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FDA updates blood donor ban: New sex partner that did a*** in past 3mths, on Prep/Pep


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And these new regulations are still trash. "Regardless of their sexual identity", yet refuses people from donating if they've done anal or are on Prep - which largely excludes gays. So unless gays put their sex lives on hold completely for months, they still can't donate. Y'all test all the blood regardless of who donates it. And maybe the screening tests need to be improved if Prep is causing THAT big of a problem. You can't expect all the people taking Prep to just stop so they can donate blood. TRASH guidelines.

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1 hour ago, Headlock said:

 Basically, if you want to donate blood: no anal, no PrEP.



Sounds like some people's Tinder profiles. 

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5 hours ago, BODERLINE said:

And these new regulations are still trash. "Regardless of their sexual identity", yet refuses people from donating if they've done anal or are on Prep - which largely excludes gays. So unless gays put their sex lives on hold completely for months, they still can't donate. Y'all test all the blood regardless of who donates it. And maybe the screening tests need to be improved if Prep is causing THAT big of a problem. You can't expect all the people taking Prep to just stop so they can donate blood. TRASH guidelines.

But that would cause them to invest money into infrastructure for the betterment of everyone as opposed to just excluding groups of people :'(

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5 hours ago, BODERLINE said:

So unless gays put their sex lives on hold completely for months, they still can't donate.

Not really, they just would need to have a monogamous partner for 3 months. The no a*** rule only applies if you’ve had more than one partner. The idea that having multiple partners is so necessary to the gay experience that they’d have to stop having sex altogether is kinda what created this situation in the first place…

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19 hours ago, meangreen11 said:

Not really, they just would need to have a monogamous partner for 3 months. The no a*** rule only applies if you’ve had more than one partner. The idea that having multiple partners is so necessary to the gay experience that they’d have to stop having sex altogether is kinda what created this situation in the first place…

Ok first of all, no it isn’t, so we can stop this Reagan-era discourse immediately. HIV is more easily spread through anal sex due to minute tears in the rectum giving access to the bloodstream, hence the prevalence initially amongst MSM. And also IV drug use. Straight people are just as promiscuous and often times less educated on safer sex practices due to it not being a part of their recent history.


The blood ban was a quick fix to a bigger problem that has never been updated to current medical practices and epidemiological findings due to laziness and continued prejudice towards queer people.


Also it doesn’t if you’re monogamous if you’re on PrEP, so that also just negates your argument…

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2 hours ago, Headlock said:

Ok first of all, no it isn’t, so we can stop this Reagan-era discourse immediately. HIV is more easily spread through anal sex due to minute tears in the rectum giving access to the bloodstream, hence the prevalence initially amongst MSM. And also IV drug use. Straight people are just as promiscuous and often times less educated on safer sex practices due to it not being a part of their recent history.


The blood ban was a quick fix to a bigger problem that has never been updated to current medical practices and epidemiological findings due to laziness and continued prejudice towards queer people.


Also it doesn’t if you’re monogamous if you’re on PrEP, so that also just negates your argument…

You’re not saying anything I don’t know. The original blanket ban on all men who have sex with men did last last too long, mostly out of fear and prejudice. My point is that gay people CAN give blood now, they just need to limit their amount of sexual partners to do so. The other poster’s claim that gay people have to just give up their sex lives is just flat out wrong. Do they maybe need to modify it? Yes.

I’ve lived both monogamous and extremely non-monogamous life styles, but if giving blood was super important to me, the new rules are easier to accommodate.

Regardless, this is a move in the right direction. As to your point about PrEP, you’re missing the point there too. It’s about minimizing risk. If you’re in a monogamous relationshio and on PrEP, it’s likely that you’re doing so because your partner is HIV positive or non-monogamous. If you’re non-monogamous and on it, it’s likely because you’re unsure about your other partners’ statuses. Nothing wrong with taking it at all in that case, but you currently can’t give blood. It’s also very possible that the donation recipient could have an allergy to the PrEP. There’s other factors involved than just homophobia. 

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