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FLO f/ Missy Elliott - "Fly Girl"


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Cute but iTunes is dead, we need them to enters on Spotify and AM global charts next 

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18 minutes ago, Adama said:

Cute but iTunes is dead, we need them to enters on Spotify and AM global charts next 

What is the AM uk position?

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So it’s #38 on AM UK R&B but that’s pretty low on the overall charts considering on the #1-#5 are in the top 200 but either way they were never going to have a big debut (Cardboard Box only touched top 50 after about 6 months). It’ll work it’s way up, also it hasn’t even been 24 hours

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9 minutes ago, Cotton said:

So it’s #38 on AM UK R&B but that’s pretty low on the overall charts considering on the #1-#5 are in the top 200 but either way they were never going to have a big debut (Cardboard Box only touched top 50 after about 6 months). It’ll work it’s way up, also it hasn’t even been 24 hours

hope they start playlisting them on AM. I don't know much how it works in UK, but if they want to hit in US, AM playlist will be essencial for this.

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Good lord, *please* let this smash for them! Absolutely sensational. :gaycatina1:

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TOTAL BOP! Can't wait for the live

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Willing them a win. It's deserved but also needed


As someone who equally enjoys both the stan and commercial spaces, they seem to have the former on lock but it's yet to translate into success with the latter. Put simply, they still don't really chart and early indications aren't so strong for this song (just yet).


They clearly have a lot of buzz and the label have pumped in more budget to this. It gives "lead single from the official album campaign" vibes. 


All of those accolades from last year (Brits, BBC, etc) create a lot of internal and external expectations. From the label to fans to fence-riders. If it doesn't start to translate commercially very quickly, I worry they may become a "they were on the road to big things, but..." situation. 


At the moment, their scenarios feel like they could land on ONE of the following very different outcomes:


* Still organically building towards that ONE breakout moment/hit and they zoom straight to the top straight after. 


* Internet hot, but struggle to ever really sell / crossover. All the groundwork establishes them a nice touring audience, but ultimately a group version of JoJo / Tinashe's niche-internet standing.


* The 411 (UK Group) 2.0: Buzzed about but end up fizzling into a "remember them?" because of not finding a big enough audience to sustain the weight of expectation. 


* Wildcard 1: one of the next big MPGs exists within the group currently and their breakaway/breakout moment will be the sole "success" angle of the group's existence. My bet would be on Jorja.


* Wildcard 2: We're still in the preliminary stages of their story and true success is on the other side of a label and/or management switch. Essentially, the Sugababes 1.0 to 2.0 story. Only issue with this is that the label and management seem to be doing everything right so far, so not sure what's not connecting fully. 


All this conjecture aside, I'm rooting for them.

Edited by Cbreezy
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1 hour ago, Cbreezy said:

* Wildcard 2: We're still in the preliminary stages of their story

Be calm, they'll def be a thing. 

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Surpassed 500K on Spotify (live charts) in about 23 hours :clap3:

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10 minutes ago, 99sandthe2000s said:


hope majority of them are from today so they can debut on WW Spotify too.

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Oh they’re coming coming. I had no idea their base was this big. 


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2 minutes ago, ToraeGilt said:

Oh they’re coming coming. I had no idea their base was this big. 


AHHHH GAG. This is huge omg and the radio promo is yet to kick in too.

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3 minutes ago, ToraeGilt said:

Oh they’re coming coming. I had no idea their base was this big. 

Yes! :WAP:

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6 minutes ago, ToraeGilt said:

Oh they’re coming coming. I had no idea their base was this big. 


Wait a minute :jonny:

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Oh wow, great numbers :jonny5: Hope it grows with the NMF playlist support today

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Listened multiple times today and it bops every time, definitely replay friendly. 

Edited by tbhmatt
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Dr. Alexander

Considering they have signed with Republic Records, it will only be a short period of time before they take off.


These other artists who have debuted within the past ten years in R&B are in trouble. They have been selling a watered-down, soulless, and uninspired version of R&B to the masses for a long time. Now that the true sound and feel of the genre is returning with FLO, the public will definitely assimilate to them and it’s either going to A) force recent artists to switch to this sound or B) leave many R&B artists behind.


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should be a cute lil UK single for them. I don't see them blowing up in the US though. they'll be like a R&B version of Little Mix with occasional top 20 hits in America

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