USD dominance for good.




Mess. End it :rip:

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2 hours ago, Bang Up said:

dddd get 'em. they want america to fail so badly because they're bitter and petty. they don't care that a failed america = millions of deaths. 




anyways... and? other countries have the right to do with their currencies what they please.


The way this post sums up the contradictions of being a far-right (see: this user's posts about trans people) liberal where you feel compelled to virtue signal and pretend to take issue and disagree with fascists if they're Republicans but then accuse people of "HATING AMERICA!!!" for simply reporting on the words of a sitting US senator - the same words that you want to appear as condemning. :rip:


Rubio: Anyone trying to not use the USD hates America and wants millions of people to die. 


You: See? Republicans and Dems are NOT the same! Republicans are fascist evil who think they can tell countries what to do. #GoVote


Any normie: Yes, that Rubio would say such outloud is sho-




Accusing anyone of wanting mass death while being a 2016 Hillary Hen who fought against Medicare For All. :deadbanana4:

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