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The UK is too diverse for some Ukrainian refugees


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40 minutes ago, Headlock said:

You weren’t asking a question, you were posting a rhetorical dog-whistle :rip: You are deserving of ~random labels and insults~ because your posts are laughable in the same way Joey using a thesaurus in that episode of Friends to write a letter in order to sound smart, nothing of what you are saying actually means anything. You don’t like brown people coming into your country, just say that. We know that’s what you mean. You know that’s what you mean.


Also “uncontrolled arrival”, girl, you can’t keep throwing these phrases out and expect anyone to fall for your denial :rip:

The insanity in all of this is that the thread initially consisted of people pointing out the double standards on the selective understading from other islamophobic members to the cultural shock of refugees and basically going - "hey, you see now why it's important to understand people are nuanced and the takes from an individual shouldn't dictate the views on the struggle of entire communities?", but that member felt the need to completely hijack the discussion by confronting a stance that not a single progressive member had in this thread. Literally punching the air.


You can tell they only wanted the opportunity to word-vomit essays basically saying: "why you lefties can't let us hate brown people in peace? i hate ukrainians too, btw. keep them all out if they don't meet my standards of the perfect asylum-seeker!". :rip:


The fact that they really thought these cop-out posts were going to be some sort of gotcha. :rip:

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On 1/27/2023 at 10:55 AM, Kamil24 said:

This is a common reaction - you need to understand that these people lived their entire lives in a place that was mostly their own culture. They witnessed many terrorist attacks throughout Europe and made the assumption that diversity leads to danger. It doesn't mean that these people are evil, it just takes time. They will get used to it and realize that just like themselves, other groups of people are also made up of good + bad people. 

This sums it up



This thread is a wild mess


I can only imagine the amount of WPs given just from the first 2 pages :deadbanana4:


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2 hours ago, jinzo said:

produce an intellectual response 

Your Claim #1: "Certain religions are known for killing gays"

Your Claim #2: "Leftists are importing millions of people of a certain religion who want to murder gays"

Your Claim #3: "Leftists criticize racism but say we can't call out homophobia - a double standard"

Reality, as explained to you originally: 1) Creating a false binary of racism in Europeans vs homophobia amongst non-Europeans is nonsense because many Ukrainians are also homophobic on top of being racist.

2) No one is being "imported" because these are refugees displaced by Western-led wars. They're humans who your actions as a European have displaced, not goods someone can order online like from Amazon.

3) There can't be a "double standard" because no one took Ukrainian racism to actually propose limiting migration of Ukrainians to the UK; the only discourse was about the kind of nazi like response people like you have to non-white refugees.


Your Claim #4: "Germany has taken in 1M refugees, and thus this is an evidence of how Europe as a whole is being forced to import in millions of them (read from Claim #1: "religious minorities who want to kill gays".)

Reality, as explained to you originally: Germany is the outlier in Europe. Most refugees go to countries that physically border their own. In reality, most far-right parties ensured European nations took almost none.


Your Claim #5: "Where did I mention race?? I never mentioned a specific race"
Reality, as explained to you originally: You in fact did cite non-white refugees not only once by linking to the UN article about Syrians (Link), while also explicitly saying you are referencing non-European refugees when writing "import bigots into a continent". (Link) Spoiler: the 2nd largest refugee group in Europe.. is from Europe.


Your Claim #6: "I never said Syria, Islam or anything specific in my post"

Your Claim #7: "I'm just a bad person for wanting to protect LGBT people, I guess!"
Reality, as explained to you originally: 1) You literally linked to the UN statistics regarding Syrian refugees
2) The suggestion that a micro-minority of Middle Eastern refugees is the largest concern of British LGBT people (let alone many Middle Eastern refugees are LGBT!) is nonsense when your country is currently widely known as TERF Island and your politicians are saying it is better for a trans person to be suicidal than to have gender-affirming care. Be serious. 


Your Claim #8: "Well there's more than 2 countries in the world. Maybe people with homophobic views should go to other countries instead of forcing themselves into places that don't agree with them????"

