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At what age did you get your first gray hair?


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I noticed my first one at 24/25, years later I probably have about 30 in my whole head but they do bother me personally cause they stand out so much. 

I'm 100% sure it's Genetics for me. My sister had a patch of gray hair by 9 years old and my mom had half her hair going gray by 30.

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I haven't found a single one yet because my hair is naturally pretty light-colored but I've heard once you notice a few there's probably already a hundred :thing:

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When I was like 13 I had a grey pubic hair. Does that count :thing:

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I had one at 10 for some random reason. Then the next one I found was at 23 this year so this is only the beginning since both of my parents had plenty of grey hair in their early 30s

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34, in my beard 

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I remember someone (I think it was my mom, cant really remember) pointed when I was like in Elementary (around 11 or 12). Thankfully, it didn't spread... Yet :redface:

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I haven't. 

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Not yet 

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23. Years later and I still only have like 3. Beard isn't gray at all either. I don't get it. I literally freaked out over it at the time for nothing. :rip:

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Gonna probably spend the next decade trying to hide the greys, kinda wanna skip that part and head to my silver daddy era :rip: 

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