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Israeli settlers intiate pogroms in Huwara; reported deaths, villages set on fire


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Edited by Communion
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You’ve made 22 posts about Israel/Jews so far in 2023 - the obsession is a bit concerning. Touch some grass, sis. 

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13 minutes ago, Richmond said:

You’ve made 22 posts about Israel/Jews so far in 2023 

If I make 43 more, I'll have made one for every Palestinian citizen killed by the Israeli regime in 2023 thus far:



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1 hour ago, Richmond said:

You’ve made 22 posts about Israel/Jews so far in 2023 - the obsession is a bit concerning. Touch some grass, sis. 

Calling out the apartheid government of Israel and their fascist enablers in America/the West is overall a net good. Cope and seethe.

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3 hours ago, Richmond said:

You’ve made 22 posts about Israel/Jews so far in 2023 - the obsession is a bit concerning. Touch some grass, sis. 

As someone who is Jewish (culturally), it’s kind of messed up that you KNOW damn well the Israeli government and it’s supporters =\= all Jews and still get mad at OP for reporting on literal genocide. The Israeli government is not free from extremely valid criticism. 

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Ah yes, the killing of a brown person has to be downplayed as run-of-the-mill violence. Typical US State Department drivel that always defers to pro-Israel talking points.

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9 hours ago, Richmond said:

Make sure you keep that same energy



Life and history will look back on you and Israel like we look back on the evils of Rhodesia. 

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19 minutes ago, Communion said:



Life and history will look back on you and Israel like we look back on the evils of Rhodesia. 

And yet you and your friends are in the minority of this conversation in the public eye :rip: but keep on with your anti-Semitic posts on a Pop forum :heart: making a real change!

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10 minutes ago, Richmond said:

And yet you and your friends are in the minority of this conversation in the public eye



There will be a day where Israel no longer exists and it, like Rhodesia, will be remembered only for a legacy of white supremacy. 

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10 minutes ago, Communion said:



There will be a day where Israel no longer exists and it, like Rhodesia, will be remembered only for a legacy of white supremacy. 

In your dreams :bibliahh::bibliahh:

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20 hours ago, Richmond said:

And yet you and your friends are in the minority of this conversation in the public eye :rip: but keep on with your anti-Semitic posts on a Pop forum :heart: making a real change!

You seem really desperate for any form of controversy you can possibly generate, yet you're gonna get little to no attention, just pure embarrassment at this point :skull:


Everybody knows now that criticizing Israel isn't the same as being anti-Semitic, as explained over and over again even by Jewish people who are anti-Israel. Five year olds know that & you know that too, it's giving pick me energy and you're probably really annoying to hang out with irl :deadbanana:

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5 minutes ago, heckinglovato said:

You seem really desperate for any form of controversy you can possibly generate, yet you're gonna get little to no attention, just pure embarrassment at this point :skull:


Everybody knows now that criticizing Israel isn't the same as being anti-Semitic, as explained over and over again even by Jewish people who are anti-Israel. Five year olds know that & you know that too, it's giving pick me energy and you're probably really annoying to hang out with irl :deadbanana:

A user named 'heckinglovato' calling others cringe and a loner :deadbanana2: the jokes write themselves on ATRL. 

Criticizing Israel vs. saying the country shouldn't exist (as per the post above) are two very different things. Maybe those five year olds you hang around with can teach you the difference. :penguin: Just say you're discriminatory trash and keep it moving. Y'all don't even hide it anymore :rip:

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21 hours ago, Richmond said:

And yet you and your friends are in the minority of this conversation in the public eye :rip: but keep on with your anti-Semitic posts on a Pop forum :heart: making a real change!

the public not caring about the lynching of brown people is not new.

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7 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

the public not caring about the lynching of brown people is not new.

Lynching :rip: omg y’all are truly deranged. I really hope you seek out help. A bunch of white Western bottoms with 0 clue on what’s going on in the Middle East talking about the lynching of brown people :deadbanana2: true mental illness. Y’all just love being included in conversations that you know nothing about. 

