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Biden reverses attempt to end Title 42; expands asylum restrictions on more countries


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Wow, this is embarrassing to say the least. 

Regardless of your opinion, all that political theatre worked.

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It's almost like Biden is just as much of an anti-immigrant nativist as Stephen Miller. I'm really not surprised.

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I don't know why he didn't s doing this. Anti immigration is almost dead in Republican politics too. It didn't help them win more red seats. 


Why do Democrats shoot themselves in the foot sometimes? We just had a decent jobs report. That could have been the topic of this week's news cycle instead it's this crap. 


Remember what the statue of liberty says and even what Ronald Reagan said. It doesn't mention anything about only those who are able to fly here or charter private jets here.:ace:

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8 minutes ago, JustLikeHoney said:

could have been the topic of this week's news cycle instead it's this crap. 

Well I'm certainly no fan of this but I don't think either the job report or this will warrant more than a sidebar for the next week considering the catastrophe in the House right now :gaycat6:

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Crickets.. where are the liberals at HELLO! Y’all sleeping? 



This is the progressive, anti-fascist democracy y’all voted for? 

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2 hours ago, wastedpotential said:

Well I'm certainly no fan of this but I don't think either the job report or this will warrant more than a sidebar for the next week considering the catastrophe in the House right now :gaycat6:

That too. Even if we weren't in the news because of anything and republicans had terrible news cycle because of the House would have been better than this crap. The only reason DeSantis and Abbot are moving migrants around the US is because no one cares. They have to fabricate a news story for people to care about this issue. 


Do we have a problem at the border? Yes 


Is it as bad as Republicans want us to believe? No 


Should we do something? Yes 


Is this what should have been done? Absolutely not. 


Why are we rushing to do something that nobody wants are even cares about? Can't we find a better solution and then do something?





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Biden is literally more racist than trump…so not surprised here…not sure how the Democratic Party stooped that low by having him as president. His term has been so uneventful with so many mistakes. 

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didn't the democrats drag trump for similar things? why are they silent now


this proves again that democrats and republicans are two sides of the same coin 

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15 hours ago, Thelightiscumin said:

Biden is literally more racist than trump…so not surprised here…not sure how the Democratic Party stooped that low by having him as president. His term has been so uneventful with so many mistakes. 

And many accomplishments as well 👏🏼👏🏼

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We do have a problem with so many using the asylum excuse. It’s a huge problem.  Just immigration policies in general are in shambles and neither side has done nothing to fix it for decades. I honestly don’t know how we will ever fix it. 

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2 minutes ago, GhostBox said:


And many accomplishments as well 👏🏼👏🏼

Why are you going out of your way to praise this bozo in a thread where he's doing something OBJECTIVELY bad? :psyduck: 

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