Reality, as explained to you originally: 1) Most people already go to neighboring countries. For refugees who do end up in Europe, claims of homophobia are largely found to be overblown and distortions of survey data, with your average refugee in a place like the UK, for example, not being anymore measurably homophobic than your average British person of the same income level and educational background. The Channel 4 Survey that once claimed in 2015 that that "half of all British Muslims disagree with being gay" was largely criticized for oversampling in poor neighborhoods and ghettos, where certain views are common *regardless of race*.

2) As well, this accusation does not work in many parts of Europe, like Hungary, where acceptance of homosexuality AND of refugees is both low. If your logic is that "people should go where their views align," I imagine you're then all for Eastern Europe opening up its borders to refugees, no?


FT_16.09.29_hungary_refugeeBurden.png rainbow-map-2020-1024x724.png


Your Claim #9: "You're leaking private information about me!!!"

Reality, as explained to you originally:  People remembering you, cause your posts are largely racist, and thus the things you have directly posted and shared via public posts on ATRL are not "leaking information" about you. If you don't want people to reference your other publicly available ATRL posts as context to what you post currently, maybe don't try and claim your far-right views are actually normal and justified while having previously complained in the past ON ATRL ITSELF about how "woke" so many other forums are, including now framing yourself as a victim to a "woke" mob~ on here reacting to your dog whistles and racism. :skull: 



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6 hours ago, Headlock said:

You weren’t asking a question, you were posting a rhetorical dog-whistle :rip: You are deserving of ~random labels and insults~ because your posts are laughable in the same way Joey using a thesaurus in that episode of Friends to write a letter in order to sound smart, nothing of what you are saying actually means anything. You don’t like brown people coming into your country, just say that. We know that’s what you mean. You know that’s what you mean.


Also “uncontrolled arrival”, girl, you can’t keep throwing these phrases out and expect anyone to fall for your denial :rip:

I hate to break it to you, but if you can't stand the heat then get out the kitchen :lmao: it's clear you don't really have anything to tell me that's going to contribute to the discussion that isn't NEO NAZI WHITE SUPREMACIST REEEE!!!!!, you just want to shut the discussion down because you don't have anything in your little rolodex of far-left approved pre-programmed responses to give me. It's giving NPC. :lmao: 


4 hours ago, Communion said:

Your Claim #1: "Certain religions are known for killing gays"

Your Claim #2: "Leftists are importing millions of people of a certain religion who want to murder gays"

Your Claim #3: "Leftists criticize racism but say we can't call out homophobia - a double standard"

Reality, as explained to you originally: 1) Creating a false binary of racism in Europeans vs homophobia amongst non-Europeans is nonsense because many Ukrainians are also homophobic on top of being racist.

2) No one is being "imported" because these are refugees displaced by Western-led wars. They're humans who your actions as a European have displaced, not goods someone can order online like from Amazon.

3) There can't be a "double standard" because no one took Ukrainian racism to actually propose limiting migration of Ukrainians to the UK; the only discourse was about the kind of nazi like response people like you have to non-white refugees.


Your Claim #4: "Germany has taken in 1M refugees, and thus this is an evidence of how Europe as a whole is being forced to import in millions of them (read from Claim #1: "religious minorities who want to kill gays".)

Reality, as explained to you originally: Germany is the outlier in Europe. Most refugees go to countries that physically border their own. In reality, most far-right parties ensured European nations took almost none.


Your Claim #5: "Where did I mention race?? I never mentioned a specific race"
Reality, as explained to you originally: You in fact did cite non-white refugees not only once by linking to the UN article about Syrians (Link), while also explicitly saying you are referencing non-European refugees when writing "import bigots into a continent". (Link) Spoiler: the 2nd largest refugee group in Europe.. is from Europe.


