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Survivor: ATRL Edition - Fans vs. Favorites (Season 13) | FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL


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Welcome castaways to your 4th results show! Below will be the rankings for each round. The tribe with the highest average will win immunity, and the top person on the losing tribe will also be immune from Tribal Council.

After I reveal the scores, I will post the final results which will include how you ranked against all castaways, and finally the overall rankings after this round. 

With that said, here it is…



@Auburn @bowdown @fais_2311 @Guero  @Speezy @Stevie @Taeyeon @touya kinomoto @TruGemini

@Allday @Aurora @brycehooha @Delirious @Fifteen @kittenish @Kylie Verzosa @Luckitty @Starchild @wish

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Starchild Miley Cyrus - Fly on the Wall
Allday Britney Spears - Kill the Lights
wish Britney Spears - My Prerogative
Fifteen Madonna - Human Nature
Luckitty Little Mix - Wasabi
kittenish IU - BBI BBI
Aurora Lady Gaga - Do What U Want (solo version)
Delirious T.I. - My Life Your Entertainment (feat. Usher)
Kylie Verzosa Solange - **** the Industry
brycehooha Guns N' Roses – Get in the Ring



Miley Cyrus - Fly on the Wall

  • Boys - 5 - Personally I feel like this is more about a relationship than the media soo..
  • Clue - 5.5 - It’s halfway there. It’s not about paparazzi, wholly, it’s about a guy too, so it doesn’t really work.
  • Not Like the Movies - 6 - Now I know this song is about paparazzi and her saying that they do not know the real her. So yes I do see the vision you were going for, I just needed this to be more defiant and specific in lyrics laced with actual instances where she experienced the annoyance from the media. For a game like this, literal is better than figurative. If I did not know the story behind this song, it could have been interpreted as an abusive relationship. 
  • Staryu - 6 - I feel like she is passionate in this song, but the lyrics don't really give any specific examples and I would think it's just about a relationship if I didn't know the story behind the song, it works overall knowing Miley's intentions with this song but it's not great. 


Britney Spears - Kill the Lights

  • Boys - 9 - She’s mother, period.
  • Clue - 9 - She’s mother, period. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 9 - This is a pretty good entry thematically. 
  • Staryu - 9 - This makes me think of when the paparazzi flashed her ******.


Britney Spears - My Prerogative

  • Boys - 10 - She’s mother, period. [2]
  • Clue - 10 - Perfect. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 9 - In this song she takes power of her own life and talks about people questioning her decisions and choices but she’s letting them know it’s her life, I can see your vision but I do think this is more general whereas it could be about anyone who is criticizing you, i.e family members, friends, managers etc and not specifically the media outlets. But it’s strong.
  • Staryu - 9 - It works well for this theme, I could use more specific paparazzi elements but it’s good.


Madonna - Human Nature

  • Boys - 10 - Mother dust came through.
  • Clue - 10 - She also looks 10. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 10 - I know this song is a response to the slutshaming and unfair misogyny she received from her Erotica era and is basically her taking her power and mocking her critics. I like this interpretation of the theme. 
  • Staryu - 10 - Perfect.


Little Mix - Wasabi

  • Boys - 10 - Surprised to be giving this a 10.
  • Clue - 10 - This could’ve been the example song, too. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 10 - Excellent. 
  • Staryu - 10 - Great choice.



  • Boys - 10 - Never heard of this before but yeah these girls or boys ate.
  • Clue - 10 - Perfect. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 10 - Great 
  • Staryu - 9.5 - Basically perfect, love the specific lyrics.


Lady Gaga - Do What U Want (solo version or featuring Christina Aguilera)

  • Boys - 6.5 - This gives more about relationship than media to me.
  • Clue - 7.5 - Not specific enough for me. It’s kinda a love song.
  • Not Like the Movies - 7.5 - A clear middle finger to her critics but lyrically I needed to see more of the theme in it. 
  • Staryu - 7 - It’s giving more relationship with a man than the paparazzi/media. 


