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Does bullying start at home

Tremor Christ

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This thread is inspired by Duquan from The Wire.


He is bullied in school, but he comes from a broken home. No one instilled him self confidence, or even defense mechanisms to deal with external threats.


It makes me think, can someone with healthy family dynamics be affected by bullying?


I feel like for the most part parents, siblings are the first bullies. The bullying kids experience at school is a continuation of the pattern.


What do you think?

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1 hour ago, Tremor Christ said:


It makes me think, can someone with healthy family dynamics be affected by bullying?

yep :skull: my family was too nurturing to the point where they never really taught me how to stand up for myself. i was bullied and never said anything about it or stood up for myself bc i didn’t know how to 

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yes my mum bullied me my entire childhood! I never got a break from it. 

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Not necessarily. Expecting a child to stand up for themself when facing bullies is putting too much pressure on that child. Some disruptions in school life might just be that, even though the family life carries upmost importance for the development of a child, it cannot protect the child from everything.

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1 hour ago, Dolce Vita said:

yep :skull: my family was too nurturing to the point where they never really taught me how to stand up for myself. i was bullied and never said anything about it or stood up for myself bc i didn’t know how to 

Same. My dad told me fighting was for people with low intelligence. I was coddled by my parents and had no idea how to deal with bullying in middle school so I just…took it. 

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In most cases, yes. A child comes from a broken home and it creates the instability and lack of control they feel, so they get that feeling by bullying other kids when outside of the home. But there are also plenty of bullies who don't come from broken home who become that way due to social pressures of their friend group (which has the influence of someone who is already a bully) and other reasons as well.

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On 12/12/2022 at 9:44 PM, Devin said:

Most cases of trauma, bullying, and psych challenges start at home. 

This - and inside family circle (whether we are talking about victims or abusive people).



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yes. mom n siblings bullying me for having a big nose. and it continues at school. made me depressed n struggling to stand up for myself

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