Your Claim #6: "I never said Syria, Islam or anything specific in my post"

Your Claim #7: "I'm just a bad person for wanting to protect LGBT people, I guess!"
Reality, as explained to you originally: 1) You literally linked to the UN statistics regarding Syrian refugees
2) The suggestion that a micro-minority of Middle Eastern refugees is the largest concern of British LGBT people (let alone many Middle Eastern refugees are LGBT!) is nonsense when your country is currently widely known as TERF Island and your politicians are saying it is better for a trans person to be suicidal than to have gender-affirming care. Be serious. 


Your Claim #8: "Well there's more than 2 countries in the world. Maybe people with homophobic views should go to other countries instead of forcing themselves into places that don't agree with them????"

Reality, as explained to you originally: 1) Most people already go to neighboring countries. For refugees who do end up in Europe, claims of homophobia are largely found to be overblown and distortions of survey data, with your average refugee in a place like the UK, for example, not being anymore measurably homophobic than your average British person of the same income level and educational background. The Channel 4 Survey that once claimed in 2015 that that "half of all British Muslims disagree with being gay" was largely criticized for oversampling in poor neighborhoods and ghettos, where certain views are common *regardless of race*.

2) As well, this accusation does not work in many parts of Europe, like Hungary, where acceptance of homosexuality AND of refugees is both low. If your logic is that "people should go where their views align," I imagine you're then all for Eastern Europe opening up its borders to refugees, no?


FT_16.09.29_hungary_refugeeBurden.png rainbow-map-2020-1024x724.png


Your Claim #9: "You're leaking private information about me!!!"

Reality, as explained to you originally:  People remembering you, cause your posts are largely racist, and thus the things you have directly posted and shared via public posts on ATRL are not "leaking information" about you. If you don't want people to reference your other publicly available ATRL posts as context to what you post currently, maybe don't try and claim your far-right views are actually normal and justified while having previously complained in the past ON ATRL ITSELF about how "woke" so many other forums are, including now framing yourself as a victim to a "woke" mob~ on here reacting to your dog whistles and racism. :skull: 



Oooooh lord. The caps. The colours. The screaming. The personal attacks. Is this an ~iconic post~ for you?


Still, even after you spent hours of your night doing this (sounds fun!), you still haven't answered anything I put. :lmao: 


You're still just belching random things you found off Google and Twitter at me and thinking it's a flex. Add some things like YOU ARE A NEO NAZI! in for good measure because, shocker, I want to protect GAY PEOPLE. HOW VERY NAZI! Words have zero impact when you don't use them right, love. I'm not fazed. I'm not changing anything about my viewpoint because you incorrectly threw a load of insults and slurs at me. It just highlights your mental age and lack of intellectual capacity when you have to resort to playground insults and diving into my post history to leak (false) personal information in a fit of toddler-like rage. :lmao: 


Claim 1 - correct. Certain arrivals come from incredibly homophobic places. Why am I such a NEO NAZI WHITE SUPREMACIST ALT RIGHT LITERALLY HITLER because I don't agree that we should import millions of people from places that directly come into conflict with my lifestyle? :lmao: Is that selfish? Sure. But given the option of A) accept a load of anti-LGBT arrivals that will make LGBT people unsafe walking the street, B) don't because you literally don't have to, I'm choosing B. As you've mentioned a ton of times which is apparently a flex for you, MOST go to their neighbouring countries. So we're actually in agreement, as much as you keep acting like we're not. Arrivals should go to the place they'll have the best cultural fit. Ding! Point for me because you agreed with me.


Claim 2 - you're not, because you can't get into power anywhere because everyone sees through your vile nonsense. :lmao: just out of interest, because you still haven't answered, why do you agree with the unfettered, uncontrolled arrival of millions of people that don't follow a SINGLE progressive tenet and think it's perfectly fine and normal, yet you're responding with such exasperated, childish rage to me, someone who apparently is LITERALLY HITLER!!!! :lmao: - so what I think is worse than thinking gay people should be murdered and women should be treated as second class citizens and be denied basic rights and education and be forced into a life of subservience? The selective rage is just hilarious to me because it makes no sense at all. Unless you can justify why certain 'unacceptable beliefs' (like mine apparently) are worth hours of your keyboard pounding, and other 'unacceptable beliefs' (like murdering gays) should be welcomed with open arms because we shouldn't expect refugees to ever assimilate (which is still the dumbest thing I've ever ******* read) then it's another point to me.


