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American youth too drugged-up, mentally ill, and fat to join military, why?


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A Pentagon study revealed that 77 percent of young Americans do not qualify for military service without a waiver due to being overweight, drug use, or mental or physical problems.


“When considering youth disqualified for one reason alone, the most prevalent disqualification rates are overweight (11 percent), drug and alcohol abuse (8 percent), and medical/physical health (7 percent),” the Pentagon’s 2020 Qualified Military Available Study of Americans between the ages of 17 and 24 read. 

Several key findings were noted in the summary of the report. For example, most ineligible youth (44 percent) are disqualified for multiple reasons rather than in only one area.




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america in its flop era, everyone is either fat or mentally unstable or both

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Food filled with unnecessary chemicals, terrible wages, cost of living through the roof, little resources for mental health or nutrition education…America is a hellhole 

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why else do you think China is pushing tik tok? :ducky:

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because literally every system is failing them

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Social media addiction, constantly eating junk food, video game addiction, no physical fitness, wages are stagnant, inflation, no mental health therapy, no education, communities and social groups are declining across the country. Anything else I missed? Or anymore questions US military?

Edited by Happylittlepunk
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13 minutes ago, Breathe On Moi said:

why else do you think China is pushing tik tok? :ducky:

You are actually on to something. 

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18 minutes ago, Happylittlepunk said:

You are actually on to something. 

the amount of people who don’t put 2+2 together (not talking about you obvi). like why does no one ask themselves why an app made by a certain country is illegal in said country but promoted and pushed everywhere else :priceless:


the perfect plan to make us western youth even more braindead than most already are (on top of stealing their personal information) 

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"Drug abuse" defined by the Pentagon = marijuana smokers :lmao:

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kings ands queens :clap3:

Edited by Karla Cabello
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if usa loses its military power its over for them thank jesus :clap3:

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i wouldve expected mental health to be the majority but guess not :rip:

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Capitalism and that’s a serious answer 

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They only need one trait out of those three :fan:


mental illness


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Drug abuse meaning marijuana or adderol. Pretty sure that mental health issues should have disqualified quite a few individuals that were enlisted in decades past but this is the first generation where mental health has actually been pushed and normalized. 

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1 hour ago, ScorpiosGroove said:

the amount of people who don’t put 2+2 together (not talking about you obvi). like why does no one ask themselves why an app made by a certain country is illegal in said country but promoted and pushed everywhere else :priceless:


the perfect plan to make us western youth even more braindead than most already are (on top of stealing their personal information) 

Pretty much this. The ccp controls everything in China and tik tok is controlled by ccp. It’s so gullible if people don’t believe tik tok being controlled by the ccp. If the military says is a national security risk. It’s clearly a national security risk. Honestly just ban it imo. But banning tik tok imo won’t be enough to get American youths back into reality. The US has a huge massive problem going on within communities and it will take more than banning social media to improve society. 

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karma for decades of international warmongering, war crimes, racism and homophobia among other things :clap3:

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Not people blaming Tiktok of all things as if American social media companies and Cambridge Analytica weren't harvesting your data for years :rip: There's only one government y'all should blame and it's not the CCP. Horrible work culture/laws, low food safety standards, expensive health care and forced reliancece on cars are the main culprits. 

Edited by Robert
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Have you seen Americans? They complain about having every mental issue known to man, eat food portions double the recommended amount, and are some of the worlds heaviest drug users. Excess is American culture. 

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