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Trump calls for criminalizing being trans, ban schools from promoting being LGBT


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It's shocking most of the America agrees with him. If he wins, democracy I guess. :shakeno:

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I hate the fact that this is actually gonna resonate with alot of ppl like can he please just go to prison already :deadbanana4:

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The way his constant appearances are neverending nightmares :deadbanana4:

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Not agreeing with what he says but I do agree with this trans woman > 



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7 minutes ago, DonSiblon said:

Not agreeing with what he says but I do agree with this trans woman

Does Blaire White know her political idol just said the only acceptable family structure is the "nuclear family" consisting of a cis woman + cis man? Sis, this trolling nonsense isn't cute anymore. Is it a dupe? 

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They pushed hard on this during the midterms as well and faltered (partly) because of it. I'm actually surprised they're continuing with it.


Most people will not vote over trans rights. They just don't care, which means the Trump and DeSantis are already desperate. Hopefully this is good news for '24.

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6 minutes ago, Communion said:

Does Blaire White know her political idol just said the only acceptable family structure is the "nuclear family" consisting of a cis woman + cis man? Sis, this trolling nonsense isn't cute anymore. Is it a dupe? 

Trump is not her political idol, did you just pull that out of your ass? I also just said I don’t agree with him. Not everyone who’s against supporting gender-affirming health care for children is a troll, cupcake. 

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26 minutes ago, DonSiblon said:

Not agreeing with what he says but I do agree with this trans woman > 



omg thank u for introducing me to her. shes awesome. im so tired of this trans rheroric in the media. they always show the worst..same as they always show flamming promiscuous gays and violent black thugs.

its almost never in a good light.

if i was trans i would be livid!!!!

its bullshit like this that has people thinking trans and gays are pedophiles. its bullshit like this that has trump doing what he is trying to do. and if i didnt know any better i would agree. thankfully i know actual trans people and none of them agree with this ****. yeh **** short haired kelly and everyone who thinks like her (or them, or moonchild,or whatever the **** the xx chromosome identifies as.)

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21 minutes ago, elevate said:

They pushed hard on this during the midterms as well and faltered (partly) because of it. I'm actually surprised they're continuing with it.


Most people will not vote over trans rights. They just don't care, which means the Trump and DeSantis are already desperate. Hopefully this is good news for '24.

Let's only hope. They keep emboldening this stupid fringe, they have passed many transphobic laws around the country and don't seem to have any intention to stop anytime soon because attacking a minority as small and misrepresented as transgender people is sadly very easy. 

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"Criminalize Being" :bam: yet some of y'all want to ignore the very real culture war going on??


Enjoy Hogwarts Legacy, and endorsing/financing this rhetoric. It must be nice "being" blind to the real world we live in.











Edited by Reginald
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this is so f*cking scary. my coworker was talking about this earlier and they were so upset :cries: I really feel for non-cis people in our community. know that we're in this together and we're gonna fight for everyone's rights to be who they are

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What does this mean? Like if they criminalize being trans what happens to those that already transitioned? Like they already had surgery and everything… what does this imply for them??

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1 hour ago, xxxlamb said:

omg thank u for introducing me to her. shes awesome. im so tired of this trans rheroric in the media. they always show the worst..same as they always show flamming promiscuous gays and violent black thugs.

its almost never in a good light.

if i was trans i would be livid!!!!

its bullshit like this that has people thinking trans and gays are pedophiles. its bullshit like this that has trump doing what he is trying to do. and if i didnt know any better i would agree. thankfully i know actual trans people and none of them agree with this ****. yeh **** short haired kelly and everyone who thinks like her (or them, or moonchild,or whatever the **** the xx chromosome identifies as.)

"if i was trans" :rip:

Some of y'all need to stop talking on things you're not involved in. 

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Their only hope is using kids as a scape goat. Fear for your children because radical leftist groomers have infiltrated our schools! Traditional Christian values are being destroyed! It’s not a reality and this is why so many respectable, hard working teachers are fed up. The profession is under attack because a lot of conservatives who are suckers for conspiracy theories or any fear mongering rhetorics that feeds their belief in thinking Christian Americans are the true victims in regards to all things progressive and non-traditional. The fact that trans people have always been the ultimate victims of bullying, beating, and killings is neither here nor there in their minds. They still think of themselves as the bigger victims knowing their children are being exposed to the reality that trans people exist and that it’s ok. They don’t care to ever see trans people have better, safer lives is what if all boils down to. 

The whole hormonal therapy thing isn’t being forced on anybody, but it is a touchy subject when it comes to school aged children. It’s between the child and their parents at the end of the day, but to create this narrative to make it seem as if blue haired teachers are spending their days teaching kids about the process en masse makes my blood boil, but Trump and Desantis has conservatives wrapped around their fingers with this narrative. 

Edited by BGKC
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2 hours ago, DonSiblon said:

Not agreeing with what he says but I do agree with this trans woman > 



I love Blair. She’s literally the only voice of reason in social media regarding this topic. All the others seems to lean on different extremes. 

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The right wing keeps losing the anti-trans debate because their observations continue to be superficial. “Only women have a uterus” — Once medical professionals have advanced to the point where trans women are able to have a menstrual cyclus or a uterus, what they will move on about?


Don’t these conservatives realize that you can’t base morality on biology? Science continues to change. I feel like conservatives have nothing to stand on in the coming decades

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6 hours ago, Reginald said:

"Criminalize Being" :bam: yet some of y'all want to ignore the very real culture war going on??


Enjoy Hogwarts Legacy, and endorsing/financing this rhetoric. It must be nice "being" blind to the real world we live in.











What on earth is this post implying 

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