Claim 3 - when did I create a false binary? Those are words you've put in your head. A binary would imply that I support either, which not at a single point I've done. I've asked you to pinpoint the specific moment I apparently supported Ukrainians and their racism (whilst also wanting to preserve ethnic purity, Schrodinger's Neo Nazi I guess?). I'm not really going to answer to things you've misquoted and falsely attributed to me just because you lack basic reading comprehension. It is wild however how you're sat here defending the rights of openly racist, homophobic and downright nasty people to continue to spout their hatred without consequence because apparently refugees don't have to change any aspect of their nastiness. Sweet little homophobic, racist, misogynistic cinnamon buns. :lmao: 


Claim 4 - wrong. This is just wrong and you're badly informed. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SM.POP.REFG?locations=EU


You can do the maths for yourself here but in the EU it's less than half. Just because you shout a lot and Google things a lot doesn't make what you say right. :lmao: oh and I guess I was right about importing millions because the number is RIGHT THERE. :skull: 


Claim 5 - the UN article is about GERMANY, oh very smart one. :lmao: is Germany non-white? The clue is in the URL. https://www.unhcr.org/uk/germany.html


Read that? G-E-R-M-A-N-Y


Would you like me to spell that out again for you?


Claim 6 - Correct, I didn't. You're the one making things up in your head and then falsely attributing them to me, because nothing you say is based in reality and everything is a weird, cooked-up zero-sum game fantasy where everyone that isn't Chairman Mao is an alt-right neo-Nazi Literally Hitler fascist, and nuance and compromise don't exist (apart from weirdly all the millions of arrivals who are diametrically opposed to your beliefs in every single way which you still can't answer for)


Claim 7 - again, random straw man out of nowhere to try and divert the conversation because you can't actually argue the point on your own merit. Who are you to tell me what I or people I know are concerned about? You live in New Jersey and I'm assuming still live at home. :skull: Just because something isn't top of my life doesn't mean we can't be concerned about it. You only exist in zero-sum games, don't you? It's either 100% or 0% with you. Why is that? I'm very concerned about protecting endangered animals, however if it comes down to it the key issues in my life are paying my mortgage and ensuring the wellbeing of my family. Trust the terminally online to categorise people into simple boxes because you don't actually have the nuance to consider complex situations. It's giving Trump voter. :lmao: 


Claim 8 - Eastern Europe did open up its doors massively for Ukranian intakes, look at the numbers that Poland, Romania and Moldova took in. So once again, you're wrong.... but not just wrong, LOUDLY WRONG! Another straw man? :skull: Once again, you're proving my point that arrivals should go where there's an easy social and cultural fit for them, yet you're breaking your neck trying to make some weird fantastical point trying to make a point on the internet in front of all of your best friends. :skull: 


Claim 9 - seeing as you're such a fan of spending your free time stalking my personal information (totally normal behaviour btw), tell me which forums I was banned from? It's funny to me that apparently I'm sooooo intolerant, yet I've not been the one scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for every childish insult to hurl in a fit of desperate, childish, pathetic rage. I've stuck to the point at all times and you've been the one hurling every insult under the sun in because you think screaming insults at people is how you win an argument. Which class did they teach you that in?




So, nothing you've said has actually moved the dial or changed my thoughts in any way - all you've succeeded in doing is making yourself look publically embarrassing. I thought you were quite smart before we chatted tonight, honestly. I see now that a lot of what you say doesn't make any sense beyond the surface level. 


