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Russia and China join forces against ‘Evil’ US


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Mr. Xi and Mr. Putin used the pomp of the three-day state visit that ended on Wednesday to signal to their publics and to Western capitals that the bond between their two countries remained robust and, in their eyes, indispensable, 13 months after Mr. Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine. They laid out their vision for the world in a nine-point joint statement that covered everything from Taiwan to climate change and relations with Mongolia, often depicting the United States as the obstacle to a better, fairer world.

“It looks like a strategic plan for a decade or even more. It’s not a knee-jerk reaction to the war in Ukraine,” said Alexander Korolev, a senior lecturer at the University of New South Wales in Australia, who studies Chinese-Russian relations. Noting the statement’s repeated criticisms of the United States, he said: “The threat is no longer implicit and hypothetical; it’s very explicit.”

In Mr. Xi’s view, recently stated in unusually blunt terms, the United States is engaged in “all-around containment, encirclement and suppression of China” — a campaign of sanctions and diplomatic pressure that he says has brought “unprecedented severe challenges” to the country. To counter Western pressure, Mr. Xi wants to give Mr. Putin the political and economic support to secure their partnership, even if China may not want to wade into Russia’s war in Ukraine.

“Xi is making a significant gesture of political support to Putin with this trip, basically demonstrating that the relationship will be resilient even in these straitened circumstances and that he is willing to live with the opprobrium of the West,” said Andrew Small, the author of “No Limits: The Inside Story of China’s War With the West.”


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Lol. Poor little Putin being played like the desperate fiddle he is. Russia doesn't benefit China in any way and they're only using Russia as a flex. Good for them.



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Two loser dictators join forces.. next lol

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3 minutes ago, TheRealGâteau said:

End predatory capitalism and US hypocrisy :clap3:

It’s so funny to hear and read ignorant people like you guys say **** like this. You’re so blinded by what’s going in the US, that you’d seriously want a totalitarian regime that has no problem killing masses of its own people, innocent lives, enslaving their own population, mass censorship etc.


And if you’re going to try to make the dumbass comparison that “America does the same thing.” Then no. You’re wrong and you need to get off you’re little pop forum and do some of you’re own research.

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22 minutes ago, Cain said:

They’re sick of racism :clap3:

Another ATRL’r who doesn’t know anything about world conflict running their mouth. What a surprise

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People acting as if this is a good thing :deadbanana2: with all its bigotry the US is still a far better place to live in than China or Russia

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Not people shilling for two dictators, one of whom is executing a brutal, needless war and is behind the deaths of thousands of people a day, and the other one is in the process of conducting a genocide just because they hate the US that much :gaycat7:


Let's gain some perspective before making such idiotic comments, shall we :cm:

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1 minute ago, Love Again said:

People acting as if this is a good thing :deadbanana2: with all its bigotry the US is still a far better place to live in than China or Russia

But is it though? In Russia and China you dont have to pay for health services and universities are free. What can I do with being gay openly if I have to spend a fortune on these things? :rip:

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3 minutes ago, Hot Volcano said:

But is it though? In Russia and China you dont have to pay for health services and universities are free. What can I do with being gay openly if I have to spend a fortune on these things? :rip:

You can move to Russia or China and try to be openly gay 

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6 minutes ago, Hot Volcano said:

But is it though? In Russia and China you dont have to pay for health services and universities are free. What can I do with being gay openly if I have to spend a fortune on these things? :rip:

Move to Russia or China being openly gay… :skull: 

Edited by QueenBeyoncé
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7 minutes ago, Hot Volcano said:

But is it though? In Russia and China you dont have to pay for health services and universities are free. What can I do with being gay openly if I have to spend a fortune on these things? :rip:

Honey you won’t have to worry about health care in China or Russia, because you’ll have a bullet lodged so deep between your eyes, your skull will split in half. It’s people like you that shouldn’t be allowed to have opinions on world matters like this. Imagining being this stupid. Seriously 

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Next few decades are gonna be real interesting. And possibly in a bad way.

I'm really interested in how USA will handle (or not) being thrown off the #1 world superpower spot.

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16 minutes ago, Hot Volcano said:

But is it though? In Russia and China you dont have to pay for health services and universities are free. What can I do with being gay openly if I have to spend a fortune on these things? :rip:

Do you have any interest in democratic institutions?

Any interest in basic freedoms?

Are you between the ages of 18 and 45? If so, do you want to be drafted to go die in Ukraine?

Do you like unrestricted access to the internet, and living in a place without intensive censorship of everything you might be able to read?

Though you acknowledged it in your post, do you want to live in a country where you can kiss the member of the same sex in public without being imprisoned for modesty law violations? 

Do you want to live in a country where, up until a few months ago, people who were exposed to people with covid were literally welded into their apartments for weeks on end, and weren't let out even if the building burned down with them inside?


There are obviously a great number of issues with the US but you're not going to be imprisoned for insulting a politician. And while the cost for health services and a university education are included in Russia and China (which is only really true if you know the right people in the right places to cut the years long waits for most procedures), the quality is not nearly as good and the infrastructure is not nearly as robust. In China, the university you attend is singularly selected based on how you score on one exam, with no value placed on anything else. It might be free, but if you're not a good test taker, or if you're not brilliant, or if your parents aren't wealthy enough to book the top tutors, you're not going to get a good enough education to escape the middle-income trap the rest of China is stuck in. In Russia, if you want to visit a hospital with death rates at western levels, you're going to need a small fortune and you'll probably have to bribe your way in. 


People make ignorant comments like this genuinely not knowing how terrible things are in Russia or China under the veneer of the propaganda that you've obviously bought into at some point. The United States is an obviously, obviously imperfect country, but at least there is the potential for change. Hypothetically, if you wanted to run for office and campaign on lowering the costs of education and healthcare, you could. That option does not exist in either Russia or China, because if you try to rattle the system too hard, you'll be imprisoned or killed without a second thought. 

Edited by wastedpotential
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gosh, begin WW3 already if you're gonna act this childish

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23 minutes ago, Love Again said:

People acting as if this is a good thing :deadbanana2: with all its bigotry the US is still a far better place to live in than China or Russia

The way people are treating this like a stan war... our brains are completely rotted I fear

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5 minutes ago, HumanitySector said:

Next few decades are gonna be real interesting. And possibly in a bad way.

I'm really interested in how USA will handle (or not) being thrown off the #1 world superpower spot.

i don't think there is a #1 world superpower spot to be thrown out of anymore. if there was, would china be allying with russia to counter challenges brought on by us domination? furthermore, would the us be sending money and supplies to ukraine for a war russia started? there is no superpower calling the shots, all the big powers are just reacting to one another and causing collateral suffering for everyone involved 

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Not people in this thread being stupid and thinking this is a good thing! Y’all need reality check! 

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Wow @ the stupidity and dictatorship stanning in this thread :rip:


Hope the world somehow comes together to end Russia’s govt and China learns to pick better friends 

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It's sad how many countries have literal IDIOTS running them.

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39 minutes ago, SidetoSpears said:

i don't think there is a #1 world superpower spot to be thrown out of anymore. if there was, would china be allying with russia to counter challenges brought on by us domination? furthermore, would the us be sending money and supplies to ukraine for a war russia started? there is no superpower calling the shots, all the big powers are just reacting to one another and causing collateral suffering for everyone involved 

Russia is not a big power in 2023 :toofunny3: They are just big, poor country with s***** economy and dumb dictator :gaycat7: Future big players are India, USA, China and UE (and maybe Brazil/Turkey)

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