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You are cursed and have to stay in an haunted place 4ever, which one would u choose ?


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You are cursed and have to stay in an haunted place forever, which one would u choose ?


You can espace this place but your chance to escape is like 0,000005 % and don't forget that another human try to find you to kill you in this big place and the more you try to escape, the more the monsters and demons will try to terrorize you. 





























which one do you choose to stay in forever or try to escape ? :giraffe:

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7 or 3.


They seem well lit, so at least I won't have to deal with darkness too.

Plus maybe there'll be some things in the rooms I could use to defend myself with :gaycat6:

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7 for sure. It seems the best lit. 

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Probably the last one. The other ones make me feel already uncomfortable, especially 5 and 6.

Edited by Roberto
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4 feels warm, safe and embracing.

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I love the idea of liminal spaces, so simple yet so entrancing.


I would pick either 4 or 7, the former because of it looks like a music video set (and it's pink), and the latter because it looks well-illuminated, clean, and brightly coloured.


5 and 6 would be an absolute no-no from me, especially the former. I am scared of pools and other large bodies of water and add to that the darkness and I would literally start palpitating at the thought of going there.

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Surprised the Backrooms pic isn't one of the options :rip:


I'd pic 7, it's so colorful and tacky looking I'd never be scared, reminds me of a children's kindergarden hallway or daycare center :dies:

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2 hours ago, katara said:

Are there any hawt ghosts / demons I could hook up with / spend my time with?


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5 seems very posh. So that. 
7 is not scary at all.


Only 6 and 1 is scary.

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