I look forward to another venom-infused bunch of misinformed, false, easily disproven hot-takes, personal attacks, and straw mans. Create some more weird zero-sum games and pit me in them. Tell me how I'm Literally Hitler because I cherish my freedoms as an LGBT person. Have a blessed day. :lmao: 

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Lmaooooo that communist member got murdered :penguin:


it's so funny how some people are so desperate to get brownie points by being the most liberal person in the room that they end up simping for people who would literally MURDER them :penguin:

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2 hours ago, jinzo said:

I hate to break it to you, but if you can't stand the heat then get out the kitchen :lmao: it's clear you don't really have anything to tell me that's going to contribute to the discussion that isn't NEO NAZI WHITE SUPREMACIST REEEE!!!!!,

…because that’s all you are contributing to the “discussion” :rip:

You are using neo-Nazi white supremacist talking points and behaving like one when confronted :rip:

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37 minutes ago, Betty White said:

Lmaooooo that communist member got murdered :penguin:


it's so funny how some people are so desperate to get brownie points by being the most liberal person in the room that they end up simping for people who would literally MURDER them :penguin:



It's just way easier for them to score cheap points on a pop music forum by dunking on stuff, shocker!!!, the majority of the population outside the far-left internet bubble thinks. They bend over backwards to accommodate completely incompatible ultra-conservative, ultra-fundamentalist beliefs yet tell us WE'RE the bad guys for not doing the same. Asking questions = Neo-Nazi. Challenging the status quo = Neo-Nazi. Breathing, sleeping, eating, going to the toilet = Neo-Nazi.:lmao: 

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is anyone surprised? this is the same country that were kicking people of color off the trains when the war started :toofunny3: 


and eastern europeans are known for being some of the most racist people ever... and no "they probably haven't seen poc before" isn't an excuse, they're just racist

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10 minutes ago, Headlock said:

…because that’s all you are contributing to the “discussion” :rip:

You are using neo-Nazi white supremacist talking points and behaving like one when confronted :rip:



By saying that racism and homophobia are unacceptable?


We can all just say words. I could say you're the neo-Nazi for thinking the opposite and vehemently supporting those who are pro-homophobia, love. Now, do you have another bag of asinine nothingness you wish to contribute or are you just going to keep throwing random labels around like the very essence of my being will be crushed and my heart will fall into a million pieces because a forum user said a thing to me online?

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Send them all to Mississippi! It’s pretty much just American Ukraine.

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2 hours ago, jinzo said:

I hate to break it to you, but if you can't stand the heat then get out the kitchen :lmao: it's clear you don't really have anything to tell me that's going to contribute to the discussion that isn't NEO NAZI WHITE SUPREMACIST REEEE!!!!!, you just want to shut the discussion down because you don't have anything in your little rolodex of far-left approved pre-programmed responses to give me. It's giving NPC. :lmao: 


Oooooh lord. The caps. The colours. The screaming. The personal attacks. Is this an ~iconic post~ for you?


Still, even after you spent hours of your night doing this (sounds fun!), you still haven't answered anything I put. :lmao: 


You're still just belching random things you found off Google and Twitter at me and thinking it's a flex. Add some things like YOU ARE A NEO NAZI! in for good measure because, shocker, I want to protect GAY PEOPLE. HOW VERY NAZI! Words have zero impact when you don't use them right, love. I'm not fazed. I'm not changing anything about my viewpoint because you incorrectly threw a load of insults and slurs at me. It just highlights your mental age and lack of intellectual capacity when you have to resort to playground insults and diving into my post history to leak (false) personal information in a fit of toddler-like rage. :lmao: 


Claim 1 - correct. Certain arrivals come from incredibly homophobic places. Why am I such a NEO NAZI WHITE SUPREMACIST ALT RIGHT LITERALLY HITLER because I don't agree that we should import millions of people from places that directly come into conflict with my lifestyle? :lmao: Is that selfish? Sure. But given the option of A) accept a load of anti-LGBT arrivals that will make LGBT people unsafe walking the street, B) don't because you literally don't have to, I'm choosing B. As you've mentioned a ton of times which is apparently a flex for you, MOST go to their neighbouring countries. So we're actually in agreement, as much as you keep acting like we're not. Arrivals should go to the place they'll have the best cultural fit. Ding! Point for me because you agreed with me.


