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Tokyo Vs New York : Which city would you choose to live in forever ?


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If you had no choice and had to choose one of these city to live in forever, which one would you choose ?


Tokyo ?









New York ?







Which city would you choose ? :nicole:

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New York cause I don’t know japanese + japanese work culture is insufferable.

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I'm kind of a weeb so I'm going to say Tokyo, it also isn't infested with rats. That being said NY seems like a city that offers a lot and socially would probably be preferable to a westerner like me.

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New York. Because Japanese people don’t like foreigners, and there will be areas you cannot go because you aren’t Japanese. And this brings in a whole bunch of issues. At least in New York there’s diversity and I won’t have to deal with a homogeneous collective culture. 

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New York.  It’s closer to family and I could easily find a job there.  

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Born and raised in Manhattan but at this point I'd choose Tokyo, a city with character and dignity. NYC now is a foul sty.

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Tokyo because it's safer, cleaner and much more affordable. I'm much more interested in travelling Japan than the US too. I do think New York has a lot to offer though and I would probably select it if I was rich. 

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New York cause that's where my grandma lives. I have no business being in Tokyo.

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New York, because employment would be easier and more comfortable, as others have pointed out. 

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New York is always alive, full of diversity, and has friendly people. Tokyo is beautiful but the culture there is only nice for a visit. The anti-socialness would make it difficult to make any friends as a foreigner. The Hikikomori culture is also an issue.


NYC just has better opportunities. 

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New York is close enough to where I was born, so it would make seeing family easier. But I'd be a lot happier in Tokyo, I think.

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NY. I don't want to not speak the language. I love teriyaki chicken and certain I can find some in NY

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Tokyo, but I'm significantly taller than the average Japanese person  :chick3:Everything there is designed for people 9 inches shorter than me, but I want to visit so badly 

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Tokyo, because New York is made for the wealthy and not me. Those housing costs, rents, taxes and the personal army of the corrupted politicians in NY, no ma'am.

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New York because although it's rat infested and crazy expensive, it isn't as xenophobic as Tokyo can be. Tokyo is beautiful and I'd visit it time to time, but to live there I don't think I can ever feel/will fully be accepted as part of the group as a foreigner.

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Tokyo for the food, culture and beauty. I would have to learn Japanese and get a high salary job. I was in Japan in March and it was such an incredible experience.

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NY is just not the same since the pandemic and I fear it will never fully recover. A lot of POC and immigrants left and have been replaced by white transplants from the Midwest, it feels very boring and bland right now.

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NY of course, Tokyo like many other cities in Asia is very boring and crowded.

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been there twice and love it. 

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New York because I don't speak Japanese, I don't know the culture and Tokyo is a little too homogeneous for my liking, New York has more diversity

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