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Should Humans Be Able To Eat All Non-Human Animals?


Should All Animals Be Up For Grabs?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. What Say ATRL?

    • Yes ALL Non-Human Animals (Dogs, Cats, Endangered Species, Rare, Etc.) Animals Should Be Able to Be Eaten
    • Most Non-Human Animals Should Be Able to Be Eaten With A Few Exceptions like Rare or Domesticated Animals
    • Only One Or Two Species Of Animals Should Be Eaten
    • No Non-Human Animals Should Be Eaten

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What animals should humans be able to eat? Keep in mind global impacts of animal agriculture, animal rights issues, and conservation efforts. 

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Humans should not be eating any animal. It’s inhumane. On top of that, lower consumption of animals also means less methane in the air, and more fishes in the sea. It also means companies will be forced to produce less. 

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Definitely not domesticated animals :gaycat7:

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I think ideally it should be none. Personally, I try to stick to chicken and fish.

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Plants are just as alive as animals. So unless we all starve, we must eat other organisms I fear.

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26 minutes ago, Tropez said:

Humans should not be eating any animal. It’s inhumane. On top of that, lower consumption of animals also means less methane in the air, and more fishes in the sea. It also means companies will be forced to produce less. 

I don’t necessarily disagree with you but eating animals is not “inhumane” when the definition of humane pertains to the capacity for compassion that was developed as a trait from human evolution.. animals don’t perceive the “lack of compassion” therefore the treatment can’t be inhumane.

Edited by WeFoundTrouble
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humans should only eat humans. save the animals

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8 minutes ago, WeFoundTrouble said:

I don’t necessarily disagree with you but eating animals is not “inhumane” when the definition of humane pertains to the capacity for compassion that was developed as a trait from human evolution.. animals don’t perceive the “lack of compassion” therefore the treatment can’t be inhumane.

No. Inhumane is acting on another human or animal in a way that brings them discomfort, pain, or bad treatment. You absolutely can be inhumane to animals. Would you senselessly beat a puppy? Which is illegal in many countries because it’s inhumane. 

Animals are often treated awfully for the purpose of consumption. Chickens are usually confined in a tiny space, and pumped growth hormones that they can barely move. This is inhumane. 

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7 minutes ago, Tropez said:

No. Inhumane is acting on another human or animal in a way that brings them discomfort, pain, or bad treatment. You absolutely can be inhumane to animals. Would you senselessly beat a puppy? Which is illegal in many countries because it’s inhumane. 

Animals are often treated awfully for the purpose of consumption. Chickens are usually confined in a tiny space, and pumped growth hormones that they can barely move. This is inhumane. 

Well sorry to disappoint but humans won't stop eating animals anytime soon 

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11 minutes ago, Tropez said:

No. Inhumane is acting on another human or animal in a way that brings them discomfort, pain, or bad treatment. You absolutely can be inhumane to animals. Would you senselessly beat a puppy? Which is illegal in many countries because it’s inhumane. 

Animals are often treated awfully for the purpose of consumption. Chickens are usually confined in a tiny space, and pumped growth hormones that they can barely move. This is inhumane. 

Often and usually ≠ always. Let's say it didn't happen, would you be okay with humans eating animals then?

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All of them are okay to eat unless they’re very endangered. 
animals don’t care about being eaten btw 

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5 minutes ago, Marvin said:

Often and usually ≠ always. Let's say it didn't happen, would you be okay with humans eating animals then?

No. Because you don’t need to eat animals. Animals are very aware of dying. But it’s weird that we draw the line at eating chickens, cows, pigs, goats, but cats, dogs, and  horses are just too far. 

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37 minutes ago, Revolution said:

Plants are just as alive as animals. So unless we all starve, we must eat other organisms I fear.

This take is more braindead than plants :rip:

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Only fish, cow, pig and chicken. The rest is ridiculous. You wanna eat cats? Squirrels, rats? Why?

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I think if you eat any meat it’s hypocritical to say certain animals are off limits. Like when people say no dogs because they’re pets. In some cultures cows are sacred but they’re not telling Americans they can’t eat them.

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I have started liking chicken more than beef but I'm not about to give up lobster or filet mignon. 

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Domesticated animals can include animals like cattle, chicken, pigs, horses, sheep and goats though. Unless you mean common house pets specifically, but even rabbits are still eaten pretty regularly (but no one cares since they're not dogs or cats). 

OT: Ideally I'd rather us all move on to cultured meat, but I know we're still like 10 years away from them being widely affordable and accessible.. and even then, not everyone is going to be ready to immediately switch (especially since I'm sure there'll be plenty of propaganda and smear campaign from the meat industry). 

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1 hour ago, Tropez said:

Humans should not be eating any animal. It’s inhumane. On top of that, lower consumption of animals also means less methane in the air, and more fishes in the sea. It also means companies will be forced to produce less. 

there's absolutely no way for this to happen in a capitalist society such as ours due to the profit and infinite growth motifs. less production = less profits = less growth so it's a no go


we need a revolution I fear :giraffe:

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1 hour ago, Revolution said:

Plants are just as alive as animals. So unless we all starve, we must eat other organisms I fear.

If you care about plants you’d stop eating animals since a huge portion of crops are used to feed animals as part of animal agriculture. :rip:

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2 hours ago, Revolution said:

Plants are just as alive as animals. So unless we all starve, we must eat other organisms I fear.


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animals are all the same. we should be able to eat any animal unless youre a hypocrite


what's the difference between eating a dog or a chicken/pig?

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Animals eat other animals so why can’t I? I only really eat poultry and occasionally beef in any case, but still…

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