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Kevin McCarthy elected Speaker of the House after 14 losses


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1 hour ago, Katy V.! said:

You cannot seriously pretend this at this point :deadbanana2:

Wanting Americans to take responsibility for their own political failures and acknowledge that Russia can't make suburbanites vote for Republicans =/= liking Russia. 


It's so funny how affluent right wingers outside of America always try to appropriate western identity politics to accuse Western Leftists of glorifying harsh leaders in the Global South and "denying brown people their autonomy" but yet you have no qualms buying into an insane conspiracy theory that somehow Russians on twitter were able to hack into the voting machines and give Trump the win and magically brainwash poor black steel mill workers in Michigan to stay home after voting for Obama twice. :rip:

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2 hours ago, Katy V.! said:

You cannot seriously pretend this at this point :deadbanana2:

Idk, pretending that Russia hacked the election and changed votes in the voting machines seems conspiracy-minded to me. Acknowledging that liberals in my own country fed into a years-long delusion to avoid accountability for their failure to beat Donald Trump does not make one a Russian agent.


Hillary lost because she was a loser, not because Russia was mean to her. It’s election denial to claim anything else.


Instead of dismissing people you don’t like as Putin apologists, worry about your own country, where your precious opposition party doesn’t even recognize Juan Guaido anymore after years of propping him up as an illegitimate steward of government and traitor to his country with Western backing failed to topple Maduro.

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I really dont get why he wants to be Speaker so bad, considering how much he has already pledged to give up and how much the Freedom Caucus and any potential allies might squeeze from him... unless he plans to operate as many bipartisian Speakers pre FDR did which even then wouldnt work in any real substantial way, not in 2023 America. Personally I would have wanted to see this go on just to see if there would be anyone else who could provide a real challenge within the party, but it last four days too long so.

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19 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

MAGA is insane, true. But Blue MAGA is too, with their Russiagate conspiracy nonsense that to this day hasn't gone away. And none of that changes the true policy concerns that some people have with McCarthy and McConnell. Calling them RINOs is...  misguided at best, just as much as calling Manchin a DINO would be (since there's nothing more Democrat than obstructing policies that would actually help people). Those people haven't wised up to the fact that neither party is there for them, and attach themselves to Republicans purely out of hatred for the Democrats who are equally beholden to KStreet.

People believing Russia has a large scale apparatus in place that undermines national security is not the same thing as people that believe John Podesta runs a pedohpile ring in the basement of a pizza shop in DC and trying to equate shows lack of critical thinking. 

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18 hours ago, Miss Show Business said:

You cannot seriously be calling the Russia investigation, which led to dozens of arrests and implicated Tr*mp... Equivalent to the election denial conspriacy on the far right... This is straight up looney. :redface:


15 hours ago, ZIVERT said:

That user loves Russia :skull: 


OT: Republicans are losers

Much simpler than that: that user hates Dems.


And, as a result, is forced to take the anti-Dem position on every issue irrespective of where the facts land. Think Fox News, but from the far left. Which is honestly hard to do, so props. :chick2:


Otherwise, no one in their right mind would characterize Russiagate as “election denial conspiracy”. Pretty much every one on the left accepted Trump won by VOTES, but didn’t appreciate the foreign election interference, as characterized by WikiLeaks’s ratfucking, and later validated by the non-partisan, albeit toothless, Mueller investigation. The attempts to draw any comparisons to MAGA with the “Blue MAGA” moniker is wish-casting and ineffective leftist propaganda. :giraffe:

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I’m actually really excited for the next two years leading up to 2024.


I’ve held on to the theory that, ultimately, effective propaganda is what determines the outcome of elections and, at least for the next couple years, Republican dysfunction will be front and center as recurring news in the media. 

