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Pete Buttigieg under fire for holiday flight cancellation disaster by Southwest


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20 minutes ago, Sazare said:

Every word you type reeks of mindless stanning for a career politician. Get serious. Peter does not care about you.

I don't "stan" politicians, or musicians, for that matter.


But apparently I'm not far down enough the far left / communist apologist rabbit hole to be able to not tell genuine criticism from a load of BS hyped up to ridiculous proportions from people who get a raging hard on by hating people in mainstream politics... Even when most of the time these mainstream politicians support 85% of the things you do, and also fight back against far right policies.

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35 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Pete got his foot in the door by making poor people in the Global South and at home miserable. Spare me. :ahh: 

Like, what even is this take? How is there any evidence for anything even remotely like this :dies:

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3 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

the far left / communist apologist rabbit hole

Normal people: "We should fine companies that defraud customers."




You have the political knowledge of a child. :skull:

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1 minute ago, Miss Show Business said:

Like, what even is this take? How is there any evidence for anything even remotely like this :dies:

Pete's time as an intelligence specialist in the military means he was working for the largest terrorist organization in the world, giving information on drone striking brown people in the Middle East.


Pete's time at McKinsey meant he would have been advising grocery stores on how to increase bread prices to more efficiently squeeze profits out of the American poor.


It's not hard. :zzz: 

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Just now, Communion said:

Normal people: "We should fine companies that defraud customers."




You have the political knowledge of a child. :skull:

I have the political knowledge of a child? You can take almost any quote from any person and misconstrue it to ridiculous proportions.


I'm not going to argue with a CCP apologist. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

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5 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

I have the political knowledge of a child?

Yes, you are quite literally not equipped for any kind of political discussion. You hold no actual, meaningful view points or offer any ideas of substance. You can't even articulate a single defense of Buttigieg's action on not fining Southwest, which has led you to instead spam the thread randomly attacking that other user.


Which isn't a slight against you - it's a pop forum, why would anyone need to have political knowledge? But like.. go talk about the Hot 100 or something. :skull: You've not offered a coherent, on-topic response to the issue of what regulations the Department of Transportation has the capacity to implement but, for some have, have failed to. 


Of course you can't "argue" with me - you have demonstrated you're not able to meaningfully do so to begin with.

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1 hour ago, Redstreak said:

The way neolibs have been framing any criticism towards him as homophobia 💀

Are u really that surprised. Some atrl like him just because he's gay. 

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17 minutes ago, Communion said:

Yes, you are quite literally not equipped for any kind of political discussion. You hold no actual, meaningful view points or offer any ideas of substance. You can't even articulate a single defense of Buttigieg's action on not fining Southwest, which has led you to instead spam the thread randomly attacking that other user.


Which isn't a slight against you - it's a pop forum, why would anyone need to have political knowledge? But like.. go talk about the Hot 100 or something. :skull: You've not offered a coherent, on-topic response to the issue of what regulations the Department of Transportation has the capacity to implement but, for some have, have failed to. 


Of course you can't "argue" with me - you have demonstrated you're not able to meaningfully do so to begin with.

Your idea of a discussion is personal attacks, repeatedly, to the point that it may meet the legal definition of harassment. You've repeatedly demonstrated here, on multiple occasions, not just towards myself but others too, that you cannot have a discussion without personally attacking people who share other viewpoints.


Like I've said many times before... People have lives outside of the internet. I do not spend my days, hours, and minutes, researching ways to defend Pete or other politicians; nor do I spend that time researching Pop girl chart positions, sales, etc. I simply do not care about these things enough to spend hours of my precious time researching that. You may ask yourself why I'm even on ATRL: because I enjoy congregating with like-minded people to discuss pop culture and world happenings. I'm allowed to participate just as anyone without making it a point of obsession like I've seen far too many people do.


Additionally — it's apparent I share a different overall worldview than people such as yourself... We don't just share different opinions, but the way we approach things is very apparently completely different. I don't like to think in black and white almost in any given situation, politics included. I prefer looking for the grey areas... The details people with highly emotional reactions tend to miss. I never see a topic like this, read the criticism, and immediately change my viewpoint. Because, there's different sides to every story, in most cases. There's also a motive behind everything... And I know these topics are just to get reactions. Period. They are just to stir the pot.


I'm not spending anymore time on this. Have a good night.

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4 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

Your idea of a discussion is personal attacks

1 hour ago, Miss Show Business said:

Failed politician who's gone further in life than you ever will. :bibliahh: keep seething!


1 hour ago, Miss Show Business said:

Every word, practically every letter you type about this man reeks of bitterness and hate. 


38 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

people who get a raging hard on by hating people in mainstream politics



Sis, the jokes write themselves. Find a different hobby. Politics isn't for everyone.  :deadbanana4:

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8 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

people with highly emotional reactions 

1 hour ago, Miss Show Business said:

Failed politician who's gone further in life than you ever will

:skull: Mama, are you okay? :deadbanana4:

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23 minutes ago, Communion said:





Sis, the jokes write themselves. Find a different hobby. Politics isn't for everyone.  :deadbanana4:

Calling out hateful behavior is "personal attacks?"


Let me be very clear — when I say personal attacks, I mean the repeated instances of you belittling people's intelligence. You do it constantly and repeatedly.


