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Trump praises Biden’s State of The Union speech in a weird plot twist


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republicans never even believe the words that come out of their own mouths and just say whatever pushes the agenda they want. 


i truly feel like trump didn’t even believe half of the disgusting trash he was spewing as president and was just trying to pander to the worst kind of people because he knows they’re dumb as a rock and don’t stand for anything and will therefore fall for everything. 

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they want Biden to gain popularity so heʻs the main Dem running in the next election (cause they think heʻs beatable)


just my guess.

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1 minute ago, 50thStateofMind said:

they want Biden to gain popularity so heʻs the main Dem running in the next election (cause they think heʻs beatable)


just my guess.

It’s either that or he hates Rob Desantis that much. And Biden is a hell of a lot stronger of a candidate than the alternative (Kamala)

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5 minutes ago, sourtwink said:

republicans never even believe the words that come out of their own mouths and just say whatever pushes the agenda they want. 


i truly feel like trump didn’t even believe half of the disgusting trash he was spewing as president and was just trying to pander to the worst kind of people because he knows they’re dumb as a rock and don’t stand for anything and will therefore fall for everything. 

i mean, that was him in 2008 :deadbanana:



so yeah, he certainly didn't believe the things he said in 2016-20 

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It's a signal that he's willing to throw the election to Biden if he doesn't win the Republican nomination :toofunny3:

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11 minutes ago, 50thStateofMind said:

they want Biden to gain popularity so heʻs the main Dem running in the next election (cause they think heʻs beatable)


just my guess.

Every other Democrat that could possibly run is more beatable than Joe Biden, lmfao

Edited by ClashAndBurn
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3 minutes ago, family.guy123 said:

How is this a plot twist?? Y’all think we’re living in a movie or something. These are real human beings 

Are you just unaware of Trumps entire time in politics? 2 years ago, trump was accusing Biden of collaborating with a dead dictator to rig the election against him :rip:

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Trump has no shame (because heʻs a clinical narcissist) and will do or say anything to get what he wants (power)

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9 minutes ago, family.guy123 said:

How is this a plot twist?? Y’all think we’re living in a movie or something. These are real human beings 

lol what

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24 minutes ago, 50thStateofMind said:

they want Biden to gain popularity so heʻs the main Dem running in the next election (cause they think heʻs beatable)


just my guess.

Might also be he's trying to do some PR to gain back moderate votes. 

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i get it...we woke up on an alternate universe...its the only explanation

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40 minutes ago, 50thStateofMind said:

they want Biden to gain popularity so heʻs the main Dem running in the next election (cause they think heʻs beatable)


just my guess.

This, it really isn't complicated. Once Biden has a clear path this will all go away.

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I guess it's his way of threatening republic party so they would nominate him or he would sway his demographics to vote democrats instead.

Edited by GipJo
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He’s still trash but he’s also smart. He played the republicans like puppets and they fell for it. Trump isn’t a man of values or morality, so he had no issue saying the most lewd and disgusting things to appeal to the deep-seeded racism, homophobia, and bigotry in so many conservatives and it worked. He exploited their prejudiced beliefs and ignorant inclinations and exposed them all for it. He knew it was in many Americans and capitalized on that. Now that he doesn’t have to do that, he’s showing a little more decorum. 

The republicans getting played left and right, truly pathetic. :clap3:

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He's just trying to appear as the more moderate candidate going against DeSantis. :rip:

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23 minutes ago, Taylena said:

He's just trying to appear as the more moderate candidate going against DeSantis. :rip:

Pretty much. He's going to feed right into the hands of conservatives who are like "i'm tired of divisive politics!" who in the same breath are like "Ban Drag Queens and LGBT people are GROOMERS"



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Simple tactic: in order to be plausible you can't criticize your opponent all the time (and elections are still far away so it does not matter that much rn)
or they just took his adderall pills and dementia hit him with double force

Edited by karma police
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It's a warning for Republicans. Make sure Donald is nominated or he will burn the GOP to the ground. 

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Republicans are going to quickly be reminded that Trump has no actual convictions and only cares about who's sufficiently loyal to him and how he can spite anyone he feels threatened by. :rip: And now they'll have to suffer the consequences of making him the face of their party and making the Republican base his cult. Trump does NOT want to see DeSantis win against him in the primary and then win against Biden in the general. I honestly think if it were DeSantis vs. Biden, Trump would rather Biden win simply to preserve his own ego. It's more likely that Trump runs as an independent in the general than that he endorses DeSantis should Trump lose the primary.

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