For two years now we’ve had to deal with Dem’s minor disagreements being splashed on the front page news as emblematic of congressional dysfunction, despite them pretty much moving in lockstep (thanks to Pelosi’s legendary leadership). :lakitu: But if every policy struggle looks like this Speaker vote, Dems will go into the 2024 election cycle looking like an oasis in a desert bereft of water. :swan:  

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3 hours ago, GreatestLoveofAll said:

I really dont get why he wants to be Speaker so bad, considering how much he has already pledged to give up and how much the Freedom Caucus and any potential allies might squeeze from him... unless he plans to operate as many bipartisian Speakers pre FDR did which even then wouldnt work in any real substantial way, not in 2023 America. Personally I would have wanted to see this go on just to see if there would be anyone else who could provide a real challenge within the party, but it last four days too long so.

maybe he just likes to have the title and then he'll give it up when they get tired of him.


he should at least outlast, say, liz truss 

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1 hour ago, Kassi said:

Pretty much every one on the left accepted Trump won by VOTES, but didn’t appreciate the foreign election interference

What? Liberals claimed the election was illegitimate and that Trump wasn't a true president because of their fictional narrative that Trump was a paid agent of Putin. :dies: 


Memes on Facebook are no worse than the things the US has done to elections around the world under both parties either :zzz: 

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Do y'all think Nensi is already forgotten by the GP? 

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4 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

What? Liberals claimed the election was illegitimate and that Trump wasn't a true president because of their fictional narrative that Trump was a paid agent of Putin. :dies: 


Memes on Facebook are no worse than the things the US has done to elections around the world under both parties either :zzz: 

No comment on WikiLeaks leaking some of Hillary’s emails right after Trump asked Russia on TV to find her emails? Mueller’s report claims that Trump coordinated with WikiLeaks to release this information when it was convenient for his campaign. Getting dirt from a foreign source to damage a political opponent is not a good look. After getting away with this, Trump continued this tactic until he was impeached for asking Ukraine to get dirt on his 2020 opponent. On top of that, who knows where Rudy Giuliani got Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drive. The FBI already had information on Hunter’s laptop, but who knows where Rudy got it 

This quote says everything you need to know about how Russia influenced the 2016 election:


Of course, this is not the reason Hillary lost, but it did have an influence the election and it was worth investigating. 

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7 hours ago, Kassi said:

the foreign election interference, as characterized by WikiLeaks’s ratfucking,

10 hours ago, MAKSIM said:

Russia has a large scale apparatus in place 

24 minutes ago, Vroom Vroom said:

WikiLeaks to release this information when it was convenient for his campaign



Vladimir Putin didn't make Hillary Clinton repeatedly say "you have to have a private and public opinion". 

Vladimir Putin didn't make Hillary Clinton's campaign prop up Trump in a pied-piper strategy.


"Russia!!!" is a cope for privileged, affluent liberals trying to wash their hands of the way neoliberal policies of free trade and exporting 99% of labor jobs destroyed lives in the Midwest that Democrats still have not recovered in votes and is the single reason why Clinton lost in 2016.  To suggest black voters in the Midwest were somehow brainwashed by "Russian interference" as opposed to being valid voters with reasonable logic for not voting because of the failures of Obama that Clinton refused any solutions for is anti-black and virulent racism. :cm:

Edited by Communion
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Oh god we're back on this. 


My consistent position has always been everyone's going to project what they want within the left (and right quite frankly) onto the 2016 election as to the majority cause for Hillary's loss to fit their narrative with what is still relatively poor data (largely due to deep flaws in the study groups from shy Trump voters and understudied progressives in the upper Midwest) when it was a mixture of all the above. If we want to breakdown that data I can try to find my URL's from like six ****ing years ago but I'm exhausted by it all.


Hillary's not absolved of her problems and ****ty campaign of course, Russia didn't change votes (but did access some machines in Florida!), not all black voters should be blamed for top lines being left empty by many of them in the Upper Midwest, just like broad brushes can't be painted on third party voters or stay-homes. Entirely blaming either foreign interference or the voters fooled by it (both documented!) isn't productive as again, we still don't (and never will) have definitive data on say - the Cambridge Analytica psychographic microtargeting of Obama to Trump voters. That goes for the Comey timing when pressured by Giuliani's team at the NYC FBI Field Office with threatened further leaks, Assange and the rest.


