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Macron survives no-confidence by only 9 votes - mass protests continue across France


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7 hours ago, Genius1111 said:

Did Macron include this pension reform as a part of election manifesto last year and weren't voters warned about it? In any case, I recall that Macron would have beaten everyone in the 2nd round of voting anyway based on polling as he had a relatively high approval rating last year, by French standards.


It is strange that the anti-Macron and anti-LePen crowd did not rally around another credible candidate. Is it because they loathe 3rd-place Melechon too?


I remembered from an article last year there was no one credible left in the traditional left and right wing parties after En Marche successfully poached candidates left, right and center (literally). If you guys have any other good/decent articles to support or counter my understanding, do share.

Liberals (center right) and the far right hate Melenchon and everyone left of center, yes. France is like America in that there is no meaningful left movement that can win elections. Same is also true in the UK, where even Labour is embracing anti-trans stance under the Blairite Keir Starmer because of influential figures like JK Rowling driving up trans panic in the country.


"Leftism" as a movement is dead outside of Latin America. And even there, those countries are so starved by Western sanctions and state-sponsored coups that it's hard for it to thrive.

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4 hours ago, AMIT said:

Yes, because increasing the retirement age is one of the most pressing issues of today. :rip: Do you think they are peddling this change for the benefit of society as a whole/the working class? :deadbanana4:


"the economy!!!11!!" meanwhile the rich continue to get richer, while the poor suffer from the economic crisis, weakening labour rights and all other damning effects caused by late stage capitalism.

The largest fortune *in the world* can’t keep the French pensions system running for even 6 months. How do you intend to pay for that white elephant without any reforms? By taxing everyone at 80%? :rip:

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