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Have you ever had a mental breakdown at work ?


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Have you ever had a mental breakdown at work ? Have you ever cried at work ? :chick1:

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Yep. My assistant principal at the time harassed me at work, and while I still did my job that day, I felt so powerless, scared, and I just wanted to go home. The next morning, I talked to my union rep about what happened, I felt a panic attack coming on in his office, so I left school and took a PTO day and left sub plans. What made this worse was I lived with my parents at the time, and they gave me hell for taking a PTO day since I wasn’t “sick.” I’m so glad I don’t live with my parents anymore, and I’m so glad I work at a better school. 

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Yes many times. And since I can do a lot of work im also valued by people but I just quit because I coudlnt handle the pressure mentally myself.

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No, but I nearly did once. That was the moment I decided I had to quit and find another job.

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Not yet!

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I have every job i've had, it's why I don't have one because I'm easily emotional! :( 

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in my teen years when i worked at McDonald’s yes . i was very clear on what i could and couldn’t do bc of my autism , i told them i would absolutely never do the job of putting the orders together (i was customer care assistant so that wasn’t my job anyway) anyway i had this manager put me on orders one day and i was telling him over n over i can’t do it n he kept insisting . i could feel a massive meltdown coming bc it was rush hour so i told him once more and he kept pushing . i walked off to go clock out to take a break and he started screaming at me to get back so i started screaming  right back ‘i don’t get paid enough for this ****!!’ :rip: and clocked out.


needless to say i got a grovelling apology from him a few hours later and another apology from the general manager the next day

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Yes. I was literally in the middle of serving a customer and my a-hole of a boss came by and said something to me that just sent me over the edge. I walked away from the customer, went to the bathroom and cried. I resigned the next day.

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Yes. :rip: Happened a couple times in the course of a few weeks and then finally I hit my limit and walked off the job. Messaged my boss that I was done and then ignored all his calls. Never talked to him again. Was honestly one of the best decisions I've ever made in my career.

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No, but I've heard people crying in the bathroom.


Britney Spears Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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Yes; when I first quit blazing, my job had me crying during lunch breaks but I found healthier ways to cope & manage the pressure :-*

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yes but i was working from home. i think i had to do overtime until really late to finish up on overdue work and it was around the holidays and i just started crying while working :rip: now i still occasionally go through breakdowns because of my shitty coworkers and managers but I just internally cuss them out and move on 

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To an extent. I haven’t had a full-on meltdown yet.

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Yes. Many times. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. 

I have built up a reputation as the one who cries too much. 

The people who think they have me totally figured out have no idea how complicated I am and they think they know everything but they don't know ****. 

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Yeah, I did last year on Rihanna's 34th birthday.


For context:

- I moved away from my hometown in 2019, and I ended up in an RV located in a poor Urban environment right before COVID hit. This RV park is poorly run and always full of chaos and catastrophic events happening (a man was murdered within a few feet of my trailer in July 2020 and in November 2022 we had a fire that engulfed 4 RVs at 2 AM). It's full of shady people and people on drugs. Combined with 2019, I was already 2 years socially isolated from people after being VERY social in my hometown for over 10 years. So I was in an emotionally vulnerable when I started at that job, even though it also allowed me to meet people that were actually decent. 


For awhile at this particular store, it was great. I was 27 at the time but looked younger (still do) and a lot of my coworkers were Gen Z and a lot thought I was chill. My millennial coworkers were great too. So basically, I felt happy and bubbly again because I was escaping all the hell from home and I got to work in a nice area on top of it. With one guy in particular though, I developed romantic feelings for them, which brew for over 3 months before he found out. He was a guy I wanted to be friends with regardless though and he gave off the vibes that he could have been either gay or bi. He had both my Instagram and my phone number so we talked a lot. When he found out I liked him however, he got my store director involved, which essentially got me villainized, embarassed, and humiliated right before Christmas 2021. I eventually came clean about how I felt but that I still wanted to be friends with him. He said things were "ok" between us but it was a total lie because he would start to ghost me outside of work. This was sadly only the beginning of this nightmare.


Keep in mind this park I lived at was still ****** up - in February our electricity blew up and we were stuck having to use an extension cord for power. So we didn't have electricity really. No working fridge, no microwave, no working lights really. I could shower and that was it. So come February this is what I was dealing with at home and now on top of it, I was dealing with this dude villainizing me at work. He'd keep me away from bagging for him and then if he wasn't there, his best friend would do the same exact thing. He also spread **** about me at work to play the victim about how "uncomfortable" he was around me so a lot of people were alienated from me. It got to the point where I went ahead and slammed a donation jar into a change dispenser right in front of one of my friends that I worked with, a couple customers, a manager, and the guy that villainized me. I'm actually really lucky I wasn't fired for doing that. 


I had been at that store for about 9 months by that point, and I was always there to work and I always did my job and I was always trying my best to be pleasant to people despite all the crap I was faced with on a daily basis. I'm also autistic with a job coach which may have been another factor, but ultimately, the store director and a few of my managers had an intervention with me and I think they knew that something was going on because - like I said - I was someone that always showed up to do my job and worked really hard and was always wanting to interact with people - both customers and coworkers. Ultimately, they at least tried to be a good support system for me which I appreciate in retrospect. 


I ended up transferring to another store because the drama with that one dude ended up reaching a boiling point where he blocked me on Insta and management had to pull every string in the book to keep us apart :skull: - then he quit on the spot right before I was supposed to transfer so it felt like all the pushing he did for me to get transferred was for nothing. It's whatever now at this point though. I was transferred to a new store and I can at least say that I've been at this store for almost as long as my original store without any social issues here (I learned some hard lessons at the old store) and I'm able to at least do my job without letting other things get the better of me from home. 

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Too many times tbh, call centre jobs will do that though :redface:


Hoping I can pay my student loan off then find a career that isn't gonna stress me tf out :devil:

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curious when Yall quit your jobs on the spot or the day of, do you expect to get paid (and did you)? How does that work.. 

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6 minutes ago, 1000 forms of queer said:

curious when Yall quit your jobs on the spot or the day of, do you expect to get paid (and did you)? How does that work.. 

I mean, in America it’s literally illegal for a company to withhold any funds they owe you. No one has ever withheld money to my knowledge for myself or any of my friends that have resigned same day from a job.

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4 minutes ago, WeFoundTrouble said:

I mean, in America it’s literally illegal for a company to withhold any funds they owe you. No one has ever withheld money to my knowledge for myself or any of my friends that have resigned same day from a job.

so if you throw a tantrum at your boss and quit on the spot, do you have to let them know that you’re expecting the check to come and for you to be paid until the moment you quit.. or will they already know that they have to do that (due to legal reasons as you mentioned)

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