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Why is Taylor Swift so massive?


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Just now, MadonnasBoyfriend said:

An embarrassing tattoo I can't cover or change :michael:

I wish I could change my username too I get it. :dies:

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7 minutes ago, Badgalbriel said:

can you elaborate then? I'd love to understand better what you mean. 

What he means is that her looks are the reason her mediocre talent(s) are celebrated.


Her beauty is average, yet she gets more attention and deals for it than others.

Her songwriting is good to basic yet because shes white, it gets portrayed as if its the greatest thing ever.

Her vocals are beyond average, but because of her looks she gets a pass.

Her shows are average, but because of her looks she gets a pass.


One thing that is clear tho: all her averageness truly makes it understandable why shes "relatable" to many. 

Taylor doesnt make u dream and fantasize (like lets say Beyonce or Gaga), she just shows u that u can become big with basic talents, basic looks, basic musicianship. All u need is a good strategy and relatability. The true post child of social media.

Edited by *-ChriZ-*
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1 minute ago, *-ChriZ-* said:

What he means is that her looks are the reason her mediocre talent(s) are celebrated.


Her beauty is average, yet she gets more attention and deals for it than others.

Her songwriting is good to basic yet because shes white, it gets portrayed as if its the greatest thing ever.

Her vocals are beyond average, but because of her looks she gets a pass.

Her shows are average, but because of her looks she gets a pass.


One thing that is clear tho: all her averageness truly makes it understandable why shes "relatable" to many. 

Taylor doesnt make u dream and fantasize (like lets say Beyonce or Gaga), she just shows u that u can become big with basic talents, basic looks, basic musicianship. All u need is a good strategy and relatability. The true post child of social media.

Hmmm, if her beauty is average how does this makes any sense? 



Her vocals are beyond average, but because of her looks she gets a pass.

Her shows are average, but because of her looks she gets a pass.



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She is white, she is skinny, she is blond3, she sings about her boring feelings. Thats why. She is a terrible performer and nobody cares. 

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Several factors, some intentional and some not, favour her. What she looks like/the resources she had as a child and teenager (unintentional) and her image and music (intentional) make it possible for her to be as successful as she is. Every mainstream artist needs to be palatable to a degree to the mainstream audience (mostly white people) and Taylor is perhaps the most palatable mainstream artist in history, which could be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it. She also works hard, knows how to play the game, and consistently write catchy melodies, and is smart which helps too.

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1 minute ago, Badgalbriel said:

Hmmm, if her beauty is average how does this makes any sense? 


Looks: white, blonde, blue eyes

Despite these characteristics, her beauty is average

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8 minutes ago, WeFoundTrouble said:

There’s lots of pretty blondes who never reach these heights, but also Madonna is a pretty blonde and no one demeans her success to just her appearance :rip: It’s because, just like Madonna, Taylor is a hustler. She’s got business mentality. 

Misogyny is rampant in the gay community, sis. Also, the gays love to tear down the girls at the top. The more hate Taylor gets, the more she proves she's winning.



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because she encapsulates the emotions people go through in beautiful melodies

the other half of her discography is carefree fun music



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11 hours ago, WeFoundTrouble said:

People saying she’s an inoffensive white woman, as if there aren’t dozens of those women in the industry. Julia Michaels, Colbie Caillat, Norah Jones, etc all scored a hit era or two, a hit single here and there, but never reached global heights or toured monstrously in the way Taylor has been able to.


Taylor’s success is not just her inoffensiveness but her strategic reinventions. As much as y’all think her music sounds the same, it’s the complete opposite. Like others in here have said, there’s something in her catalogue for everyone, from the gays who stan reputation to the white girls who LOVE to love Lover, to the Filipino swifties with nostalgia for Fearless era, to the bro-rock/indie dads who respect the folklore & evermore eras. 

Other “inoffensive” girls have nothing else going for them. Taylor and her team have managed every career shift wonderfully. Her marketing and business sensibilities are on point.



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9 hours ago, RihFenty20 said:

White Supremacy

There's thousands of white artists in the music industry, yet none come closer to her current success. Y'all seriously need to come up with something else :rip:

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I also think the better question is to ask why Taylor doesn’t have more female competition. She is losing some dominance on Spotify with SZA and Flowers being massive but she’s still miles ahead in consumption. There need to be more women on top

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She's literally the best possible figure that a white girl could dream of. pretty, tall, blonde, rich, successful, acclaimed, talented (songwriting-wise), smart, making drama over hot male celebrities, etc. all the white girls out there (and gays) enjoy living vicariously through her

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the bigger question is how could someone so “inoffensive” be the reason why so many of y’all are constantly fuming :rip:

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9 hours ago, Velvet Night said:

Taylor Swift's massive success in the music industry can be attributed to a combination of factors. 

