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The UK is too diverse for some Ukrainian refugees


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9 minutes ago, Communion said:

Don't worry @IBeMe. It's noted how there are users only focusing on your poorly worded post that you've now clarified over and over while letting users like jinzo say  that Muslims are "being imported into Europe by the millions" without any kind of pushback. 


Interesting how people claim there must be no ground ceded to Putin yet Russia's presence in Syria somehow hasn't meant that Europeans have opened up their arms and hearts to Syrian refugees. :celestial5: In fact, we're told to believe that somehow Syrians are both being bombed by Putin but that they MUST stay away and out of Europe.

Thank you. It's the fact that they choose to nit pick at something which I've ELABORATED at nauseum and then when presented info about how racist Ukraine is (among other nations too of course) they find excuses or ignore it or deflect. It's gross af at this point. 


You also showcased tons of info that I was actually unaware of which only helped solidify what I had initially said about Ukraine and I stand by it. Ukraine has a racism and nazi issue (which is why I said Putin has a point about the nazism all while also elaborating that Russia and Putin aint no better, that it does not warrant an invasion AND that lots of other nations also have these issues too). Was the wording perhaps clumsy? Probably. But I think everyone who read it knows what I meant AND yet they still chose to invent things like saying somehow I support a fckin invasion :skull: The hoops one has to jump to get to that conclusion is insane and can only be done if someone is purposely acting dumb or is just actually THAT dumb.


Too much context was given for them to still be this confused. 


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2 hours ago, IBeMe said:

Yes and you can re-read my first post where I LITERALLY said what you just said "russia and putin aint any better in that regard" :skull: LOL. 


I swear ppl just want to nit pick because they'd rather throw their anger at things like that than the actual issue at hand which is Ukraine's right winger, nazi, racism issues. 

:clap3:People will continue to be obtuse on purpose. Don't worry about it. So many on this site are hypocrites anyway.

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4 hours ago, Communion said:

No one "answered" this nonsensical "question" because no one has ever said either is acceptable. You create a false position that no one has taken to justify you being an Islamophobic racist white dude who votes for Tories and thinls being an edgy racist online is funny. Homophobia isn't fine and neither is racism, but neither disqualify refugees because *refugees are displaced people*.  


No one has said Ukrainian racism disqualifies Ukrainian refugees from deserving asylum or refugee status.


The only point has been made is pointing out the hypocrisy for those who rush to defend this while making their entire stance on refugees from the Middle East is that THOSE people are "at odds with our culture".


You should be answering the question. Why is Ukrainian racism fine to you but Muslim homophobia not? Why is it fine for someone with blonde hair and blue eyes to reject the British culture of anti-racism and diversity but you think "OUR WAY OF LIFE IS UNDER ATTACK" if a Syrian refugee says they don't support gay marriage? Why is the latter deemed an attack against your entire way of life but white supremacy in the former okay? Because you're materially invested in white supremacy by nature of being a British conservative white man?



I love you so much. So progressive and tolerant, yet you hurl out personal insult after personal insult and completely throw your toys out the pram whenever anyone questions your sheltered, suburban little worldview. Notice how I haven't once brought you as a person into this, yet your venomous, hateful (some would say 'bigoted'?) little diatribe is riddled with personal attacks on my character? You should consider re-reading the rules next time you want to throw a tantrum because someone doesn't agree with you. Btw, never voted Conservative - but that's the first time and last time I'm going to glorify attacks on me as an individual because I don't need to stoop to the level of petty mud-slinging to cogently communicate a point. Surely high school teaches you to debate the point, not the speaker?


So, first of all - I'll do you the courtesy of answering your question - because that's the grown-up thing to do.



Why is Ukrainian racism fine to you but Muslim homophobia not?

I've said all the way through both are unacceptable. "Why is one unacceptable belief okay and another isn't?" - do you remember that? Are you able to read or would you like some help? You're fully just making stuff up in your head and getting angry at it.



Why is it fine for someone with blonde hair and blue eyes to reject the British culture of anti-racism and diversity but you think "OUR WAY OF LIFE IS UNDER ATTACK" if a Syrian refugee says they don't support gay marriage? Why is the latter deemed an attack against your entire way of life but white supremacy in the former okay?

