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Survivor: ATRL Edition - Fans vs. Favorites (Season 13) | FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL


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Hosted by rl231 & Element

~ borntodie | Adr | –brian | Yvess | Element | URBAN | Aciid | kipperskipper | dussymob | Buddy! | boys | Rotunda ~


Welcome to Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites (ATRL Edition)!




Since 2012, ATRL Survivor has crowned twelve winners (borntodie, Adr, –brian, Yvess, Element, URBAN, Aciid, kipperskipper, dussymob, Buddy!, boys, Rotunda). Now it's time to begin the thirteenth (!) installment of the Survivor franchise that began eleven years ago.


How does the game of Survivor work?


The Game:

  • 22 contestants will be placed into tribes during the pre–merge phase.
  • Each round before the Merge is quite simple to complete – you will be given a theme and must submit a song that best represents that theme.
  • Once you send in a song and it hasn't been chosen, it's LOCKED in.
  • The judging panel then rates your song on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how well it fits the theme.
  • You and your tribe members' scores are tallied up, then averaged into one final number.
  • The tribe with the lowest overall average then heads to Tribal Council where one member is voted off.
  • The process repeats until a certain number of you remain (called the Merge) and your challenges then become more complex.
  • Contestants then will become part of the Jury where they eventually vote for the winner.



  • We give the contestants 24 hours to send in a song (although it often takes less) during the beginning rounds.
  • That may sound like a short amount of time, but all you are doing is sending a song with no explanation required. Some rounds you'll submit within a couple minutes. Others you may have to think for a little while.
  • If you are a member that is often banned and want to join, only join if you plan on not getting banned during this process. If you are banned from ATRL, you are eliminated and can not continue playing via outside contact.
  • Please don’t play this game if you intend on quitting in the near or distant future.
  • Double eliminations will happen to ensure the game keeps moving.
  • We will be using a Discord server for this game where you will be submitting songs directly to us, receiving announcements, AND completing confessionals (!) every round, which will be open to a select group of viewers that we trust explicitly. If you don't complete your confessional, you will receive a penalty.


This season is very unique in that we'll be casting half newbies and half returnees (aka Fans vs. Favorites), who will play together. The favorites have been already selected, so we will only be looking for newbies! This season will have interesting twists, idols, and much more! Here's to a season filled with alliances & betrayal: but most of all... survival.



Sign–ups are now open to those interested. There are 11 spots up for grabs, and we will whittle down the pool with the application. We will have all those who sign up complete an application to help us get to know you better and so we can select the most exciting, competitive cast. We will be prioritizing new players. Former players are unable to play this time because some will be on the cast and revealed on Friday! Add your name to the following list, then refer to the section below to complete the application.














And so on...


The Application:


Below is the application for this season. This is not meant to be a novel when completed. It is just meant to get a feel of your personality, your interest in playing, and your music taste. You will answer six questions by using this Google survey: https://forms.gle/zFUGSoP9XnbFKZBt5. Only rl231 and Element will view your responses. None of the applications will be posted in the thread, so please feel free to divulge secrets/strategies that you wouldn’t want your competitors to know!


1. Tell the hosts a little about yourself.

Introduce yourself. What are you like? What qualities do you like about yourself? What do you do for work or school? What is your dream career? Just a short intro into your personality since social dynamics are a big part of Survivor gameplay.


2. What’s your music taste like?

This game is all about music. What do you like to listen to? Fave artists? Albums?


3. Have you played in any tournaments before on ATRL?

ATRL is home to many tournaments besides this one. Have you played in any? If so, how'd it go?


4. How familiar are you with the show/game Survivor?

Have you ever watched Survivor before or played it online (if you’ve played it online, how did you do)? If you do watch it, what is your favorite moment from the show? If you don’t, please feel free to ask us any questions about the concept of the game.


5. What will your strategy be for this game?

Here are some questions to get you thinking: Are you going to be a strategic mastermind? A social butterfly? Rely on challenges to propel you ahead? Are you a big move maker, or more likely to fly under the radar?


6. What do you see yourself as: a hero or a villain, and why?

One of the most popular labels in Survivor… do you see yourself as a heroic, loyal figure, or are you planning to get blood on your hands? Everyone has both heroic and villainous qualities, so feel free to discuss both sides of yourself!


7.  How do you plan to interact with the returning favorites?

For this question, we want you to talk us through your potential interactions with the returning favorites. Will you use them as a shield, are they your future targets, would you work with them, or is it something more (or even a combo)? Tell us!


You all have 48 hours from now to sign up in the thread. Applications will be due 12 hours after sign ups close at 12 PM on Friday with a cast announcement around 7 PM EST, so get it done!

Edited by rl231
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  • ATRL Moderator
32 minutes ago, Julia Fox said:

If I have played one season I’m a newbie? 

Newbies are considered those who have never played before!

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  • ATRL Moderator
3 minutes ago, Staryu said:

Are people sending an application and just not posting or.. :ducky:

the answer is no x

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  • ATRL Moderator
4 minutes ago, Luckitty said:

1. Luckitty











omg Let's Spoon legend :jonny:

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  • ATRL Moderator

We see lots of people viewing the thread! If you all have questions about the game, please feel free to ask us in the thread or via DM. Thanks!!

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  • ATRL Moderator
5 minutes ago, naval23 said:

Are the confessionals written or video recorded?

written only! i guess someone could submit a video if they wanted, but that hasn't been done before

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I'll send an application and hopefully I get in:beatfreak: I haven't participated in a game since the big Halloween one we had a while back 

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  • ATRL Moderator

Do I see ACETONE typing???

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  • ATRL Moderator
3 hours ago, Starchild said:

I'll send an application and hopefully I get in:beatfreak: I haven't participated in a game since the big Halloween one we had a while back 

Awesome!! Can’t wait to read your app!

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Viewers bashed me last season so I’m not surprised my invite was burned 

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