One of the primary factors for Taylor's success are her songwriting skills. Unlike many pop artists who rely on a team of songwriters and producers to create their music, she has always been involved in every aspect of her music, from writing the lyrics to producing the final product. Her ability to write relatable, emotionally resonant songs has won her critical acclaim and a dedicated fanbase who see themselves reflected in her music. Also, she is a talented musician who can play multiple instruments, which adds depth and variety to her music.

Another reason for her success is definitely her work ethic. She spends a lot of time writing and perfecting her songs, producing music videos, as well as rehearsing and performing live. Her dedication to her music has earned her not only respect from her fans but also other people in music industry who appreciate her effort and hard work.

Taylor's marketing strategy has also been an important factor in her success. She has always been savvy when it comes to promoting her music and building her brand, from surprise album releases and clever Easter eggs to partnerships with brands and sponsorships. This strategy has helped her maintain her relevance and popularity over the years.

In comparison to other female pop artists, Taylor's success can also be attributed to her ability to reinvent herself. She has evolved musically over the years, experimenting with different genres and styles, from country to pop to folk/alt pop. This flexibility has helped her to stay relevant and appeal to a wider audience, from teenage girls, gay men to middle-aged parents, and keep her music fresh and exciting.

Lastly, she has a unique ability to connect with her fans. From her relatable and down-to-earth personality to her social media savviness and philanthropic efforts, Her fans see her not just as a pop star but also as a role model and friend. Her fans feel a deep personal connection to her. This has helped her build a strong and loyal fanbase that not only supports her music and attends her concerts, but stays by side even in controversy.


Tl;dr: Taylor Swift's massive success can be attributed to a combination of factors, like her songwriting skills, work ethic, marketing strategy, ability to connect with her fans, and to reinvent herself. While other female pop artists have come and gone over the years, Taylor has managed to maintain her relevance and stay on top.


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13 hours ago, Habibro said:

whether you like it or not she’s bigger than your fav. 

Not in Europe excluding the UK.

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Socially she presents music like = what you seeis is what you get and most like minded people who look like her are never threatened by her + and those who dont look like her arent threatned by her either = gift of being white in an industry where how much prejudice you deal with ultimately determines your value in anything and everything else.


No other race has dominated mainstream media like hers. That's already 75% the battle.


Society as a whole will always look at artists who are more traditional as ones that need to preserved because they are more "respectful" to older societal norms. So older demographics play a huge role as well in "traditional music" obviously.


After her it will be the same thing, different artist but same forumla.

Artist that could be white % vs could be black % vs artist that could be Asian % etc + prejudice efforts that limits their reach = x


But anwyays, she makes music people want to hear and not music that needs to change the world. Other artists because of their identity solely create music with this goal in mind to help their fellow communites. Big difference. 


Hope this doesn't sound harsh but she's white and white people have dominated mainstream media for years while ignoring minorities because of the prejudice networks behind them dont require them to acknowledge anything. Unfortunately most of them didn't see the need to highlight minorities and successfully kept them out which is why other avenues were created to level the playing field. These anti-inclusivty effects are still being felt to this day which means we can't acknowledge that and not acknowledge that this has inadvertently helped Taylor or the role she may play in it being a white woman because they are the same statement.


But Shania twain isn't as successful as Taylor and theyre both white so being white doesnt matter in this = False. For this to make since you need to liken Shania to an someone of a different race. People who look like Taylor will always have a higher % or turning out artists that have feats and numbers like her because its deemed "non offensive" You should instead ask yourself, how come there are no Taylor equivalents in other races? How can I acknowledge the existence of prejudice ideals that keep minorities from flourishing just as well as white artists and not acknowledge that Taylor is of the latter and has benefited from this inadvertently? 


Don't hate her btw(could never), just my opinion.




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Objectively speaking, outside of the obvious race dimension, she makes good music- in particular music that you listen to after a breakup, after saying yes to a proposal, after failing an exam, or just want some reflection. Her music connects beyond gender and race (white American girls may be her dominant audience but she also has tons of Asian and POC fans too). And the reason for that is that her lyrics speak so well to the common human experience. Add to the fact that she is the most ruthless self marketer since Madonna, and you have a massive career.

With that being said, sacrifices are made and in her case, she tends to play it safe and even in her reinventions, its always within the bounds of what her fanbase expects of her. Hence there is truth to the notion that her music isnt groundbreaking.