Again, re-read what I put and you'll see I said neither are acceptable in, like, multiple posts. Comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? "Neither are welcome, in my book" were my specific words. Again, you are making stuff up in your head and then getting angry at it. Also, when did I say Syria, Islam or anything specific in my post? That's, once again, you getting angry at things you made up in your head. Like you said in that sassy and iconic response where you really think you did something, many religions and beliefs are homophobic!



Because you're materially invested in white supremacy by nature of being a British conservative white man?

I'm materially invested in rights of gay people and women and vehemently against anyone or anything that endangers them. Is that selfish? Huh. Wow. I must be a *****. How dare I.


So to my original point, ATRL has rightly had a furious response to this arrival and its incompatability with our values. So, why do progressive leftists completely suffocate the discussion of any other incompatability with our values? Why are we not allowed to question it when millions of other arrivals come with totally homophobic, misogynistic, medieval beliefs? We just have to accept it and not dare say anything lest you face a barrage of vitriolic personal attacks from 'progressive' people? It's completely hypocritical and illogical and makes no damn sense. As a citizen and a taxpayer, I don't want anyone here that's going to threaten my way of life, the rights of my LGBT brothers and sisters, or anyone's freedom to love freely, openly and without consequence. GOD I'm so selfish and bigoted. :heart2: 

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1 hour ago, Mean Trees said:

:clap3:People will continue to be obtuse on purpose. Don't worry about it. So many on this site are hypocrites anyway.

thank you sis. I swear this site is full of racists and/or people with weird agendas that love to gang up on people. 

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5 minutes ago, jinzo said:

"Neither are welcome, in my book" were my specific words. 

So all these essays just to come out and say you'd send Ukrainians back to Putin's meat-grinder just so you could also protect your claim to having the right to want to deport Muslim refugees out of the UK too? :ahh:


Every Ukrainian member having to see you go "Well.. who said I'd let those people in either?? Borders are borders!!!" just cause you want to die on the hill of protecting the ethnic purity of your little island. :ahh::ahh::ahh::ahh::ahh:


Thank you for showing everyone that the FAR-RIGHT is NO ONE'S friend. :ahh:

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8 minutes ago, IBeMe said:

thank you sis. I swear this site is full of racists and/or people with weird agendas that love to gang up on people. 

It happens on so many forums and websites. It's trashy behavior but it exists unfortunately. I've had happen to me before in different places. I wouldn't let it get you down.

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Just now, Communion said:

So all this essays just to come out and say you'd send Ukrainians back to Putin's meat-grinder just so you could also protect your claim to also wanting to deport Muslim refugees out of the UK too? :ahh:


Every Ukrainian member having to see you go "Well.. who said I'd let those people in either??" just to die on the hill that you want to protect the ethnic purity of your little island. :ahh::ahh::ahh::ahh::ahh:


Thank you for showing everyone that the FAR-RIGHT is NO ONE'S friend. :ahh:

Once again, you're making stuff up in your head. Who said anything about sending them back? You made that up and you're creating logic based on the internal narrative in your head. Are there only 2 countries in the world or something? People with unacceptable beliefs in my country are more than welcome to try a country where their beliefs are more consistent with the those of the citizens of that country. So, for instance, if you hate gay people and women, maybe try a country where hatred of gay people and women is the overarching consensus? 


And 'ethnic purity'? Huh? Where did I mention that? Once again, that is something you've made up in your own head and you're just chugging along with it. Last time I checked, aren't Ukrainians primarily white? So how would that make any sense on any level? You're coming out with waaaay more bigoted stuff that I or anyone on this thread have said, who the hell brought 'ethnic purity' into it :skull: what kind of KKK member? :skull: 


Can't you actually debate a point rather than jumping straight for childish personal attacks?  I would suggest taking a breath, using your comprehension, and actually reading and digesting the points written on the page rather than jumping straight to points that don't make any sense in anything but your head. It speaks volumes to me that you can't actually ever address the meat of my point and instead have to try and point-score on one little word or a sentence at a time. That's what someone who's losing the argument does. :lmao: 


Also, sidebar: it's wild that you unironically use the word 'friends' like importing millions of homophobic people is going to create a friendly environment for you, (I'm assuming?) a gay person :skull: don't you see the vast gaps in your logic? No? :skull: 

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On 1/26/2023 at 2:15 PM, Sesame said:

This is so stupid. :deadbanana4:


Every country has racist people, including your own. Why should a small portion of them affect your perceptions on war refugees when so many of them are grateful for their new accommodations? 

