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Conservatives rushing to privatize Canada's healthcare industry, starting in Ontario


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Edited by Communion
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wasn’t this Canada’s biggest selling point? uh oh 

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Good. Make the hospitals actually have to compete and give better care. Instead of letting people die in waiting rooms for no reason other than incompetence. 

Edited by robattack332
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4 minutes ago, robattack332 said:

Good. Make the hospitals actually have to compete and give better care

That's not how healthcare works, love. 

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10 minutes ago, robattack332 said:

Good. Make the hospitals actually have to compete and give better care. Instead of letting people die in waiting rooms for no reason other than incompetence. 

Do you have proof of this? Like what your source that says hospitals and clinics do this. 

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22 minutes ago, robattack332 said:

Good. Make the hospitals actually have to compete and give better care. Instead of letting people die in waiting rooms for no reason other than incompetence. 

This is inevitable in every system happens in the United States as well and we all know that a profit motive/ “competition”≠ “better care” here, it just means we go into debt when we have medical emergencies. 

Edited by Danny789
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I literally walked out of brain surgery with a bill totalling $0. I will never complain about public health care again. TAXES SAVED MY LIFE. FREE HEALTH CARE SAVED MY LIFE. 

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1 hour ago, robattack332 said:

Good. Make the hospitals actually have to compete and give better care. Instead of letting people die in waiting rooms for no reason other than incompetence. 

The absolute delusion. :deadbanana4::deadbanana4::deadbanana4:

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2 hours ago, robattack332 said:

Good. Make the hospitals actually have to compete and give better care. Instead of letting people die in waiting rooms for no reason other than incompetence. 

The only people who will benefit from this are the politicians and the rich. :skull:


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We’re very fortunate with healthcare in Australia, but the signs that we’re also trending to more privatisation & less public funding are ever present. 

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3 hours ago, robattack332 said:

Good. Make the hospitals actually have to compete and give better care. Instead of letting people die in waiting rooms for no reason other than incompetence. 

Believe me, you don't want privatized healthcare. As someone who has lived all his life on a country where even water is a privatezed good, the overall costs of private healthcare are much detrimental to the general public's pockets than all the benefits that it might bring. 

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In his announcement, Ford claimed Ontario’s health system is currently run the same way as ‘Cuba and North Korea’.

... :rip: I can't believe this is the best argument he could use. Propaganda bs for the pea-brained. That's how you know healthcare should NOT go in the privatization direction!

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5 hours ago, robattack332 said:

Good. Make the hospitals actually have to compete and give better care. Instead of letting people die in waiting rooms for no reason other than incompetence. 

Hospitals in America don’t compete to give better care, but they do compete to see who can charge patients the most.  Maybe that’s what you want, to pay significantly more for the same or worse service.  Weird.

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6 hours ago, robattack332 said:

Good. Make the hospitals actually have to compete and give better care. Instead of letting people die in waiting rooms for no reason other than incompetence. 

This is NOT how this works :bibliahh:

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7 hours ago, robattack332 said:

Good. Make the hospitals actually have to compete and give better care. Instead of letting people die in waiting rooms for no reason other than incompetence. 

Gonna pile on like everyone else and say this is such a stupid comment and you are so stupid for making it 

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Really astonished that the UK and Canada are getting full view of America’s healthcare disaster and deciding they want that for their citizens as well.

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  • ATRL Moderator
8 hours ago, robattack332 said:

Good. Make the hospitals actually have to compete and give better care. Instead of letting people die in waiting rooms for no reason other than incompetence. 

Competition for something like iPhone is reasonable. Customers have choice to, say, “Yep. Apple made the new iPhone too expensive. I’m not paying for it, it’s not worth it.” If a single hospital or multiple hospitals say, “Hey, you are going to die without this surgery and it will cost at minimum $10,000,000.” There is no person that won’t do whatever it takes, even go bankrupt, to save their own life. This is why the idea that there should be “competition” in healthcare is beyond ridiculous. 

