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"Dump Trump"? 1st post-indictment poll shows Trump surge ahead of DeSantis


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A new Yahoo News/YouGov poll — one of the first conducted after former President Donald Trump was indicted Thursday for his role in paying hush money to a porn star — shows Trump surging to his largest-ever lead over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, his likely 2024 GOP primary challenger, as Republican voters rally around the only president in U.S. history to face criminal charges.


In the previous Yahoo News/YouGov survey, which was conducted less than two weeks ago, Trump (47%) led DeSantis (39%) by eight percentage points in a head-to-head matchup among registered voters who are Republicans or Republican-leaning independents. As recently as February, it was DeSantis who was narrowly ahead of Trump, 45% to 41%.


But the new, post-indictment poll suddenly finds Trump lapping DeSantis by 26 percentage points — 57% to 31% — in a one-on-one contest. The former president even attracts majority support (52%, up from 44% previously) when pitted against a wider, 10-candidate field of declared and potential GOP challengers, while DeSantis plummets to 21% (down from 28%).


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  • ATRL Moderator

This isn’t all that surprising among Republicans. The only reasonable counter-point is that this is all conjecture until DeSantis announces a primary bid. Him being an option is speculative until then. But, with him railing against the indictment, I don’t he’s placing much political calculation behind mounting a bid in the 2024 cycle. 

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7 minutes ago, Bloo said:

This isn’t all that surprising among Republicans. The only reasonable counter-point is that this is all conjecture until DeSantis announces a primary bid. Him being an option is speculative until then. But, with him railing against the indictment, I don’t he’s placing much political calculation behind mounting a bid in the 2024 cycle. 

I know it was bad for DeSantis when articles like the below started being put out to test the waters:


"Let's save your potential for 2028" :deadbanana4: It's giving Clinton vs Warren during 2015.

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Registered republican voters are what, like 28% of the country? Irrelevant. 

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5 minutes ago, Mike91 said:

Registered republican voters are what, like 28% of the country? Irrelevant. 

this is specifically about the primary, so it's not irrelevant whatsoever.




Biden Bros are every bit as overconfident as the Hillary Hens were, and we know how that turned out. :deadbanana2:

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19 minutes ago, Mike91 said:

Registered republican voters are what, like 28% of the country?

I know you're trying to pivot to something else in the hopes of saving your sanity (reasonable!), but such a distraction only reveals even more horrifying statistics. Trump easily over-performed with Republican-leaning independents in 2016 than he did with registered Republicans. His open primary performance was better than closed primary performance. To see he's now consolidated both registered Republicans *and* his base of Republican-leaning independents? And is essentially the pulse of the Republican party? :deadbanana4:


Thank god we have someone with sharp mental agility and progressive bonafides to go against him. :clap3:

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Yes, if the Republican primaries were held today, he would probably win. 
But sadly for Trump, the republican primaries start in 10 months. 

There are many examples where the front runner in the polls 10 months before the primary did not win the nomination. Hillary in 2008, Jeb Bush in 2016 ect. 

Right after Mar a lago was raided, Trumps donations surged, but after more information came out they fell. Republicans are having a knee jerk reaction to Trump’s indictment that is unsustainable 

No one can predict what will happen in the upcoming months. We are in uncharted waters 

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Nobody is scared of Trump or MAGA in 2023. :toofunny3:

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1 hour ago, ClashAndBurn said:

this is specifically about the primary, so it's not irrelevant whatsoever.




Biden Bros are every bit as overconfident as the Hillary Hens were, and we know how that turned out. :deadbanana2:


1 minute ago, FightForTanas said:

Nobody is scared of Trump or MAGA in 2023. :toofunny3:

The underestimation of Trump’s popularity is something else. He blew Hillary out of the water, and even overperformed polls in 2020. He’s not to be taken lightly.

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11 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:


The underestimation of Trump’s popularity is something else. He blew Hillary out of the water, and even overperformed polls in 2020. He’s not to be taken lightly.

I wouldn’t say he blew Hillary out of the water. But he did beat her by a somewhat wider margin in the Electoral College (just under 80k across WI, MI, and PA) than he lost to Biden by (43k across WI, GA, and AZ).