Claim 2 - you're not, because you can't get into power anywhere because everyone sees through your vile nonsense. :lmao: just out of interest, because you still haven't answered, why do you agree with the unfettered, uncontrolled arrival of millions of people that don't follow a SINGLE progressive tenet and think it's perfectly fine and normal, yet you're responding with such exasperated, childish rage to me, someone who apparently is LITERALLY HITLER!!!! :lmao: - so what I think is worse than thinking gay people should be murdered and women should be treated as second class citizens and be denied basic rights and education and be forced into a life of subservience? The selective rage is just hilarious to me because it makes no sense at all. Unless you can justify why certain 'unacceptable beliefs' (like mine apparently) are worth hours of your keyboard pounding, and other 'unacceptable beliefs' (like murdering gays) should be welcomed with open arms because we shouldn't expect refugees to ever assimilate (which is still the dumbest thing I've ever ******* read) then it's another point to me.


Claim 3 - when did I create a false binary? Those are words you've put in your head. A binary would imply that I support either, which not at a single point I've done. I've asked you to pinpoint the specific moment I apparently supported Ukrainians and their racism (whilst also wanting to preserve ethnic purity, Schrodinger's Neo Nazi I guess?). I'm not really going to answer to things you've misquoted and falsely attributed to me just because you lack basic reading comprehension. It is wild however how you're sat here defending the rights of openly racist, homophobic and downright nasty people to continue to spout their hatred without consequence because apparently refugees don't have to change any aspect of their nastiness. Sweet little homophobic, racist, misogynistic cinnamon buns. :lmao: 


Claim 4 - wrong. This is just wrong and you're badly informed. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SM.POP.REFG?locations=EU


You can do the maths for yourself here but in the EU it's less than half. Just because you shout a lot and Google things a lot doesn't make what you say right. :lmao: oh and I guess I was right about importing millions because the number is RIGHT THERE. :skull: 


Claim 5 - the UN article is about GERMANY, oh very smart one. :lmao: is Germany non-white? The clue is in the URL. https://www.unhcr.org/uk/germany.html


Read that? G-E-R-M-A-N-Y


Would you like me to spell that out again for you?


Claim 6 - Correct, I didn't. You're the one making things up in your head and then falsely attributing them to me, because nothing you say is based in reality and everything is a weird, cooked-up zero-sum game fantasy where everyone that isn't Chairman Mao is an alt-right neo-Nazi Literally Hitler fascist, and nuance and compromise don't exist (apart from weirdly all the millions of arrivals who are diametrically opposed to your beliefs in every single way which you still can't answer for)


Claim 7 - again, random straw man out of nowhere to try and divert the conversation because you can't actually argue the point on your own merit. Who are you to tell me what I or people I know are concerned about? You live in New Jersey and I'm assuming still live at home. :skull: Just because something isn't top of my life doesn't mean we can't be concerned about it. You only exist in zero-sum games, don't you? It's either 100% or 0% with you. Why is that? I'm very concerned about protecting endangered animals, however if it comes down to it the key issues in my life are paying my mortgage and ensuring the wellbeing of my family. Trust the terminally online to categorise people into simple boxes because you don't actually have the nuance to consider complex situations. It's giving Trump voter. :lmao: 


Claim 8 - Eastern Europe did open up its doors massively for Ukranian intakes, look at the numbers that Poland, Romania and Moldova took in. So once again, you're wrong.... but not just wrong, LOUDLY WRONG! Another straw man? :skull: Once again, you're proving my point that arrivals should go where there's an easy social and cultural fit for them, yet you're breaking your neck trying to make some weird fantastical point trying to make a point on the internet in front of all of your best friends. :skull: 


Claim 9 - seeing as you're such a fan of spending your free time stalking my personal information (totally normal behaviour btw), tell me which forums I was banned from? It's funny to me that apparently I'm sooooo intolerant, yet I've not been the one scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for every childish insult to hurl in a fit of desperate, childish, pathetic rage. I've stuck to the point at all times and you've been the one hurling every insult under the sun in because you think screaming insults at people is how you win an argument. Which class did they teach you that in?




