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Israeli attack on Jenin refugee camp in Palestine, death toll rises to 9


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Heart breaking and the first time read about it.

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On 1/28/2023 at 5:20 AM, Communion said:

And yet you'd be outraged if people argued being a member of the IDF meant someone deserved to die.


Again, you are the only person across 2 threads celebrating anyone dying. Question that and ask yourself why your desire to genocide Palestinians out of existence to form an ethnostate in a continent you don't even live in for a group of people you're not even apart of has you looking like a bigot on a pop forum trying to say anyone deserved to die.


You have one of the longest resumes of Islamophobia on this site. You do not care about Jewish people and forget that some of us can remember you erasing war crimes done against Jews in Europe because your dislike of the USSR :skull:. Israel is a hobbyist topic for you of convenient means that has aligned with your radicalizing to the right.


You jump to call anyone who says Israel is occupying Palestine antisemitic and yet you yourself said that most Jews being only culturally Jewish and largely atheist makes the so-called aims of Zionism and the Jewish State "pointless". Or you once at least did:



You'd call someone "antisemitic" for posting that same opinion today. :skull: It's not anyone else's fault that YOU radicalized yourself into a bigot. :deadbanana4:


On 1/28/2023 at 5:44 AM, Communion said:

You mean like someone who'd say things like:


"And the only reason Israel hasn't been held responsible for its crimes against humanity is because the US always uses its veto in the UN to protect them. Israel and the US are in cahoots to balkanize the Middle East, and it's working."


Or someone who logically asks "So if 65% of Israel, the Jewish state, is atheist, why does there need to be a Jewish state?" in response to the inherently contradicting logic of Zionism that demands the satellite state of Israel be artificially propped up to always at least be 50%+ of a specific ethnicity? :chick3:


If saying those kinds of things makes someone an internet freedom fighter, I'd love to be one of those too. 


Especially when people like you (2023 version) use these mundane opinions like "Palestinians deserve to live" and "Israel is factually occupying Palestine" to base your conspiracies to tar people as antisemitic. :skull:


Again, *you* literally did not find the news of the massacre done on the Jenin refugee camp news-worthy. You literally downplayed it in the article you linked in your thread! If you are so indifferent to Palestinian suffering, by virtue of supporting the Israel, there is no reason for you to run to a thread that gives it space and scream about how most of the people killed were "terrorists" by proxy of being members of resistance groups, many from young ages.


Odd how participating in the IDF is excusable cause of "circumstances" yet those same circumstances for Palestinians don't apply and every young man part of Hamas is now a "jihadist", and you can only offer "pity" when the IDF decide to kill 10+ in a single night. 

the receipts :redface: ended that islamophobe

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