Absolving Obama to Trump voters of their cultural resentment (that can still exist despite voting for a black man according to the data) to make an argument about bad global trade agreements isn't borne out by the data either. I'm not saying they cancel each out but both play a part. There's conflicting data on what's the majority too - and it's not 70-30 either.


I realize and still somewhat sympathize with the argument that we can't move forward unless we settle the past when it comes to 2016, but years later when I break it all down (and I don't claim to be an expert but have worked on the Hill and in campaigns) I realize I can't. Mostly because outside of anecdotes and convenient narratives that people throw around to make themselves feel better there's data (mostly due to national security they say which is partially BS) we'll never receive. I still have endless questions after reading the Senate Intel Report and about 8 books on it. 


AOC and Bernie seem to have wholesale abandoned the left and the Jayapal rollout of her so-called Ukraine pushback was abysmal, leaving the Progressive Caucus without anything resembling a spine and dare I say on life support if not dead - seems to be a much more productive conversation to have instead. Briahna may be making great points on say - members only granting interviews to Ryan Grim and other self-proclaimed 'progressive' outlets not questioning the dogma on Speaker challenges to use for the future, but right now - I just see challenges on those members being more productive than the discussion above re: Hillary. If people here are mad at supposedly "progressive media" moving in lockstep with members that don't want to be tested or pressured on challenges to House procedure then challenge those outlets on social media I guess. 


So many lessons not learned and not willing to be learned or adopted. My biggest problem with the right at the moment is the greed and my biggest problem with the left is the absolving of the cultural resentment of the right to make economic arguments when both should be tackled. 

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6 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

What? Liberals claimed the election was illegitimate and that Trump wasn't a true president because of their fictional narrative that Trump was a paid agent of Putin. :dies: 


Memes on Facebook are no worse than the things the US has done to elections around the world under both parties either :zzz: 

Some weird Twitter users, Jill Stein, and like Rashida Tlaib maybe made that claim. 

But anyone that matters like Hillary, who conceded night off, and the bulk of the Democratic establishment took the loss for what it was and began plotting a counteroffensive (leading to the 2018 blue wave :chick2:).


And when we talk about Russian interference, we’re not talking about memes and bot farms, we’re talking about hacks and info dumps. Hillary’s emails (which contained absolutely nothing of substance) becoming an all-encompassing campaign issue was a success of Russian propaganda operations spurred on, of course, by feckless US media… so it’s not all Russia’s fault. But they played an important role.   :giraffe:

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31 minutes ago, Espresso said:

Oh god we're back on this. 


My consistent position has always been everyone's going to project what they want within the left (and right quite frankly) onto the 2016 election as to the majority cause for Hillary's loss to fit their narrative when the (poor) data (largely due to deep flaws in the study groups from shy Trump voters and understudied progressives in the upper Midwest) when it was a mixture of all the above. If we want to breakdown that data I can try to find my URL's from like six ****ing years ago but I'm exhausted by it all.


Hillary's not absolved of her problems and ****ty campaign of course, Russia didn't change votes (but did access some machines in Florida!), not all black voters should be blamed for top lines being left empty by many of them in the Upper Midwest, just like broad brushes can't be painted on third party voters or stay-homes. Entirely blaming either foreign interference or the voters fooled by it (both documented!) isn't productive as again, we still don't (and never will) have definitive data on say - the Cambridge Analytica psychographic microtargeting of Obama to Trump voters. That goes for the Comey timing when pressured by Giuliani's team at the NYC FBI Field Office with threatened further leaks, Assange and the rest.


Absolving Obama to Trump voters of their cultural resentment (that can still exist despite voting for a black man according to the data) to make an argument about bad global trade agreements isn't borne out by the data either. I'm not saying they cancel each out but both play a part. There's conflicting data on what's the majority too - and it's not 70-30 either.


I realize and still somewhat sympathize with the argument that we can't move forward unless we settle the past when it comes to 2016, but years later when I break it all down (and I don't claim to be an expert but have worked on the Hill and in campaigns) I realize I can't. Mostly because outside of anecdotes and convenient narratives that people throw around to make themselves feel better there's data (mostly due to national security they say which is partially BS) we'll never receive. I still have endless questions after reading the Senate Intel Report and about 8 books on it. 


