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You have 1 Billion Dollar but only for 24 hours, what do you do ?


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You have right now 1 Billion Dollar in your bank account but you have it for 24 hours only, after 24 hours it will disappear. What would you do in those 24 hours ? 




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I feel like investing a billion within a day would get the banks involved. and by the time you're cleared, the money will be gone.


so unfortunately I'd have to invest a much smaller amount (like 10 million) spread across multiple index etfs with my existing investment account. that way, it's accepted much quicker (within 24 hours), and I still get to keep a lot of money. this is assuming the 1 billion has been directly deposited into my bank account, and isn't cash.

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The answer is really simple: purchase a cashier’s check made out to myself and use the entirety of the $1B. Then just deposit it in my account the next day. :rip: 


The funds are then permanently guaranteed as mine.

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invest in as much as I can (i.e. properties, stocks, businesses, etc.)

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Immediately buy me, my parents and grandparents some nice houses (my aunt is a realtor so I can get speedy approval and clearance) get some properties/investments/stocks and anything else I've always wanted with same day shipping so I get it in time and give the rest to my siblings to blast away for the day on whatever they want so not a penny is left at the end of the day and by the time it disappears it's not in our hands and whats paid for is paid for :gaycat5:



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Buy 1009909009 Ellie Goulding cds and my other underrated faves like maty noyes, Tinashe etc and then donate the rest to charity :redface::bibliahh:

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Hide it in offshore tax havens to extend the 24-hour period.

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Buy Haus Labs and shut it down


Same for Joanne Trattoria


Pay 1 mil to get BM on TTH

Edited by MonsterJohn
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Buy all my immediate family mansions, cars, prebook as many holidays, luxury shopping trip and  money launder the rest.

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Invest 90% of it quickly 


10% spend on mansions/family/cars/vacations/boats.

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Buying out a neighborhood of mansions for myself, my bf, my parents, his parents, our friends. 
Paying off all my families mortgages 

I’m finally getting my Range Rover 

im adopting like 10 dogs

buying an animal shelter 

donating to the gays 

putting a few hundred million in off shore accounts and portfolios and mass buying all gagas sOlO songs so she has dozens of sOlO numbers ones so y’all can find a new goal post 

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Good luck explaining that to the tax authorities 

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1. Pay for cars in cash: Me , Brother , Mom , His fiance , Extended family

2. Book several 3 week trips w/ a car , nice room , and meal reservations to any of my bucketlist locations

3. Purchase the house my brother currently rents in Cali for him and do the same for my mom to live near us for life.

4. Purchase a house for me in California , one in Maine my birth state , and one in Florida.

5. Get everyone previously mentioned completely set up technology wise - computers , phones , accessories the works

6. I dont need DESIGNER clothes but I would love to comfortably buy nicer things also for everyone previously mentioned

7. Set up any nieces/nephews/close cousins for education and anyone older for retirement

8. Meet & Greet tickets for all the tours

9. Provide all the local schools with fresh technology , books , and school products

10. Essentially buy out several grocery stores worth of product to give out to the homeless / local food kitchens

11. Buy the local abandoned airbase buildings to open up free housing / rehab for local homeless

12. Force Fiber internet to be activated in our area. :deadbanana:


The fact that all of this isn't even a fraction of a billion :deadbanana4:

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I’d probably buy some expensive art that will appreciate in value. 

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1 hour ago, GraceRandolph said:

I’d probably buy some expensive art that will appreciate in value. 

It is the best way for money laundering. You are a smart bxtch.

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Invest and buy a house and new gaming computer set up :fan:

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I'm getting a new home, helping families members out, book some traveling trips, and get some work done for myself.

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