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Are u friends with metheads? Have u hooked up with any?


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Meth seems so prevalent with gays. They always got the same weird worn out look  with tattoos. Anyway, personally I am friends with a few and tbh they are actually really nice to me personally. 

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I had a friend that got into that scene and I had to cut him off unfortunately. It is a little scary at the amount of people in my area that are on it and its just a fairly small city

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ewwww nope, I don't want to see their melting faces next to me 

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No. Any kinds of drugs literally terrifies me. I dont think I could even interact with people who did that. Im not judging its just scary to me. :cm: 

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I’ve had friends who tried Meth but didn’t become regular users. Other than that no I stay away from meTh users. They are so weird especially on grindr. 

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Yes. Honestly there's no need to be afraid, they're normal people. And they've never pressured me to try the stuff out myself (after I said no the first time).

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3 minutes ago, Nano said:

Yes. Honestly there's no need to be afraid, they're normal people. And they've never pressured me to try the stuff out myself (after I said no the first time).

Meth addicts are not normal people :rip: are they bad people? No. But their addictions should not be normalized or encouraged as being acceptable 

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No, and I would like to keep it that way

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Tbh the only drug I'm okay with is weed, but I'm turned off by people who smoke weed several times a day everyday, i do weed but it's like once a month, i think once a week would still be fine with me tho.

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6 minutes ago, JohnWayneHolland said:

Tbh the only drug I'm okay with is weed, but I'm turned off by people who smoke weed several times a day everyday, i do weed but it's like once a month, i think once a week would still be fine with me tho.

I’m similar but my boyfriend changed my mind a bit. He has diagnosed anxiety and depression and daily weed smoking actually is far times more effective than any medication he’s been on. He can go without it but it’s pretty constant. He doesn’t even seem remotely “stoned” when high, just at ease compared to his often anxiety driven sober franticness. 

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No haha It scares me tbh

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I probably have hooked up with some but no, none of my friends are into T like that. I find it a huge turn off cause I’ve seen it first hand how it affects someone & it’s super messy :butterfly:

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yes, i've definitely been friends with several, of all genders tbh. i was "best friends" (it was more I was their best friend rather than them being mine as well) with this person (afab non-binary) from around november 2021-august 2022 and at their core they've a heart of gold. but they've been addicted to everything from coke to meth to fent, and their self-destructive patterns just became way too much for me to be around. they're a horrible driver (I swear to god I've had at least a dozen near death experiences in their tesla), they constantly lose all their possessions, they can't keep a job, they're selfish with their friends, they insult people's appearances nonstop whenever we hang out, they're willingly staying in an extremely troubling marriage (they're 23 and their husband is 21 and a total assshole). they have NO self-respect, and it depresses tf out of me. now I won't claim to be perfect, or a relationship expert or anything, but I've tried to help them get away from their husband several times and they simply refuse any sort of help. I miss the way our friendship was for those first four-ish months back in late 2021-early 2022 sometimes, but idk how to help them at this point. I helped them find a rehab, and really pressured them to keep attending it (outpatient program) but they just kept giving up. I keep them at a distance because I just graduated uni and I have so many things I plan to do to better myself and become a successful person, and I simply cannot afford to be impulsive with them at 4 am every night in the middle of denver when i have a 9 am shift like I used to. I've never done T or anything, but they would do it right in front of me all the time, and they'd pressure me to go out clubbing until the early hours of the morning and it was just BAD. they're not the only person I've been friends with who's had this sort of lifestyle. it's so depressing and all too prevalent in the city

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I had a friend. We didn’t hook up, though he tried. But I lightly dabbled, found it interesting, but I wouldn’t do it again. 

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Not hooked up but i had so so many friends totally addicted and they were trying to get me into that world of Bareback sex,Pigs,Orgies and slam-meth.tina-coke-oxy and all that hard stuff :emofish: 

I was depressed for a long time in the 2010s cause i been through really bad stuff in my life and i thought gettin in touch with darkness and hedonism was my only path. Unhappiness can led you to self destruction and self-hate. 

back in 2020 i was sad and havin sex left and right with no control and i almost got into that "community" but then the pandemic happened........

After the pandemic i revaluated my life and learned ways to cope with my sadness 
In the last year i was able to reconnect  with my old self and i regained back my happiness
Deleted all my dangerous contacts and closed the door forever.
Now i shine bright :celestial4:no addictions. just livin the good life. Takin care of my health and body.
Now i have new hobbies :foxaylove:
I polish up Real Nice and im so happy tbh  :gaycat4::monkey:



Edited by AvadaKedavra
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I know a couple people that have used it and tried to remain friends but the truth is that meth destroys not only you but everything that is important to you. By the way I know straight and gay men that have used it. They end up losing jobs, losing family or worse losing their life to a heart attack. 


But I don't want to generalize an entire group of people. Maybe some people use it and have great lives. Honestly I have never never ever encountered that type of person. People do not usually get their life back together unless they quit it. I would say try to remain friends but don't let them take you to places you don't want to be emotionally and mentally. It will drain you. 

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6 minutes ago, AvadaKedavra said:

Not hooked up (lucky me) but i had so so many friends totally addicted and they were trying to get me into that world of Bareback sex,Pigs,Orgies and slam-tina-coke-oxy and all that hard stuff :emofish: 

I was depressed for a long time in the 2010s cause i been through really bad stuff in my life and i thought gettin in touch with darkness and hedonism was my only path. Unhappiness can led you to self destruction and self-hate. 

back in 2020 i was sad and havin sex left and right with no control and i almost got into that "community" but then the pandemic happened........

After the pandemic i revaluated my life and learned ways to cope with my sadness 
In the last year i was able to reconnect  with my old self and i regained back my happiness
Deleted all my dangerous contacts and closed the door forever.
Now i shine bright :celestial4:no addictions. just livin the good life. Takin care of my health and body.
I polish up Real Nice  :gaycat4:



Congrats sis :clap3:

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No i've had a friend ive known for 25 years, but as soon as he got into crack/meth! I havent heard from him since, through away a 25 ******* year friendship!


and another friend who was a former meth user, randomly blocked me out of the blue after doing so many favours for her!  clearly she's back on the hard drugs again


thankfully meth people don't like being around sober people because where are they gonna get the drugs?  and i'm glad too.



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1 minute ago, The Music Industry said:

Congrats sis :clap3:

Thank you sis. Youre so cute :hug: 

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54 minutes ago, brooklyndaddy said:

I’m similar but my boyfriend changed my mind a bit. He has diagnosed anxiety and depression and daily weed smoking actually is far times more effective than any medication he’s been on. He can go without it but it’s pretty constant. He doesn’t even seem remotely “stoned” when high, just at ease compared to his often anxiety driven sober franticness. 

Well i think that people that have anxiety kinda get a pass, but someone that doesn't have those kind of problems and spends the whole day smoking weed it's a no for me.

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Yes there is so much stigma around meth but it is really bad when abused (like any other drug)

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no, absolutely not, I’m sorry. I just could never. they’re unpleasant and intense and lie about their drug use, and literally don’t care about their health. they’ll have raw sex with a pig if they’re tweaking enough, that’s just crazy.


and someone shouldn’t condone or support someone that is addicted to meth, if you aren’t trying to get them help, are you really a friend tbh? :emofish:

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