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Study: Americans earn more just to die faster than the rest of the developed world


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Most people I know haven't been to the doctor in years. They also work like 70 hours a week.

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Im going to school to be a teacher and I just found out that most of the teachers in the area I live in make over 100k, even 3rd grade and kindergarten teachers. Im about to be a millionaire. :jonny5:

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I wonder what this looks like on a state by state basis tbh, I imagine life expectancies are far worse in, say, West Virginia or Mississippi than they are in Vermont

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Well burger and alcohol are their life style.

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54 minutes ago, Attitude said:

Most people I know haven't been to the doctor in years. They also work like 70 hours a week.

Pretty much all of this! Little to no access to affordable healthcare, overworked, our food filled with terrible chemicals....idk why anyone's surprised tbh America is not a country that even attempts to be a physically healthy or conscious nation 

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Maybe the life expectancy will get better if they deep fry it? 

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This is really upsetting to see, but I also wonder what it would look like if we compared similarly sized regions in the US to Britain.  I'd imagine the Northeast US, especially New England, would have a similar life expectancy to Britain, whereas maybe some less prosperous areas (like Missouri) would fare far worse.  It's difficult to have 1:1 comparisons considering the size, population, population distribution, etc in the US vs most European countries.

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Proud of us :clap3:


plus, who wants to be old? Not me 

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This is an awful showing but it's not surprising. The corporate owners and their puppets (politicians) only see the average american worker as an object of exploitation for their profit. It makes me sad for the american people because it didn't have to be this way, but unfortunately it will probably take a long time for things to turn around. Capitalism's fall cannot come sooner. 

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im sure 60+ hour work weeks and 2 weeks of annual leave don't help matters. some jobs dont even have sick leave. genuinely i do not know how americans do it

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This is why i stopped eating McDonald’s two weeks ago

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Live fast, die young, be wild and have fun. 


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39 minutes ago, Power love said:

This is why i stopped eating McDonald’s two weeks ago

fries are vegetables



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I mean yeah I don't want to lose my mind nor my mobility decaying in a nursing home. Like Lana said, "Live fast. Die young. Be wild. Have fun"

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59 minutes ago, PillowCase said:

Live fast, die young, be wild and have fun. 


Who wants to get old? Not me chile 

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the data is really bad but it is a codis year which probably makes things look worse for the us. i think thw 2023 will show at least marginly smaller gap.


the us average worker works about 100 hours a year more than a uk worker. 

the us has higher smoking rate(25% to 19%)

hihger obeseity rate(36% to 28%)

higher drug use by far. both legal medical drugs and illigal ones.

the water is more pollouted(100 in the uk, 86 in the us. the higher the better)

the food is filled with many poisions that are not allowed in the uk. and if they are the us still probably has more than the same things in the uk.

and by this point eveyone knows about the state of health care in the us. the uk system has also recived a lot of critism but it covers the average uk citizen better than the us one. and it's not only life saving treatments, i'm also talking about preventive healthcare which is just as important. since the us work balance is worse they are less likely to take treatments even if they are covered since they are time poor.

i do excpet from the us data to atleast come back a little back next year but coming back to 2019 seems pretty far away. you also cannot explain those data by poverty because the top 10% of americans bearly live as much as the median people in the uk

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3 hours ago, Harrier said:

im sure 60+ hour work weeks and 2 weeks of annual leave don't help matters. some jobs dont even have sick leave. genuinely i do not know how americans do it

This would absolutely be the end of me omg


I find 5 weeks already marginal :deadbanana4:

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England is the most obese country in Europe tho. Yall only eat burgers and deep fried ****. No wonder yall have the smallest dicks in the West as well 

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47 minutes ago, Rosenda said:

England is the most obese country in Europe tho. Yall only eat burgers and deep fried ****. No wonder yall have the smallest dicks in the West as well 

This comment makes absolutely no sense. Even if England was the most obese country in Europe (it isn't), it is still lower than the US... Which is the entire point of the thread? Throwing around dick size in this conversation just shows how immature and out of touch you are.

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23 minutes ago, visions said:

This comment makes absolutely no sense. Even if England was the most obese country in Europe (it isn't), it is still lower than the US... Which is the entire point of the thread? Throwing around dick size in this conversation just shows how immature and out of touch you are.

At 27.8%, the percentage of the UK population who are obese is lower only than Turkey, at 32.1%, and Malta, with 28.9%.


Oh sorry... that lil island nation is a bit fatter than the UK. And dick size has A LOT to do with weight. Obese people accumulate fat around the pubic area which causes the dick to shrink

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I definitely blame our awfully expensive healthcare (and hard to access without an employer sponsored plan too, and even those arent great usually), our often-worse quality foods, things especially lately are very stressful and many over worked with little time off, etc. But I don't think it really paints a full picture. 


I don't have data on hand to support this, but I don't think you really need data if you spend time around any group of most Americans to know even if they had those it still would not solve the problem fully. Especially for anywhere that isn't a health centric left area like some of California. It would just help. Many of my friends/family and word of mouth or online experiences also say a lot about American culture.


For one Americans do not seem to exercise and actively do not make the choice to do so simply out of laziness. The average cultural American diet is very unhealthy, and they love it too. They actively often do not make healthy choices even when available or having the resources to be healthier. Many can even go to the doctors and do not choose to with very good insurance/money out of laziness. There are some very cheap to free ways or self-control things people can do to live longer but actively are too lazy and/or do not care. I can name 5 family members off the top of my head who are just like this :skull: They have at least decent insurance, decent money, and free time, and still choose not to improve their health simply because they do not care. And if that is just family i cant imagine how far that spreads elsewhere. It is sad but who am I to tell people how to live their lives if they are happy


Edit: Which by the way isn't an excuse not to have free healthcare and do more for our country btw. I am all for that and others shouldnt suffer because of it. It is just a note that the data doesn't tell the full picture

Edited by If U Seek Amy
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