Given how lackluster and hopeless the Biden presidency is, I wouldn’t be surprised if results were closer to 2016 than 2020. Especially if it’s hammered home effectively that Biden might be on death’s doorstep, leaving Kamala (who nobody other than her Twitter troll/bot farm likes) in charge. :deadbanana4: 

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48 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:


The underestimation of Trump’s popularity is something else. He blew Hillary out of the water, and even overperformed polls in 2020. He’s not to be taken lightly.

Are we still in 2016 or??? :deadbanana2:

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1 hour ago, GraceRandolph said:


The underestimation of Trump’s popularity is something else. He blew Hillary out of the water, and even overperformed polls in 2020. He’s not to be taken lightly.

He’s incredibly popular among base republicans, he’s incredibly disliked among 60% of the country and moderate voters. But then again his opponent will most likely be Biden, who’s not liked among the general public either 

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Trump has basically already won the Republican primary. So much would have to change in the next 12 months and I just dont see it

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If they keep battling it out for the nomination over the course of the year, this could destroy the Republican party's chances at taking back the White House. Keep fighting!

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14 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:


The underestimation of Trump’s popularity is something else. He blew Hillary out of the water, and even overperformed polls in 2020. He’s not to be taken lightly.

...not really. She won the popular vote by over 3 million and the swing states he won over her were won by a relatively small margin. She lost under the electoral system yes, but he certainly didn't "blew her out of the water".

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He truly will run the Republican party to the ground. It’s what they deserve! :clap3: 

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6 minutes ago, Enrique523 said:

...not really. She won the popular vote by over 3 million and the swing states he won over her were won by a relatively small margin. She lost under the electoral system yes, but he certainly didn't "blew her out of the water".

The popular vote is not how we decide who wins an election. Democrats have won the popular vote in almost every 21st century presidential election. Trump won by 77 electoral college votes. 


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2 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

The popular vote is not how we decide who wins an election. Democrats have won the popular vote in almost every 21st century presidential election. Trump won by 77 electoral college votes. 


That's not my point but ok... and i already know all of that, i talked about it in my post.

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Hilarious that Asa Hutchinson will never poll above 3 percent in a primary where Trump’s indictments have made him more dominant than ever, yet we’re supposed to take him as a more credible, serious candidate than someone polling at 10% in the Democratic Party’s primary against one of the most unpopular incumbents we’ve ever seen. :rofl:

Edited by ClashAndBurn
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I mean, look at how he's reacting/responding to Trump's attacks on him. He's cowering like the manchild he his because he's afraid to stand up for himself. All the bravado he shows in Florida is fake and is a product of him knowing he's popular and untouchable, but the national stage is entirely different platform. He has to walk on eggshells regarding Trump. I mean, imagine being such a coward that you talk about how you wouldn't extradite Trump to NY after Trump attacked you multiple times. It shows he's weak and afraid.

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it is going to be Trump vs Biden for a 2nd round. We could all have predicted this the moment the winner was declared in 2020 :cm:

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De Satan’s support will increase once he announces his run. Ready for the girls to fight though :WAP:

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  • ATRL Moderator

DeSantis would be an idiot to actually push forward with a presidential run this cycle.  Trump is too relevant in the Republican party still and typically the incumbent has a strong chance of reelection.


If I was working for DeSantis, I'd strongly advise pulling out of this cycle and getting prepared for 2028.

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I'm not sure if this is actually a "good" thing, DeSantis seems 10 times worse and an even bigger bigot than Trump. At least with Trump the USA and the world will get another 4 years of clownery as consolation prize if Republicans win :toofunny3:

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46 minutes ago, khalyan said:

DeSantis would be an idiot to actually push forward with a presidential run this cycle.  Trump is too relevant in the Republican party still and typically the incumbent has a strong chance of reelection.


If I was working for DeSantis, I'd strongly advise pulling out of this cycle and getting prepared for 2028.

DeSantis is still the strongest nontrump candidate in the Republican primary right now. Even if DeSantis loses the primary in 2024, he can still run again in 2028. 

Trump could be forced out of the primary. I’m not saying it is likely, but if he had to then DeSantis would be the defacto nominee. 
Imagine if it is early 2024 and Trump has 3 indictments and if one of the court proceedings isn’t going well for him, the GOP would beg/blackmail him to drop out 


This is DeSantis’s best opportunity to be President. Waiting for 2028 is a gamble.

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