This :clap3:

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4 hours ago, Communion said:

Don't worry @IBeMe. It's noted how there are users only focusing on your poorly worded post that you've now clarified over and over while letting users like jinzo say  that Muslims are "being imported into Europe by the millions" without any kind of pushback. 


Interesting how people claim there must be no ground ceded to Putin yet Russia's presence in Syria somehow hasn't meant that Europeans have opened up their arms and hearts to Syrian refugees. :celestial5: In fact, we're told to believe that somehow Syrians are both being bombed by Putin but that they MUST stay away and out of Europe.

Maybe because I literally never said those words and it's something you made up in your head? :lmao: 


Can you actually quote where I said anything about Muslims? Please quote those specific words. You seem to be making a huge point of of me saying it and it appears to have been on your mind the majority of the day, so please directly quote where I said it. 


I wouldn't want to bring your basic reading comprehension skills into question or anything because you seem like such a smart cookie! :heart2: 

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17 minutes ago, jinzo said:

People with unacceptable beliefs in my country are more than welcome to try a country where their beliefs are more consistent with the those of the citizens of that country.

As already addressed, the vast majority of refugees already re-locate to countries that physically neighbor their own. You mentioned Germany and yet it is literally the only Western European country carrying its weight despite most Western European countries being war-profiteers who cause this mass displacement.




You are unserious and no one thinks you're doing anything besides spouting white supremacy.


Your arguments have already been dressed down and debunked from head-to-toe.

That you have to resort to "Who said deport??? We'd just not let them in to begin with???"




Let me repeat myself: No one quantifies refugees by their beliefs because refugees are temporarily displaced people. Trying to apply arbitrary concepts of "assimilation" to refugees is silly because REFUGEES HAVE NO INCENTIVE TO ASSIMILATE. A refugee HAS THE INTENDED GOAL OF GOING HOME


This is why you have adopted the language of literal modern-day neo-nazi parties like "IMPORTING MILLIONS" (you might as well just go full nazi and say "THE ARABS ARE REPLACING US!") because you hope to somehow convince people reading as though the vast majority of refugees are somehow permanent residents when the vast majority of refugees eventually go home to their home country. 


You rather distract people from the reality that most refugees are temporary displaced and *who themselves want to go back to the country they were living in perfectly fine* because then the conversation is about what powers have caused that mass displacement to begin with. 


You really think you've out-smarted everyone and think going "hmm who mentioned Muslims? I just mentioned medieval invading homophobic orcs ;)" and to everyone else you're coming across as an identitarian alt-rightist.:toofunny3:

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The weak cop-out and gaslighting going on in this thread. :deadbanana2:


Wild that the members calling others "unable to debate" are the ones that can't even own up to their dogwhistles. 

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5 minutes ago, Communion said:

As already addressed, the vast majority of refugees already re-locate to countries that physically neighbor their own. You mentioned Germany and yet it is literally the only Western European country carrying its weight despite most Western European countries being war-profiteers who cause this mass displacement.




You are unserious and no one thinks you're doing anything besides spouting white supremacy.


Your arguments have already been dressed down and debunked from head-to-toe.

That you have to resort to "Who said deport??? We'd just not let them in to begin with???"




Let me repeat myself: No one quantifies refugees by their beliefs because refugees are temporarily displaced people. Trying to apply arbitrary concepts of "assimilation" to refugees is silly because REFUGEES HAVE NO INCENTIVE TO ASSIMILATE. A refugee HAS THE INTENDED GOAL OF GOING HOME


This is why you have adopted the language of literal modern-day neo-nazi parties like "IMPORTING MILLIONS" (you might as well just go full nazi and say "THE ARABS ARE REPLACING US!") because you hope to somehow convince people reading as though the vast majority of refugees are somehow permanent residents when the vast majority of refugees eventually go home to their home country. 


You rather distract people from the reality that most refugees are temporary displaced and *who themselves want to go back to the country they were living in perfectly fine* because then the conversation is about what powers have caused that mass displacement to begin with. 