Quote whatever you want from me. I don't repeatedly and visiously call others stupid and unintelligent for taking part in a discussion. You can question someone's logic without calling them stupid, unintelligent, etc. One off remarks from me are not equal to the paragraphs and paragraphs you type out in your replies belittling and degrading people. You've done it in other threads, too, quoting messages that weren't even directed towards you. Your behavior is troubling, and could in some cases constitute harassment.

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Just now, Miss Show Business said:

Calling out hateful behavior is "personal attacks?"

fgbogmkjbgm you just told someone they would not amount to anything in life for criticizing Pete Buttigieg;?!!? :deadbanana4:

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He's not to blame.

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4 minutes ago, Communion said:

fgbogmkjbgm you just told someone they would not amount to anything in life for criticizing Pete Buttigieg;?!!? :deadbanana4:

"Going further in life than you" ≠ "you won't amount to anything" :redface: another thing you love to do: put words in people's mouths.

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1 minute ago, Miss Show Business said:

"Going further in life than you"

I- kjnjknj


What do you think saying "ever will" implies?! jnfnjkbbnfkbf:deadbanana4: Sis! :ahh:

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Just now, Communion said:

I- kjnjknj


What do you think saying "ever will" implies?! jnfnjkbbnfkbf:deadbanana4:

Yeah, because most people on ATRL are going to be big-time names in DC... :dies:


Like I said though, quote what you want from me. My one off remarks don't equate to your constant barrages degrading people.

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2 hours ago, Miss Show Business said:

Why do supposed "leftists" keep posting Fox News takes? Quickly!

What Fox News takes lmao?


Rightfully criticizing liberals for their inaction is not a conservative view. Please explain what you mean by Fox News takes.

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Pete is just more proof that top flight education is nothing more than a signal than being about any actual merit. He's been a complete disaster in a job that really should not have so many issues. I have never heard about any other previous administration having so many transport related issues. Maybe someone educate me on the previous f ups because I really can't remember.

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The fines would not have changed the outcome anyway. Southwest was a mess and the storm was the breaking point. 

And if we’re talking about fines now that the sh*tshow is over, then yes, let’s do it. It’s not too late. 

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3 minutes ago, getBusy said:

The fines would not have changed the outcome anyway. Southwest was a mess and the storm was the breaking point. 

And if we’re talking about fines now that the sh*tshow is over, then yes, let’s do it. It’s not too late. 

but it ….. literally … wasn’t weather related. that accounted for a relatively minuscule amount of cancellations. this happened bc southwest was spending money on stock buybacks and probably executive bonuses and sh*t instead of upgrading their faulty systems like they ought have done ages ago !

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9 minutes ago, Mean Trees said:

Pete is just more proof that top flight education is nothing more than a signal than being about any actual merit. He's been a complete disaster in a job that really should not have so many issues. I have never heard about any other previous administration having so many transport related issues. Maybe someone educate me on the previous f ups because I really can't remember.

Careful with those "Fox News takes." Making even a modest, milquetoast criticism of Pete is apparently akin to apostasy and virulent homophobia. :dies:

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36 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

Calling out hateful behavior is "personal attacks?"


Let me be very clear — when I say personal attacks, I mean the repeated instances of you belittling people's intelligence. You do it constantly and repeatedly.


Quote whatever you want from me. I don't repeatedly and visiously call others stupid and unintelligent for taking part in a discussion. You can question someone's logic without calling them stupid, unintelligent, etc. One off remarks from me are not equal to the paragraphs and paragraphs you type out in your replies belittling and degrading people. You've done it in other threads, too, quoting messages that weren't even directed towards you. Your behavior is troubling, and could in some cases constitute harassment.

I’m voting Republican just to cancel his vote out. 

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9 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Careful with those "Fox News takes." Making even a modest, milquetoast criticism of Pete is apparently akin to apostasy and virulent homophobia. :dies:

OMG :skull: Literally, I cannot.



And nice touch the centrist Dem complaining about ''Corporate failure''. If you cared that deeply about it, then you wouldn't be supporting a McKinsey ghoul.

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3 hours ago, Communion said:

...what do you think regulatory agencies... do? :deadbanana4:


I know not everyone is fully enthralled in consumer ethics but it's wild that some of you are legitimately like "I don't think we need to do anything drastic like fine a greedy corporation into bankruptcy!!" just because it aligns with the inaction of the politician who you've chosen to stan because you share their sexuality. :deadbanana4:


They could make Ariana Grande the next Secretary of Transportation and if she said we don't need to fine Southwest, I'd say **** her and fine Southwest out of business. :deadbanana4: No "I met with them and they promise to do their best". Corruption demands punishment.


The literal point of the government is to bring the hammer down on private business. :skull:

Lord knows we don’t agree on everything (and we viciously disagree when it comes to China) but I must say: this argument/perspective really changed my mind. I was getting ready to say: “yeah, he sucks at his job, but I don’t think there was too much he could actually do about what transpired the last few days”. But I must say this changed my mind. 

He’s always been a hack and Biden gave him this job so he could further his political/presidential ambitions, but man has he sucked this whole time. He’s arguably been the most incompetent member of Biden’s cabinet 

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