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Millenials first generation to reject conservative beliefs as they get older


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Who could have guessed 'boogeyman of the month', work until you drop dead and talking about how much better life was before millennials were born wouldn't be a winning strategy :fan:





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What about Gen X? Are they centrists or some s**t?


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Well of course. Conservatism as a right-wing ideology is rooted in capitalism "working", but the last two decades have seen capitalism not working due to its natural tendency to accumulate wealth to the top, and thus inequity (the gap between the richest and poorest) grows and grows and grows until the system cracks and people revolt. 


The conservative right would like you to believe their culture war tribalism will resonate in this late stage era of capitalism, just like the liberal right want you to think neoliberalism will resonate, but reality shows Millennials and those after them are most identifying with neither and choosing apathy and voter disengagement due to left wing forces being suppressed as electoral options with the West. 


The difference between a Clinton loss to Trump and Biden win over Trump comes in Millennials and younger embracing a Bernie Sanders style of populism that Clinton rejected while Biden was forced to claim to embrace. 

Edited by Communion
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too bad that the far-left ideology that's being forced on all of us nowadays will have a negative impact, as people will eventually get tired of being angry about everything and the newer generations will also be labeled conservative with age 

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in the uk the tories offer nothing for young people 


conservatives policies re more popular than labours but the tories have rigged the economy for boomer pensioners 


it all comes down to housing , because NIMYS have a chokehold on the planning development nothing gets built, millennial cant then get on the housing ladder till much later if ever then ask what is there to conserve, nothing 



taxes at record high levels, we are dying as a country thanks to boomers and nimbys

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1 hour ago, slik said:

I'm a little surprised to see Gen X so centrists

im not, we are fed of of radical left wing indoctrination and the woke mob destroying our culture 

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12 minutes ago, bidet said:

too bad that the far-left ideology that's being forced on all of us nowadays will have a negative impact, as people will eventually get tired of being angry about everything and the newer generations will also be labeled conservative with age 

I don’t think Millenials and Gen Z are gonna remember fondly the times of George W. Bush and Donald Trump anytime soon :rip:

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Not 2 banned members back to back :rip:


well the last 2 generations are destroying the earth in every way possible so…

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28 minutes ago, bidet said:

too bad that the far-left ideology that's being forced on all of us nowadays will have a negative impact, as people will eventually get tired of being angry about everything and the newer generations will also be labeled conservative with age 

ddd not all the anti-trans, fascist sympathizers getting banned. :rip:

the only people whining about "far left ideology" are conservatives. everyone else considers that to be "being a decent human being". :ahh:


anyways, not surprising. that's why young people need to get out and vote. we can literally control every aspect of our gov't state and federal-wise if we just vote. the midterms were a good start but we need to push harder.

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5 minutes ago, infrared said:

Not 2 banned members back to back :rip:

:deadbanana2: Them both complaining about "woke" culture too alsflasl


OT: Saw this earlier, very interesting stuff

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maybe because millenials  are the first age demographics to NOT have a better quality of life than their predecessors.

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The bans. :bibliahh:


OT: Firdt Generation to not be trash in recent history. :heart2:

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Conservatives hate us for decades so this isn't surprising at all.

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Isn't this just conflating republican with conservative? People do get more conservative as they age, they probably just don't vote republican. However, what is conservative now was far left a few decades ago, so society is definitely becoming more liberal in general

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  • ATRL Moderator

I think a lot of this is due to the lack of home ownership among the Millenial generation. Once you own property, you have plenty of incentive to care about property value, property taxes, crime, and all those other things that right-wing policy (outside of bigoted fearmongering on social issues) try to appeal to people on. With Millenials, and now Gen-Z, being largely unable to purchase property, you have two generations that will have less personal incentive to pivot to right-wing economic rhetoric. 

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  • ATRL Moderator
19 minutes ago, Literature said:

Isn't this just conflating republican with conservative? People do get more conservative as they age, they probably just don't vote republican. However, what is conservative now was far left a few decades ago, so society is definitely becoming more liberal in general

No? What was conservative during the Reagan era is now “center left”. Corrupt Republican president Richard Nixon was the one to instate the Environmental Protection Agency; now Republicans claim climate change is a Chinese hoax. We are moving to the right and it’s not debatable.

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So we just gonna ignore Gen X who as teens and young adults who were Hippies, Fought for the Civil rights movements, created the Punk revolution, and rejected conservative ideals of the 60’s-80’s? I mean they were literally called the MTV generation. That alone gotta day something

Edited by Gorjesspazze9
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23 minutes ago, Literature said:

Isn't this just conflating republican with conservative? People do get more conservative as they age, they probably just don't vote republican. However, what is conservative now was far left a few decades ago, so society is definitely becoming more liberal in general

Ah, yes, everyone knows Mao Zedong and Thomas Sankara are modern conservative icons.

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The fact that people will say "Well DUH it's because everything is so far left now compared to back then!" but if you press them on what they mean by that, the only example they'll be able to provide is "I'm being asked to respect pronouns now!" :rip: Even though that isn't a new concept at all (just more visible these days) and even though the right-wing is currently more hostile now toward the LGBTQ community in their rhetoric and the legislation they've proposed than they've been since at least the 2006 midterms.

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On 12/30/2022 at 5:46 PM, Pikachoo said:

maybe because millenials  are the first age demographics to NOT have a better quality of life than their predecessors.

This. :cm:

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