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18 minutes ago, Richmond said:

A user named 'heckinglovato' calling others cringe and a loner :deadbanana2: the jokes write themselves on ATRL. 

Criticizing Israel vs. saying the country shouldn't exist (as per the post above) are two very different things. Maybe those five year olds you hang around with can teach you the difference. :penguin: Just say you're discriminatory trash and keep it moving. Y'all don't even hide it anymore :rip:

I'm not even gonna try and dignify your point on my username (which I made in 2012 when I was a teenager) as I clearly see you're trying to clinch onto any irrelevant argument because you know your original claims of anti-Semitism are laughable at best :chick1:


Israel [an ethnostate that was built on kicking my dad out of his home when he was just four years old & forced him to seek refuge in another country and never be able to see or visit his childhood home again for the rest of his life] should absolutely cease to exist


You know it's not anti-Semitic, but it's fun and games for you to see us Palestinians oppressed



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1 minute ago, Richmond said:

Lynching :rip: omg y’all are truly deranged. I really hope you seek out help. A bunch of white Western bottoms with 0 clue on what’s going on in the Middle East talking about the lynching of brown people :deadbanana2: true mental illness. Y’all just love being included in conversations that you know nothing about. 



Okay, Zionist, whatever you say.


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7 minutes ago, Richmond said:

Lynching :rip: omg y’all are truly deranged. I really hope you seek out help. A bunch of white Western bottoms with 0 clue on what’s going on in the Middle East talking about the lynching of brown people :deadbanana2: true mental illness. Y’all just love being included in conversations that you know nothing about. 

Villages are being set on fire, Palestinians are being stabbed, and you're worried about the semantics of the word lynching. Zionists and their lack of humanity never fail to surprise me. :rip:

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7 minutes ago, Richmond said:

Lynching :rip: omg y’all are truly deranged. I really hope you seek out help. A bunch of white Western bottoms with 0 clue on what’s going on in the Middle East talking about the lynching of brown people :deadbanana2: true mental illness. Y’all just love being included in conversations that you know nothing about. 

I'm Palestinian and can testify that not only are these "white Western bottoms" here accurate with their depictions, but absolutely know what they're talking about (and you really don't), zionist :gaycat2:

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Bezalel Smotrich, Minister of Finance in the Israeli government has said that Israel should ‘wipe out’ the Palestinian town of Huwara.



Perhaps some people remember a time when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran suggested that the "occupying regime" (meaning Israel) should vanish from the page of time, which many interpreted as meaning that Israel should be wiped off the map.


The reaction from the United States government was to call upon United Nations Security Council to charge Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with violating the 1948 Convention on Genocide and the United Nations Charter.


Should the United States do the same for this Minister of the Israeli government?


@ClashAndBurn - we must have read the same article at the same time.

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15 minutes ago, Letemtalk said:

Bezalel Smotrich, Minister of Finance in the Israeli government has said that Israel should ‘wipe out’ the Palestinian town of Huwara.



Perhaps some people remember a time when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran suggested that the "occupying regime" (meaning Israel) should vanish from the page of time, which many interpreted as meaning that Israel should be wiped off the map.


The reaction from the United States government was to call upon United Nations Security Council to charge Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with violating the 1948 Convention on Genocide and the United Nations Charter.


Should the United States do the same for this Minister of the Israeli government?


@ClashAndBurn - we must have read the same article at the same time.

The US will furrow its brow and express concern, at most.



And just as we condemn Palestinian incitement to violence, we condemn these provocative remarks that also amount to incitement to violence. We call on Prime Minister Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials to publicly and clearly reject and disavow these comments.

We condemn, as we have consistently, terrorism and extremism in all of its forms, and we continue to urge that there be equal measures of accountability for extremist actions, regardless of the background of the perpetrators or the victims.



The most the State Department will ever do is equivocate and imply that Palestinians bring violence upon themselves.

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