AOC and Bernie seem to have wholesale abandoned the left and the Jayapal rollout of her so-called Ukraine pushback was abysmal, leaving the Progressive Caucus without anything resembling a spine and dare I say on life support if not dead - seems to be a much more productive conversation to have instead. Briahna may be making great points on say - members only granting interviews to Ryan Grim and other self-proclaimed 'progressive' outlets not questioning the dogma on Speaker challenges to use for the future, but right now - I just see challenges on those members being more productive than the discussion above re: Hillary. If people here are mad at supposedly "progressive media" moving in lockstep with members that don't want to be tested or pressured on challenges to House procedure then challenge those outlets on social media I guess. 


So many lessons not learned and not willing to be learned or adopted. My biggest problem with the right at the moment is the greed and my biggest problem with the left is the absolving of the cultural resentment of the right to make economic arguments when both should be tackled. 

A balanced and nuanced take. :clap3:

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2 hours ago, Kassi said:

we’re talking about hacks and info dumps. Hillary’s emails 

"It's journalism when it's about Republicans but it's espionage and hacking when done to Dems!!!" :deadbanana4:


It's going on 7 years now and there remains zero evidence connecting Julian Assange / WikiLeaks to the Russian government or any member of the Republican party. In fact, what investigations and charges (of perjury! :skull:) filed revealed is that people like Roger Stone *lied* to people like Trump and exaggerated their access to someone like Assange, with it coming out that Republican operatives never successfully made contact with Assange and that Assange had no interest in working with Republicans, because he is a journalist and not a political operative, and that is what Republicans were charged for. Lying about their attempts to contact Assange to congress, not there ever being any evidence that Assange was ever working for a specific body, because such evidence simply doesn't exist.

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5 minutes ago, Communion said:

"It's journalism when it's about Republicans but it's espionage and hacking when done to Dems!!!" :deadbanana4:

Exactly. This, but unironically. :cm:  Republicans are always up to some scheme as proven by their solicitation of Russian interference, Ukraine blackmail, and Jan 6th coordinated attempt to overrun free and fair elections. At this point, any intel on their activities is of grave national security importance. Meanwhile, at worst, Dems have have the occasional messy individuals with personal issues to sort out.  :fish1: Thankfully, our news media has slowly caught on to that dynamic and was careful to hop on to the Hunter Biden nonsense.


7 minutes ago, Communion said:

It's going on 7 years now and there remains zero evidence connecting Julian Assange / WikiLeaks to the Russian government or any member of the Republican party. In fact, what investigations and charges (of perjury! :skull:) filed revealed is that people like Roger Stone *lied* to people like Trump and exaggerated their access to someone like Assange, with it coming out that Republican operatives never successfully made contact with Assange and that Assange had no interest in working with Republicans, because he is a journalist and not a political operative, and that is what Republicans were charged for. Lying about their attempts to contact Assange to congress, not there ever being any evidence that Assange was ever working for a specific body, because such evidence simply doesn't exist.




The 11-count, 29-page indictment describes in granular detail a carefully planned and executed attack on the information security of Democrats, as Russian government hackers implanted hundreds of malware files on Democrats’ computer systems to steal information. The hackers then laundered the pilfered material through fake personas called DC Leaks and Guccifer 2.0, as well as others, to try to influence voters.


One of their conduits, identified in the indictment only as “Organization 1,” was WikiLeaks, the global anti-secrecy group led by Julian Assange, according to people familiar with the case. The indictment describes WikiLeaks communicating with Guccifer 2.0 to obtain material.





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Idk what's more embarrassing: the looney people, like Rashida Tlaib, who went full Russiagate, trying to force impeachment on shaky grounds (thank god for Pelosi's judicious leadership) OR the anti-Dem maximalists, like Glenn Greenwald, trying to conjure up a false "Blue MAGA" premise for ignoring all Russian interference.


I guarantee to the extremists on either side that it feels FAR better to land somewhere in between, where the truth and the facts lie. :cm:

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21 minutes ago, Kassi said:

Exactly. This, but unironically. 