BUT, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Elton John, Queen werent really releasing the most groundbreaking music ever for most of their career and yet they are revered. Not everyone can be Madonna or the Beatles and Taylor understands that (and from a personal note, its best for her not to go political cuz her political songs are shite :rip:).

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2 hours ago, littlebodybigheart said:

the bigger question is how could someone so “inoffensive” be the reason why so many of y’all are constantly fuming :rip:

This :gaycat7:. "inoffensive" yet she constantly has atrl melting down over every minuscule thing she does :jonnycat:.

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Why do people act like it's hard to understand why people like Taylor Swift? She's not my cup of tea, but I totally get it. One listen to her discography and it becomes quite clear why millions of other white women relate to her. She solidified a dedicated fanbase very early on in her career and many of the people who love her now loved her 17 years ago and have grown with her. She writes about things that most people like her can relate to. She doesn't use convoluted metaphors, she doesn't try to be "different" or "outside the box". She's just her. She sells herself very, very well and she is above all else "basic". And I don't mean "basic" in a mean or bad way necessarily, I just mean that she's very easy to relate to. She has crafted her image to be safe and to be the "relatable girl next door" and it has worked. She tells stories in her music that people can relate to and can sing along to. The people who love her love HER more than anything else, which is exactly why they can watch her walk back and forth on stage for three hours and be mesmerized. It's about her as a person and her music more than anything else. And tbh, that's impressive. Not many artists can say they succeed on music alone.


Like, this isn't rocket science.

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15 hours ago, Cruel Summer said:

She is first and foremost a songwriter recognized for her skill and talent in that field since she was still a child. Her catalog is full of albums and songs recognized for not just their songwriting quality, but especially for their ability to speak to the universal experiences of millions of young people throughout the world. Through that confessional songwriting, she forged an incredibly strong bond with her fanbase that I would argue is different from some of the other artist-fanbase relationships we see in the modern music market. Throughout all of this, she has demonstrated exceptional skill as a businesswoman and it's clear that she is to at least some extent more motivated by success than some other music stars. She wants it, and she works hard for it, and she's really not ashamed to admit those things (I'm sure many people have heard the story about doing 1989 in part because Red lost AOTY, or seen the clip of how she felt about Reputation's lack of nominations). When you have skill and talent, create excellent material, cultivate a loyal fanbase, and deftly maintain the status of your brand as a business - that's the perfect recipe for success.


There are, of course, areas where some might think she falls short: certain elements of live performance and not being born with the same vocal talents as some other incredible women in music. Those perceived shortcomings simply fall by the wayside and no longer matter when you have the other things. And we should mention that of course it's no small thing that she has intentionally kept her brand relatively modest, or that she benefits from white privilege and from other societal structures that not everyone has in life - these are all ingredients in the recipe, some that she can control and some that she can't. But the dismissal of her success by attributing it solely to her being a "safe" white American girl is shortsighted; there are thousands of such artists who never make it a tenth as far as Taylor has. Some element of that must be attributed to her abilities and to her ambition and work ethic.

This is a pretty well-balanced post! :clap3:

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15 hours ago, WeFoundTrouble said:

Taylor’s success is not just her inoffensiveness but her strategic reinventions. As much as y’all think her music sounds the same, it’s the complete opposite. Like others in here have said, there’s something in her catalogue for everyone, from the gays who stan reputation to the white girls who LOVE to love Lover, to the Filipino swifties with nostalgia for Fearless era, to the bro-rock/indie dads who respect the folklore & evermore eras. 

Straight men do not listen to Taylor Swift. Yes maybe she has some gay fans here and there but her success is entirely attributed to the straight white women audience.

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8 minutes ago, Bang Up said:

Why do people act like it's hard to understand why people like Taylor Swift? She's not my cup of tea, but I totally get it. One listen to her discography and it becomes quite clear why millions of other white women relate to her. She solidified a dedicated fanbase very early on in her career and many of the people who love her now loved her 17 years ago and have grown with her. She writes about things that most people like her can relate to. She doesn't use convoluted metaphors, she doesn't try to be "different" or "outside the box". She's just her. She sells herself very, very well and she is above all else "basic". And I don't mean "basic" in a mean or bad way necessarily, I just mean that she's very easy to relate to. She has crafted her image to be safe and to be the "relatable girl next door" and it has worked. She tells stories in her music that people can relate to and can sing along to. The people who love her love HER more than anything else, which is exactly why they can watch her walk back and forth on stage for three hours and be mesmerized. It's about her as a person and her music more than anything else. And tbh, that's impressive. Not many artists can say they succeed on music alone.


Like, this isn't rocket science.

Yep, this is a pretty good take on it. We love her for her and for her music.

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