T.I. - My Life Your Entertainment (feat. Usher)

  • Boys - 9 - Good submission.
  • Clue - 10 - Yas. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 9 - This is good, I needed some more defiance to get my 10 but everything else is there. 
  • Staryu - 9.5 - Great choice


Solange - **** the Industry

  • Boys - 5.5 - Another song that doesn’t seem media specific to me more so what people like the fans say about her.
  • Clue - 5 - This sounds like an ~I’m gonna be me!~ song. Not really on theme, to me. Like the negative comments from the public are there but….
  • Not Like the Movies - 7.5 - I think this is better than what some judges are saying but I do agree with some of their comments.  
  • Staryu - 6 - This has some elements but I feel it’s more about haters than paparazzi/media specifically. 


Guns N' Roses – Get in the Ring

  • Boys - 9 - Not punks in the press. You know thats code for gays.
  • Clue - 9 - Yeah, he came on this ***** mad as hell.  
  • Not Like the Movies - 9 - He’s angry angry 
  • Staryu - 9 - The last part of the song fits perfectly.


Favorites scores/comments will be coming up next!

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fais_2311 Public Enemy - A Letter To The New York Post
TruGemini Lizzo - Rumors (feat. Cardi B)
Stevie Michael Jackson - Tabloid Junkie
Speezy Michael Jackson - Breaking News
Auburn Michael Jackson - Scream (feat. Janet Jackson)
bowdown Lindsay Lohan - Rumors
Taeyeon Brooke Hogan - About Us
touya kinomoto Avril Lavigne - Take It
Guero Michael Jackson - Monster



Public Enemy - A Letter To The New York Post

  • Boys - 10 - I mean this is a shot straight at the media.
  • Clue - 10 - Slay. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 10 - Terrible song but lyrics on theme. 
  • Staryu - 10 - It works well.


Lizzo - Rumors (feat. Cardi B)

  • Boys - 10 - Perfect. [4]
  • Clue - 10 - Perfect. [2] 
  • Not Like the Movies - 10 - Perfect. 
  • Staryu - 10 - Perfect. [3]


Michael Jackson - Tabloid Junkie

  • Boys - 10 - No critiques.
  • Clue - 10 - It has it all for me. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 10 - At first this was an 8 for me but on further inspection, I get it. 
  • Staryu - 10 - Lyrics fit perfectly 


Michael Jackson - Breaking News

  • Boys - 7.5 - It’s not really defiant to me just practically writing headlines about him.
  • Clue - 8 - It’s almost there.
  • Not Like the Movies - 8 - This is fine enough, some other songs here are just more on theme to me. Needed more defiance and passion.  
  • Staryu - 8 - Needed a bit more for me, more defiance, less hee hee hee.


Michael Jackson - Scream (feat. Janet Jackson)

  • Boys - 10 - Absolutely, yes.
  • Clue - 10 - Perfect. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 10 - YES 
  • Staryu - 10 - Perfect. [5]


Lindsay Lohan - Rumors

  • Boys - 10 - Imagine having one hit and its THIS hit she’s too legendary I fear.
  • Clue - 10 - Perfect. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 10 - Yes, nailed it. 
  • Staryu - 10 - Perfect. [6]


Brooke Hogan - About Us

  • Boys - 9 - Good choice.
  • Clue - 10 - I thought it wasn’t all the way there until Verse 2. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 9 - Great choice lyrically, 
  • Staryu - 9.5 - She’s definitely giving passion and defiance, she doesn’t have much else (meaning talent).


Avril Lavigne - Take It

  • Boys - 9 - Good for you girl.
  • Clue - 8.5 - It’s pretty much what we need, but I need more details. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 8 - Consistent enough lyrically for the theme. I personally needed some moere defiance and detailed experiences rather than some general stuff but it’s on theme. 
  • Staryu - 8.5 - It’s cute but needed more specifics. 


Michael Jackson - Monster

  • Boys - 7 - Definitely could be better.
  • Clue - 7 - I feel like the themes are all over the place. 
  • Not Like the Movies - 7 - Decent. 
  • Staryu - 7.5 - Sure, it has some elements but it’s giving more horror show.


Final results coming up next!

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Now that you've all seen how you've done independently, let's see how you rank among your tribe, among all players, and finally which tribe is heading to Tribal Council this round.

Note: The highest scoring player for each tribe is immune if their tribe heads to Tribal Council.



