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SCOTUS Roe leak investigation concludes and closes with no suspect found


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Translation: Alito did it. On purpose. But the Heritage Foundation/Federalist Society buried it. :coffee2: 

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The way it’s so obvious it was a Republican.. have to laugh to keep from crying  

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82 people had access to the draft? Well no s**t it was gonna leak. It's probably less than 15 people who ever hear (much less have digital access to) Charli and Lana's unreleased songs and yet the girls on here and Lanaboards still find a way to leak them :skull: 

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27 minutes ago, Beyonnaise said:

82 people had access to the draft? Well no s**t it was gonna leak. It's probably less than 15 people who ever hear (much less have digital access to) Charli and Lana's unreleased songs and yet the girls on here and Lanaboards still find a way to leak them :skull: 

:skull: tea tho


it was very obviously one of the republican justices from the start. the leak was meant to prolong and desensitize people’s reaction to the actual ruling bc they knew if it was made official the normal way their opinions are released it would have caused widespread violent protests. 

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41 minutes ago, qurl said:

:skull: tea tho


it was very obviously one of the republican justices from the start. the leak was meant to prolong and desensitize people’s reaction to the actual ruling bc they knew if it was made official the normal way their opinions are released it would have caused widespread violent protests. 


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I honestly don’t if it was the left or right wing part of the court but I’m certain it was a justice that leaked it. 

The left to cause widespread controversy and the right to get the controversy over with before the midterms. 

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52 minutes ago, 45seconds said:

The left to cause widespread controversy

Wouldn't it make more sense to let the controversy come out closer to the midterm instead of warning everyone so early that it has a chance to fizzle out by then? :psyduck: 

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1 hour ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Wouldn't it make more sense to let the controversy come out closer to the midterm instead of warning everyone so early that it has a chance to fizzle out by then? :psyduck: 

I don’t think who ever leaked it if it was from the left was thinking of midterms. They were just disgusted and leaked it. 

someone from the right would have the motivations for it to leak early so it could fizzle out. 

Ultimately my money is on Alito. 

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