Oh to be an affluent American making $100k+ a year and Dem donor who has no actual worries that you can stan political parties like sports teams while not knowing the difference between an indictment and being guilty. :ahh:


Let me repeat myself:


It's going on 7 years now and there remains zero evidence connecting Julian Assange / WikiLeaks to the Russian government or any member of the Republican party. In fact, what investigations and charges (of perjury! :skull:) filed revealed is that people like Roger Stone *lied* to people like Trump and exaggerated their access to someone like Assange, with it coming out that Republican operatives never successfully made contact with Assange and that Assange had no interest in working with Republicans, because he is a journalist and not a political operative, and that is what Republicans were charged for. Lying about their attempts to contact Assange to congress, not there ever being any evidence that Assange was ever working for a specific body, because such evidence simply doesn't exist.

The link from 2018 you provided proves my point - that indictment on Roger Stone resulted years later in a charge of perjury and witness tampering, not espionage or collusion, because he lied about his connections to Wikileaks to Trump and then lied to Congress that he was trying to get in contact with Assange, to hide from Trump that he didn't actually know Assange to begin with and could never actually reach him until a year after the election. :ahh:



The rational being "WELL THEN ASSANGE SHOULD HAVE ASSUMED ANY INTEL ABOUT DEMOCRATS WAS ALL FROM SECRET FRONT GROUPS BY RUSSIA DECEIVING HIM AND REFUSED TO EXPOSE HER CORRUPTION BECAUSE #DEMOCRACY WAS ON THE LINE!!!". Hillary Clinton is going to her death bed a corrupt failure regardless of who exposed her contempt for black Americans within the Midwest. Probably regrets not taking those flights to Wisconsin though! :ahh:

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^It's giving QAnon/anti-vaxxer "I did my own research" :lmao:


No, baby. Quoting random Tweeters doesn't garner your flimsy arguments credibility. There was an investigation conducted by an independent, non-partisan, government entity which concluded exactly the opposite of ya'll claims. In reality:

  • Russia interfered in our election to help Trump.
  • Russians made numerous contacts with the campaign.
  • Campaign welcomed their help.
  • No one reported these contacts or interference to FBI.
  • They lied to cover it up.




“Absolutely, it was not a hoax,” Mr. Mueller said, adding that the indictments his team brought related to Russia’s interference were “substantial” and had been “underplayed, to a certain extent.”



Like, idk what ya'll even want out of this exchange. :rip: For everyone to admit that 2016 was a completely normal election year? It wasn't. That Hillary was a terrible candidate? She was. So why this complete instance then that Russia didn't do what Russia clearly did?


I mean, gosh, deny reality all you want I guess, but the facts are right there.:ahh:

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6 minutes ago, Kassi said:

Russians made numerous contacts with the campaign.

The campaign that federal investigations found never had contact with Wikileaks?


Thank you, try again next time! Maybe put "visit Wisconsin" on the Google Calendar too! Mwah!~ 

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Words that came out of the mouths of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer themselves are random tweets now? :rip:


They misled much of the public into believing the election was stolen due to hacked vote tallies leading to an illegitimate President. Many polls even to this day still show that. It doesn't matter what happened in the Mueller investigation. Saying "Russian misinformation influenced the election" or "Maybe there was collusion" is different than "Russia hacked the election", "Russia stole the election", or "Trump was an illegitimate President". But liberals always have to take it to the extreme and accuse anyone who wouldn't go as far as saying the latter as being some kind of QAnon conspiracy theorist. :deadbanana:


Let's have a little more faith in the electoral process please. Our voting machines are working fine, and both liberal and right-wing extremists need to accept the results of democratic elections. :celestial6:

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1 minute ago, Thuggin said:

Words that came out of the mouths of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer themselves are random tweets now? :rip:


They misled much of the public into believing the election was stolen due to hacked vote tallies leading to an illegitimate President. Many polls even to this day still show that. It doesn't matter what happened in the Mueller investigation. Saying "Russian misinformation influenced the election" or "Maybe there was collusion" is different than "Russia hacked the election", "Russia stole the election", or "Trump was an illegitimate President". But liberals always have to take it to the extreme and accuse anyone who wouldn't go as far as saying the latter as being some kind of QAnon conspiracy theorist. :deadbanana:


Let's have a little more faith in the electoral process please. Our voting machines are working fine, and both liberal and right-wing extremists need to accept the results of democratic elections. :celestial6:

Ain't it funny that BlueAnon liberals claimed Russia "stole" the election yet then vilified someone like Jill Stein who actually called for improving our electoral logistics and auditing our machines or moving to paper ballots? :celestial5:

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49 minutes ago, Communion said:

The campaign that federal investigations found never had contact with Wikileaks?


Thank you, try again next time! Maybe put "visit Wisconsin" on the Google Calendar too! Mwah!~ 

What are you talking about? Mueller discovered over 100 known points of contact between the Trump campaign and Russian-government linked people or entities, including 23 meetings or calls.


Sixteen Trump campaign officials are known to have had direct contact with a Russian government official or a Russian-linked operative, and at least an additional nine campaign officials were aware of these contacts.




Are you ok? :lmao:


Anyway, you're fixated on such a marginal part of the story (i.e. who was Roger Stone's intermediary?) as if the entirety of the Russian interference hinges on whether or not Trump knew that WikiLeaks was a Russian propaganda front. That's a matter of COLLUSION, not mere INTERFERENCE, which has long since been validated. Those are two separate and distinct questions, and the probe handled them as such. And, to that end, there's evidence, including first hand testimony from Trump's campaign deputies that they were briefed on goodies to come by Roger Stone.



Roger Stone first told one of Donald Trump’s top aides in April 2016 that WikiLeaks had plans to dump information in the heat of the presidential race, kickstarting a scramble inside the campaign to take advantage of the expected releases.


And that plotting included at least one summertime call involving Trump himself, according to Rick Gates, the former Trump deputy campaign chairman, who was testifying Tuesday morning at Stone’s trial over lying to Congress about his efforts to contact WikiLeaks.


The revelation means the Trump campaign was aware of WikiLeaks’ election-year plans much earlier than previously understood. And it also shows that the president was involved in conversations about the issue, something he has previously denied.


Gates said he first heard from Stone, a longtime Trump confidant, about two months before Trump secured the GOP presidential nomination in mid-July. That’s when Stone passed along initial, bare bones details about the potential Julian Assange-orchestrated releases that would benefit Trump’s White House bid.




The scramble to defend ROGER STONE of all people just to "own the libs" is hilarious. :rip: Never a dull moment in the life of an anti-Dem maximalist I guess. But carry on.:ahh:



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1 hour ago, Thuggin said:

Words that came out of the mouths of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer themselves are random tweets now? :rip:


They misled much of the public into believing the election was stolen due to hacked vote tallies leading to an illegitimate President. Many polls even to this day still show that. It doesn't matter what happened in the Mueller investigation. Saying "Russian misinformation influenced the election" or "Maybe there was collusion" is different than "Russia hacked the election", "Russia stole the election", or "Trump was an illegitimate President". But liberals always have to take it to the extreme and accuse anyone who wouldn't go as far as saying the latter as being some kind of QAnon conspiracy theorist. :deadbanana:


Let's have a little more faith in the electoral process please. Our voting machines are working fine, and both liberal and right-wing extremists need to accept the results of democratic elections. :celestial6:

Don't know about the other clowns, like Crooked Hillary or Amy Schumer's ineffective cousin, but Pelosi was spot on with her tweet.


Everything she said about Russia interference was true.




The U.S. intelligence community has determined that Russia interfered in U.S. elections.  There must be no equivocation or ignoring the seriousness of the intelligence community’s conclusion about Russia’s actions.  Regardless of the outcome of the election, the American people deserve to know the truth and a commitment to protect our democracy from foreign meddling


And Russia did literally "hack into our election" by hacking US political organizations (see: Mueller Report). You act like she said they hacked our voting machines and updated the vote tally. Mess. If she wanted to say that, she would have said it.


Blue MAGA will NEVER be a thing, I fear. :sistrens:

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