So, nothing you've said has actually moved the dial or changed my thoughts in any way - all you've succeeded in doing is making yourself look publically embarrassing. I thought you were quite smart before we chatted tonight, honestly. I see now that a lot of what you say doesn't make any sense beyond the surface level. 


I look forward to another venom-infused bunch of misinformed, false, easily disproven hot-takes, personal attacks, and straw mans. Create some more weird zero-sum games and pit me in them. Tell me how I'm Literally Hitler because I cherish my freedoms as an LGBT person. Have a blessed day. :lmao: 

This is Communion's game-plan: make up things in their head -> pretend you said them -> argue about things you never said. The other day I couldn't breathe when I saw them supporting Islam which openly condemns homosexuality in between posts playing devil's advocate for the CCP. You can't help but giggle, honestly.


Ever since Teresa Giudice got arrested New Jersey hasn't been the same.

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2 hours ago, jinzo said:

we should import millions of people

That you still feel so confident posting racist nonsense both spreading neo-nazi replacement theory AND generalizing all non-Europeans as anti-LGBT from your quaint little British village. :deadbanana4:


2 hours ago, jinzo said:

Claim 4 - wrong. This is just wrong and you're badly informed. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SM.POP.REFG?locations=EU

Nothing in your post is worth debating anymore besides reporting you, but this is genuinely an outstanding feat of trolling. "GERMANY IS NOT AN OUTLIER! ALL OF EUROPE TOOK AS MANY REFUGEES!" I'm sorry  but you're an alt-right troll and I think it's time you got ZTP'd out of here. This is literally the data you linked:


Average of the data: 95,298 Refugees 
The mean of the data: 16,277 Refugees (-82%)


"Less than half!!!" - One country having 43% of all refugees means the *other 29* have an average of 2% of all refugees each. :deadbanana4: You're not just a racist, but illiterate.





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Just now, BletaRexher said:

Send them all to Mississippi! It’s pretty much just American Ukraine.

Uhhh, no, not quite. Mississippi has a high African American population. Vermont, Iowa or New Hampshire would be closer to what they’d find at home, in terms of diversity and climate.

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14 minutes ago, Communion said:

Nothing in your post is worth debating anymore besides reporting you.


You know what they say: you can't teach an old dog new tricks. It was only a matter of time before Xi Jingping's right-hand man resorted to his old censorship tactics. Fitting!

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2 hours ago, jinzo said:

uncontrolled arrival of millions of people that don't follow a SINGLE progressive tenet

Actually, this deserves highlighting. The fear-mongering and unrestrained spreading of neo-nazi replacement theory is shocking, but the genuine commitment to generalizing and lying about non-European refugees (and because you keep using "import", you clearly also want to limit migration-by-choice, as well) is.. :deadbanana4:


It's literally white supremacy. "I've decided everyone from x country (conveniently all countries outside of Europe) are at odds with my progressive views (okay Sargon of Akkad!) and thus I have the right to reject entire populations of people I deem at odds with my Britishness!". :deadbanana4:


This person's not even pretending to talk in whispers of "weeding out bad apples". It's supremacist language.

11 hours ago, jinzo said:

why should any go to a place that's not consistent with their worldview,

"Nearly all Muslims are at odds with British values and thus why should we let ANY in??" :deadbanana4:

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23 minutes ago, Communion said:

That you still feel so confident posting racist nonsense both spreading neo-nazi replacement theory AND generalizing all non-Europeans as anti-LGBT from your quaint little British village. :deadbanana4:


Nothing in your post is worth debating anymore besides reporting you, but this is genuinely an outstanding feat of trolling. "GERMANY IS NOT AN OUTLIER! ALL OF EUROPE TOOK AS MANY REFUGEES!" I'm sorry  but you're an alt-right troll and I think it's time you got ZTP'd out of here. This is literally the data you linked:


Average of the data: 95,298 Refugees 
The mean of the data: 16,277 Refugees (-82%)


"Less than half!!!" - One country having 43% of all refugees means the *other 29* have an average of 2% of all refugees each. :deadbanana4: You're not just a racist, but illiterate.