1. Fifteen - 10.00 - IMMUNE

1. Luckitty - 10.00 - IMMUNE

3. kittenish - 9.88

4. wish - 9.50

5. Delirious - 9.38

6. Allday - 9.00

6. brycehooha - 9.00

8. Aurora - 7.13

9. Kylie Verzosa - 6.00

10. Starchild - 5.63



1. Auburn - 10.00 - IMMUNE

1. bowdown - 10.00 - IMMUNE

1. fais_2311 - 10.00 - IMMUNE

1. Stevie - 10.00 - IMMUNE

1. TruGemini - 10.00 - IMMUNE

6. Taeyeon - 9.38

7. touya kinomoto - 8.50

8. Speezy - 7.88

9. Guero - 7.13


Overall Rank:

1. Auburn - 10 (+15) slay

1. bowdown - 10 (+7) slay

1. fais_2311 - 10 (+12) slay

1. Fifteen - 10 (+1) slay

1. Luckitty - 10 (+8) slay

1. Stevie - 10 (+11) slay

1. TruGemini - 10 (+4) slay

8. kittenish - 9.88 (+6)

9. wish - 9.5 (+9)

10. Delirious - 9.38 (-1)

10. Taeyeon - 9.38 (+4)

12. Allday - 9 (-11)

12. brycehooha - 9 (-8)

14. touya kinomoto - 8.5 (+3)

15. Speezy - 7.88 (-10)

16. Aurora - 7.13 (+4)

16. Guero - 7.13 (-5)

18. Kylie Verzosa - 6 (-16)

19. Starchild - 5.63 (-12)


Cumulative Rank:

1. brycehooha - 9.31

2. Luckitty - 8.72

3. bowdown - 8.28

4. Guero - 8.03

5. Delirious - 7.97

5. Stevie - 7.97

7. fais_2311 - 7.94

8. Allday - 7.91

9. TruGemini - 7.78

10. Taeyeon - 7.72

10. Fifteen - 7.72

12. Kylie Verzosa - 7.59

13. Speezy - 7.44

14. Auburn - 6.75

15. wish - 6.56

16. kittenish - 6.50

17. touya kinomoto - 5.72

18. Starchild - 5.44

19. Aurora - 5.35

20. Mariah4life - 4.19

21. Alfred - 4.00

22. selena_lavigne - 3.42



Which tribe is the winner and which is heading to tribal council?


Click the spoiler to find out!






The winning tribe with an average of 9.21 is....










































































Congratulations, favorites! You are all safe this round!

That means, with an average of 8.55, the fans will be going to tribal council. One of you will become the fourth person voted out of ATRL Survivor 13.

When you are ready, please DM us in the Discord chat you submitted your entry in. If you fail to vote within the time period, you will incur a self-vote. Please also include a bootlist from who you most want out to who you least out, alongside with your vote. 

 Please use the parchment image below and write/type the name of your vote by using photo editing software! If you change your mind, simply send me another PM with an updated choice for elimination. Votes will be due at NOON EST on Sunday, February 19th. Remember, Fifteen and Luckitty are immune from elimination and cannot be voted for.







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sad we are losing one of us this round

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@Allday @Aurora @brycehooha @Delirious @Fifteen @kittenish @Kylie Verzosa @Luckitty @Starchild @wish




Welcome Tribe Matthaei to the 4th Tribal Council of the season. One of you will become the fourth person voted out of this game. 


If one of you has an item to play, now would be the time to do so...






No one stands.



I'll read the votes...























First vote...




1 vote Delirious.





























Second vote...




1 vote Delirious, 1 vote Kittenish.



































Third vote...


That's 1 vote Kittenish, 1 vote Delirious, 1 vote Starchild.










































Fourth vote...




2 votes Delirious, 1 vote kittenish, 1 vote Starchild.







































Fifth vote...




2 votes Delirious, 2 votes Starchild, 1 vote kittenish.




































Sixth vote...




3 votes Starchild, 2 votes Delirious, 1 vote Kittenish.




































Seventh vote...



4 votes Starchild, 2 votes Delirious, 1 vote kittenish.
























Eighth vote...




5 votes Starchild, 2 votes Delirious, 1 vote Kittenish.































Final vote...


And the 4th person voted out of ATRL Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites...


STARCHILD (self-vote)


Starchild, the tribe has spoken.




Thanks for playing!


Castaways, stick around for a new round!!


Edited by rl231
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Omg not at 2 of y'all voting me out 😭


Who are you show yourselves!!! Jk!

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