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SNL monologue calling out lack of black people in Friends goes viral


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Can someone start a petition to digitally turn Ross black so this tired narrative can stop? It’s been 84 years.

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how are so many people still whining about what 30 year old tv shows did or didn’t do :priceless:

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All TV is diverse now and has been for like the last 20 yrs. We have trans, non binary etc main characters too. Like sure the past was different but we can't undo it we can only learn and move forward which is exactly what tv has done

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it's 2023. why would she bring up friends


but as a whole the monologue was actually not funny at all tbh... still love Quinta tho, but this was not it, zero laughs. 


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On 4/2/2023 at 2:45 PM, AvadaKedavra said:

Thats the best thing. I love a diverse cast. Is a reflection of the United states and the Planet :gaycat4::heart: Props to her for visibility. 

As a latino when i was younger i was always baffled at the lack of black-latino-east asians-middle easterns-indians in main roles specially in Scifi and fantasy movies. Such a rarity to see a prominent non-white actor. 

It was like...........White people-blondies blue eyes are better. Only they can be these tv-film megastars and main acts. I should look more white to be powerful-hotter like those amazing stars


I think in some kind of way it helped to create a feeling of self-hate here in latinoamerica. A feeling of Inferiority. Still permeating today
Hollywood has been a vessel for White Supremacy all over the planet.
Nothing against the beautiful white community (love white culture) but this is tea :gaycat3:

Now things are more diverse and we all can relate to different characters :jonny6:
Things have improved so much with the years. 

There are stars for all the ethnicities. White,Black,Latino,East-SouthEast Asian,Indian......
We have a chance in hollywood too. Is not as impossible as before.





I stg this US conception that Latinos are a race/ethnicity feels so absurd to me lol. Its just a cultural term.


Im brazilian btw.

Edited by Jooj
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Friends is for the world. While the other show is extremely local to the US.

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On 4/3/2023 at 2:53 AM, Trainwreck said:

They just won't stop complaining right? Lol

who is THEY btch? say it with ur chest 

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On 4/2/2023 at 11:54 AM, LoveInStereo said:

Why not single out the cast of a show that’s still in production that lacks diversity? It’s true but what exactly are they able to do about it now?

Because it's a joke so you can't mention every show and friends was the biggest one

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20 hours ago, Limitless said:

Who tf is “they”?



4 hours ago, Click Clack said:

who is THEY btch? say it with ur chest 

All these racist fucks really let it all out when they have a chance huh?

They know damn well what they meant but watch em change it real quick

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do people really like friends? i get it back in the 90s.. but now....


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On 4/3/2023 at 11:45 AM, Insanity said:

All TV is diverse now and has been for like the last 20 yrs. We have trans, non binary etc main characters too. 

where tf is THAT?

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As a black person I find this retroactive outrage trivial. 

Many shows I grew up with did not have black cast.  But we loved them regardless. 

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Yawn.. low hanging fruit take. And I’m not white before y’all get at me


i don’t understand why some people think that “woke” automatically means “funny”, it’s cringe for sure.

Edited by SummertimeBummer
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2 hours ago, Helios said:

where tf is THAT?

do your research and welcome to 2023


yeah this "joke" is ******* tired. and not ya forgetting that their were black characters on the show. did ya just forget about aisha taylor? or when ross had an asian girlfriend? two things that david schwimmer actually pushed for in casting. what's done is done and has been corrected since then. let it go. this critique is beating a dead horse

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On 4/4/2023 at 5:58 AM, Click Clack said:

who is THEY btch? say it with ur chest 


On 4/4/2023 at 10:47 AM, Andre2000 said:


All these racist fucks really let it all out when they have a chance huh?

They know damn well what they meant but watch em change it real quick


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On 4/2/2023 at 1:07 PM, AvadaKedavra said:

Hmmm but i see only white and black people in her show.

Where are the latinos? east asians? middle eastern? gays?
Thats problematic. Not diverse enough quinta


There's a Latina teachers aide and one of the main cast members is in a gay interracial relationship.


If you did your homework you'd know Philadelphia is predominantly a Black/White city... it's no New York City. :psyduck:

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SNL is so ******* lazy now it’s just sad


they just take Twitter topics (even ones that aren’t new) and create mediocre sketches about them


it really just needs to be canceled atp

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casting black people for the sake of "diversity" is so FORCED


like that HERMIONE fiasco in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child..


FRIENDS was created that way, realistic group if you ask me, and it WORKED...

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On 4/3/2023 at 1:45 PM, Enrique523 said:

To be fair the only thing i find offensive about Friends is how not funny it is. I tried to watch it for the first time a few years ago and holy **** is it boring. How something like that became such a massive phenomenon i have no idea :deadbanana4:




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