Basically, you don't have an argument so your only option is to try and

 get a member who disagrees with you banned :penguin:

If you think that anything he said in his post is alt-right, I'd hate to see how you survive day to day in the real world :lakitu:



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the bigots in this thread being upset that someone is being called out for their xenophobic posts :deadbanana4: 

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the whole eastern europe is like that, what did y'all expect?

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1 hour ago, Betty White said:

Basically, you don't have an argument so your only option is to try and

 get a member who disagrees with you banned :penguin:

If you think that anything he said in his post is alt-right, I'd hate to see how you survive day to day in the real world :lakitu:



Right? I’ll reply to the latest barrage of personal attacks later because I actually have to work for a living, but the fact that miss girl’s real world exposure is so low that everything that isn’t extreme leftism is literal Nazism is hilarious. Like are 85-90% of the world Neo-Nazis? Because I have these chats with my friends, work colleagues, family members etc and the only time I get such a visceral response is from the fragile crybullies on ATRL that think anything that isn’t literally Fidel Castro is neo-nazism. :lmao: 

And let me NAAAWWWWWT see that person crying about reporting and banning others when they’ve done nothing but throw personal attacks day and night and I’ve not taken the bait, stooped to their level or reported them once. Even bragging about following me online when they were getting their ass handed to them like it’s some kind of threatening flex to shut me up. They get so nasty and personal when they’re losing the argument because they’re not used to being disagreed with in their echo chamber. Absolute crybully behaviour. :lmao: 

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1 hour ago, ButterflyXIII said:

You know what they say: you can't teach an old dog new tricks. It was only a matter of time before Xi Jingping's right-hand man resorted to his old censorship tactics. Fitting!

Supports freedom of expression for all then licks the salty asscrack of the biggest censorship machine on the planet. You square that circle.


Supports LGBT rights for all then defends the biggest executioner of LGBT people on the planet. You square that circle.


If you point out the vast hypocrisy of their circular thoughts you’re a Neo Nazi and how dare you! :lmao: 

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On 1/29/2023 at 9:27 AM, jinzo said:

Where did I mention a specific race? The only people denigrating race are the people on here acting like one Ukrainian person = the entire Ukranian nationality. Seems pretty racist to me! :heart2: 

Yet, you just tried to imply that same logic to Muslim refugees. :keir:

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2 minutes ago, brazil said:

Yet, you just tried to imply that same logic to Muslim refugees. :keir:

Describe, using empirical written evidence, where that happened.


Communist’s “make stuff up in my head and then say you did it!” method of argument is truly rubbing off on y’all. :lmao: 

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On 1/28/2023 at 3:53 PM, jinzo said:

Certain religions are known to murder gays and treat women like second-class citizens and progressive leftists seem to think importing millions in won't be a problem at all. 


23 minutes ago, jinzo said:

Describe, using empirical written evidence, where that happened.


Communist’s “make stuff up in my head and then say you did it!” method of argument is truly rubbing off on y’all. :lmao: 

Worms for brain, I swear

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35 minutes ago, jinzo said:

Right? I’ll reply to the latest barrage of personal attacks later because I actually have to work for a living, but the fact that miss girl’s real world exposure is so low that everything that isn’t extreme leftism is literal Nazism is hilarious. Like are 85-90% of the world Neo-Nazis? Because I have these chats with my friends, work colleagues, family members etc and the only time I get such a visceral response is from the fragile crybullies on ATRL that think anything that isn’t literally Fidel Castro is neo-nazism. :lmao: 

And let me NAAAWWWWWT see that person crying about reporting and banning others when they’ve done nothing but throw personal attacks day and night and I’ve not taken the bait, stooped to their level or reported them once. Even bragging about following me online when they were getting their ass handed to them like it’s some kind of threatening flex to shut me up. They get so nasty and personal when they’re losing the argument because they’re not used to being disagreed with in their echo chamber. Absolute crybully behaviour. :lmao: 

Exactly lol. I don't think they have any chats outside ATRL. 

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