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Did anyone bother to read into this a little? :skull:


Private clinics already exist - Certain surgeries and procedures that were previously only covered when done at hospitals, will now be covered for Ontarians at these private clinics as well. The existing wait lists and wait times are not acceptable, and I think the hope here would be that it will reduce wait times by covering these procedures at already existing private clinics. It will all still be free - just like going to a doctor is, as most are private businesses already but we still are covered to go in for free. 


Will it work? Not sure, but at least something is being tried because it's terrible the way it is now. I think the main concerns are the private clinics upselling other products that aren't covered, or that workers will simply move from hospitals to private clinics. Definitely not "like America". 

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1 hour ago, Kamil24 said:

They'll still be covered by OHIP so I don't see the issue. :clap3: 

Public money funding price-gouged private providers, with the percentage of for-profit, private providers increasing, destroys the entire system.


You're so ******* ungrateful for what you have and I wish you dared to spend a single day as an American where millions don't even go to the hospital cause of the insane bills. What the **** is wrong with you?


I genuinely need you to understand how different your life would be for the worse by simply living in a country down. I sound angry cause I am and need you to understand how offensive your defense of for-profit healthcare is to people who have watched loved ones go years ignoring pain and ailments only to one day drop dead because they had a form of cancer or an illness that was slowly killing them and the price tag of healthcare kept them from seeking care. I could weep over the idea of still having a father if we had simply be born as Canadians and not Americans. 

Edited by Communion
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47 minutes ago, Communion said:

Public money funding price-gouged private providers, with the percentage of for-profit, private providers increasing, destroys the entire system.


You're so ******* ungrateful for what you have and I wish you dared to spend a single day as an American where millions don't even go to the hospital cause of the insane bills. What the **** is wrong with you?


I genuinely need you to understand how different your life would be for the worse by simply living in a country down. I sound angry cause I am and need you to understand how offensive your defense of for-profit healthcare is to people who have watched loved ones go years ignoring pain and ailments only to one day drop dead because they had a form of cancer or an illness that was slowly killing them and the price tag of healthcare kept them from seeking care. I could weep over the idea of still having a father if we had simply be born as Canadians and not Americans. 

Once again, these things will still be fully covered for us - now both at hospitals and at private clinics; main difference being previously it was not covered at private care providers. We do not have to pay for health care. Those same people that avoid getting care in the US are the ones that wait for years on waitlists in Canada - and the hope is that they will now have more options, while remaining covered.

Edited by Kamil24
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4 hours ago, Kamil24 said:

Once again, these things will still be fully covered for us

Again, universal healthcare and for-profit healthcare are *diametrically opposed* to one another.


Private, for-profit providers, once they have cemented themselves, increase fees and costs for service, whether to the provincial government or individual. They will lobby for specific tests and labs to no longer be free at point of service and instead direct new cost to the patient, as already is happening in multiple provinces. 


Conservatives in your country will begin to point to increased healthcare costs (fueled by asking non-profit providers to compete with for-profit providers), claim these costs as unsustainable, and call for cuts to funding. Experts on healthcare already point to this happening, with conservatives sabotaging the system while handing the current system over to corporations who have no guarantee of "better" service or outcomes.


In the wake of this, private providers will continue to offer their services and lobby for expanded access of private payments for service. They will work to steal doctors and nurses from non-profit providers and normalize costs to the patient as part of care - and those who have money will be offered access to greater care than those who do not. Once this happens, you've entered a two-tiered healthcare system.


I'm sorry for the tone but you are deeply, deeply ignorant to the reality of how for-profit healthcare works. Your talks of wait times sound like a temper tantrum compared to actual burdens people have to face when access to healthcare are determined solely by access to pay.


Do you even understand what you're lobbying for and defending? 



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The UK is doing the exact same thing to the NHS.


Crazy that everything is getting worse and more dystopian when it should be the opposite. Old rich boomers are trying to leave nothing but ashes for the new generations. Evil monstrosities. :mazen:

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This is why Conservatism is awful.


People do not realize that the U.S actually has the worst healthcare system in the world, unless you’re filthy rich. Why anyone would want to shift to an American based model is difficult for me to understand.

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