You really think you've out-smarted everyone and think going "hmm who mentioned Muslims? I just mentioned medieval invading homophobic orcs ;)" and to everyone else you're coming across as an identitarian alt-rightist.:toofunny3:

Oh wow, you almost went a whole post without making a personal attack, congrats! The actual point of my posts hasn't been debunked, like, at all, but hey. If you say they were debunked then they must have been done! After all, you correctly stated that I said something about Muslims and you mentioned I said something about ethnic purity, so you must be right about this, too! But that's a lovely picture you found on Google Images, so I'll roll with it.

I commend you on your ability to look through Twitter and Google to find a response, but unfortunately my question was why. Why should we allow unacceptable beliefs in when we want to maintain a progressive and open society? Why is one type of belief okay for progressive leftists and another isn't? Belching facts at me that I could easily access on Wikipedia doesn't do anything to change my point of view. You've stated the de facto reality, great. I want to question the status quo.


I think it's frankly ridiculous that you're hinging your argument on "WELL A REFUGEE DOESN'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT BEING HOMOPHOBIC OR MISOGYNISTIC!!!". Like, ****, yes they do. :lmao: What if the conflict never gets resolved or takes decades if not longer to do so? Do those millions of people just get to keep being homophobic and misogynistic for years, decades, the rest of their lives? And how many actually go home? You say the 'vast majority' and do nothing to substantiate that claim. 


Ultimately I love that you've, in amongst all your venom and hatred, agreed with the general point of my argument in that first bit. Arrivals should go to countries that match their worldview. If in fact they mostly are, then congrats! So circling back to my original point, why should any go to a place that's not consistent with their worldview, like the one in the OP? When others are readily available and would be much more consistent with their views and beliefs?


Fundamentally, I disagree with your assertion that refugees or ANY type of arrivals should be allowed to just ignore the prevailing norms and principles of a society because it's just the way it is or something, and it's a pathetic hill to die on. It's wild that progressive leftists will bend over backwards to defend the mass importing of people that are totally incompatible with any progressive ideals at all, and I'm the only one trying to defend the integrity of those progressive beliefs when I apparently am Literally Hitler :skull: zero logic and total hypocrisy.


Also, it's funny that in one breath I'm "getting no pushback!!!", and in the other breath "everyone thinks you're Literally Hitler!!!". Like, pick a side baby. Also, how am I spouting white supremacy in one breath and also being totally super mean to white Ukrainians in another breath? I must suck at white supremacy. You're screeching so many personal attacks you're getting twisted up in your own venomous, hate-filled logic. Take a breath and speak like an adult. :skull: 

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45 minutes ago, Scars said:

The weak cop-out and gaslighting going on in this thread. :deadbanana2:


Wild that the members calling others "unable to debate" are the ones that can't even own up to their dogwhistles. 

ATRL being ironically the home of right wing troll refugees banned from other pop forums for their political views. :deadbanana4:

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4 minutes ago, Communion said:

ATRL being ironically the home of right wing troll refugees banned from other pop forums for their political views. :deadbanana4:

"Everyone that doesn't subscribe to my myopic, miniscule far-left corner of the Overton Window in every single way without question is a WHITE SUPREMACIST NEO NAZI ALT RIGHT FASCIST who we should STALK ONLINE IN OUR FREE TIME!" :skull: 



Is this really the entirety of your debating skills? Get angry, throw a tantrum, launch a tirade of personal attacks, call me every name under the sun, leak personal information (which isn't even true) in a fit of desperate rage, then call yourself progressive and tolerant? :skull: 



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5 minutes ago, jinzo said:

"Everyone that doesn't subscribe to my myopic, miniscule far-left corner of the Overton Window in every single way without question is a WHITE SUPREMACIST NEO NAZI ALT RIGHT FASCIST who we should STALK ONLINE IN OUR FREE TIME!" :skull: 



Is this really the entirety of your debating skills? Get angry, throw a tantrum, launch a tirade of personal attacks, call me every name under the sun, leak personal information (which isn't even true) in a fit of desperate rage, then call yourself progressive and tolerant? :skull: 



Adele in your avie demonstrating what you do when you see a non-white refugee. A truly remarkable choice. :clap3:

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11 minutes ago, Mean Trees said:

Adele in your avie demonstrating what you do when you see a non-white refugee. A truly remarkable choice. :clap3:







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On 1/28/2023 at 1:53 PM, jinzo said:

Certain religions are known to murder gays and treat women like second-class citizens and progressive leftists seem to think importing millions in won't be a problem at all. 


Meanwhile, one woman says something which is of course heinous and unacceptable and suddenly there's a problem. 


The double standards. :skull: 

Don’t be afraid, we all know what you really want to say. Say the quiet part out loud :)

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3 minutes ago, Communion said:







I’ve counted 3 posts of mine you’ve been just haven’t been able to produce an intellectual response to. Why is that?


Why is it that you aren’t able to debate intellectual points and you have to resort to desperate name calling, leaking of personal information, personal attacks, mud slinging, making up quotes then putting my name next to them (despite me never saying them) and anything else that could desperately deviate from the crucial integral point that you have no ability or intellectual capacity to have a grown up intelligent debate on anything despite all the peacocking and grandstanding? 

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Not that member serving full 4chan fedora m’lady red-pilled white kid with their word vomit posts trying to distract from them repeatedly saying “importing millions of refugees” over and over. Girl, you’re not fooling anyone by what you mean by that :rip: Like literally no one who is not a white supremacist uses those terms :rip:

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1 minute ago, Headlock said:

Not that member serving full 4chan fedora m’lady red-pilled white kid with their word vomit posts trying to distract from them repeatedly saying “importing millions of refugees” over and over. Girl, you’re not fooling anyone by what you mean by that :rip: Like literally no one who is not a white supremacist uses those terms :rip:

I didn’t say “import millions of refugees” once :skull: 


Y’all just throw random labels and insults around that never actually give a coherent answer to a question, they just aim to shut down the conversation in its entirety because you don’t like hearing things that aren’t within your intellectually bereft echo chamber. :skull: 

And you wonder why no one votes for progressive politicians at any damn election. :skull: you never articulate your beliefs, you just yell and scream and throw tantrums if someone doesn’t ardently subscribe to things like uncontrolled arrival of people with anti-LGBT beliefs. :skull: 

Anyway, lovely as this has been to explore the cavernous reaches of certain people’s elementary knowledge and reading comprehension, I’ve got to be up for work in the morning. 

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that's why i'm not worried about them getting bombarded by putin, neither about certain country in asia.

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6 minutes ago, jinzo said:

I didn’t say “import millions of refugees” once :skull: 


Y’all just throw random labels and insults around that never actually give a coherent answer to a question,

You weren’t asking a question, you were posting a rhetorical dog-whistle :rip: You are deserving of ~random labels and insults~ because your posts are laughable in the same way Joey using a thesaurus in that episode of Friends to write a letter in order to sound smart, nothing of what you are saying actually means anything. You don’t like brown people coming into your country, just say that. We know that’s what you mean. You know that’s what you mean.


Also “uncontrolled arrival”, girl, you can’t keep throwing these phrases out and expect anyone to fall for your denial :rip:

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“I didn’t say importing millions of refugees!!1!”


Meanwhile, links directly the the UN Refugee Agency UK website :deadbanana4:

On 1/28/2023 at 3:28 PM, jinzo said:



It's a literal fact that's widely accessible. That's one country, add the 40+ other countries in Europe and you get a figure in the many millions. Sorry if that crushes your worldview.


Anyway, instead of arguing over pointless semantics, back to my original point. Why is it that we import millions and millions of people with a certain belief and there is absolutely no problem at all, don't you dare question it, how dare you have a problem with it - and then when we see another one it's anger and fury and dismay and rage? Neither are welcome, in my book. 


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56 minutes ago, Communion said:







:toofunny3: Truly the perfect representation. A masterwork in Avie decision making :clap3:

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11 minutes ago, jinzo said:

I didn’t say “import millions of refugees” once :skull: 

It's giving trolling at this point.


On 1/28/2023 at 3:53 PM, jinzo said:

Certain religions are known to murder gays and treat women like second-class citizens and progressive leftists seem to think importing millions in won't be a problem at all. 

Your answer after being explicitly told "refugees are not being imported in their millions":


On 1/28/2023 at 5:28 PM, jinzo said:




In the middle of 2021, Germany reported almost 1.24 million refugees 

It's a literal fact that's widely accessible. That's one country, add the 40+ other countries in Europe and you get a figure in the many millions. Sorry if that crushes your worldview.

You don't even have the guts to stand by your Lauren Southern'd takes, but expect people to debate you. :deadbanana4:

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