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luckystrike's Best of 2022 | FINAL UPDATE, SOTYS REVEALED!


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Hi everyone! It's that time of the year again and I'm so excited to share my Best of lists this time because I have put so much effort throughout the whole year in listening, rating and curating these lists. I genuinely have dedicated hours and hours to this because it's something that I genuinely enjoy doing. I have created my own system for rating these albums and it might not make a lot of sense to everyone since I use too many decimals (yes a 7.7 is very different to a 7.8 I don't wanna hear it!). I listened to about 200 releases this year and I have genuinely enjoyed rating all of them and curating these lists to culminate in this Best of that I put a lot of effort in aesthetically too. I hope you enjoy! :whistle2: 






Edited by luckystrike
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48 minutes ago, luckystrike said:

starting with worst of later today :santa:

Oooooh.....?  Perched

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Ready to see which songs ended up on your worst list :lakitu:

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5 minutes ago, Allday said:

Ready to see which songs ended up on your worst list :lakitu:

And albums :foxaylove:

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So ready to see what's to be served here. 

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i love zara larsson

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i've heard HAIM will be making lots of appearances here

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hi I lied! due to some last minute adjustments in my lists I expect to start tomorrow night <3 will reply to comments by then!!

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seatedmonkey.jpg :gaycat2:


On 12/9/2022 at 9:34 PM, luckystrike said:

hi I lied! due to some last minute adjustments in my lists I expect to start tomorrow night <3 will reply to comments by then!!

thanks for unintentionally listening to my advice!!

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hi I would post my worst of list if my atrl didn't look like this :skull: it's been like this for an hour so idk what the **** is going on... delayed again I guess until this **** site works .t panned



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FINALLY!!!!!!!! Welcome to LuckyFork's Best Of (and Worst Of) 2022!! This year I listened to over 200 releases, more than I had ever listened to in a single year which I consider a huge accomplishment!! I rated and ranked every single one of them. Today, I will start with my WORST rated albums & EPs of the year to finally get them out of the way. I won't do a list go songs since I'm showing my rankings and you can basically take everything from the following albums to go in the worst songs list :biblio: without further ado, here are my BOTTOM 10 ALBUMS and BOTTOM 5 EPs of the year!! Also, a quick PSA, nothing of what I say next comes from an actual place of hate, it's all for fun and I really do respect every artist's work!!


WORST 5 EPs OF 2022




I mean… we know why she’s here lol. Honestly some songs in here do slap a little and even more after hearing them at the club on a night out but objectively this EP is very bad indeed and continued Kim’s streak of horrible releases since TOTL. I really hope she leaves this behind and comes up with a better sound like she used to have in Era 1/Clarity/TOTL because this was NOT it + the leaked Problematique album was also pretty bad.






Nobody is gonna know who this random ass girl is except for the Gaymers™️ that show up in this thread who did like this EP (y’all suck like be serious!!!) This was honestly extremely grating from what I remember and just horribly produced, and very irrelevant since I have no more comments to add!!






I honestly don’t even remember this EP but looking at my scores it was… acceptable minus 2 songs?? Apparently last song really lived up to its name and made me sick so much that I gave it a 0 but I would be lying if I told you I remember how any of these sound.






I’m sorry but ITZY have not been able to release a single good song since WANNABE and I don’t care what anyone has to say about it cause I’m a HATER at this point!!! They just get it so wrong every time and I do think that this one was the worst out of all the comebacks they have had since WANNABE. Just overall horrible, give us more CHERRY's not this extremely annoying noise!!






And my WORST EP OF THE YEAR goes to Hyuna's Nabillera. This **** is really on some other level like WHO CLEARED THIS?? Ever since someone made an edit of a House of Mickey on Disney Jr. with this playing on the background I just cannot unhear it cause it fits so well like TELL ME IT ISN’T?? It was horribly bad and almost laughable, actually laughable if you watch the clip. https://twitter.com/huta_wife/status/1574200334788005888?s=20&t=u8_CUUqCQE8DxC-8hmEULg









Okay I lied, I'm doing 11 albums just cause this is tied with #10 and she deserves a lashing! I honestly miss the time when Banks was good, Goddess and The Altar are both amazing albums, with The Altar being my favorite thing she's ever done, then III was a significant decline in quality but nonetheless it still had a decent bunch of nice songs, however, Serpentina is by far the worst thing she has ever done and a massive let down for me. None of the singles caught my attention so my hype for the album was already pretty diluted, and then the album sucked and I lost all hope for her, it just feels so lazy and undercooked and left 0 impression on me.






Honestly I have always considered Kendrick as one of the best in his genre of our generation but this album was a massive letdown for me in every way possible. It has sooo many filler tracks and the highlights are just okay and don’t even stand out like your typical Kendrick song does. But what did it for me was the use of a gay slur in one of his tracks, it absolutely killed any desire I had left to listen to the album, I actually had to stop it and finish it later because I was extremely disappointed yet again by a hetero man. Just an overall poor effort by Kendrick and I really hope he comes back stronger next time.






I had never heard an Orville Peck song in my life and I honestly wish I hadn’t heard this album so it stayed that way, no offense. His voice was extremely grating and annoying and it didn’t let me fully enjoy the few bearable songs that were on this album. Either way, this genre is not for me but I love trying new things because I have been surprised many times in the past, this was just a surprise for the worse. The bearable songs as I said, were... bearable, even if they were two at most.






Kinda scared to reveal this one cause she's one of those critics darling but like, this is yet another extremely bland, plain, insipid, boring and uninteresting album to add to the list. Like I'm not a fan of her but I have tried some of her past releases and they're much more interesting than whatever this was, this was boring as hell and sounded like your average Americana album, which is not very good already.






Imagine Dragons are one of those bands that you like, hear on the radio and just never think of them again. This was my first time listening to a full album by them and I felt very angry while listening to this like WHY???? What the **** do you need 18 songs and TWO ACTS for???? IT’S THE SAME SONG OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!! AND IT’S A HORRIBLE ONE!!!! Honestly they made me hate long albums, every time I look at an album and it’s over 13 tracks I start dreading it and it’s all their fault, thank you Imagine Dragons for ruining my life.






Honestly I don’t even know what to say about this album, it left absolutely no impression in me and I listened to it months ago so I remember 0% of its content. I feel like if I relistened to it, it would go up in rating a little bit but honestly I have absolutely no desire to do so so it will stay put where it is, just extremely boring and uninteresting.






Good lord, this was one of the most uninspired albums of the year. His voice is so monotone I feel like he’s speaking all the time instead of rapping, the production was abysmally boring other than First Class which gets kinda saved by the sample and Dua Lipa which is just the most interesting moment sonically of the album… and if that is the most interesting moment then you know the rest was ROUGH.






Panic! At the Disco has to take the prize for biggest nosedive in quality of all time. They used to be good when they were… a band. Now that it’s only Brendon Urie it’s an absolute train wreck. His last album verged on listenable but this is just plain horrible, laughable at some points (I deadass started cackling at either Star Spangled Banner or Sad Clown because of how bad they were). The fact that these songs were cleared and he thought he made a good album is very funny to me and lowkey embarrassing, sorry.






I have never been a Björk fan no matter how hard I try. I’ve given several of her songs a few chances and nothing has ever stuck to me, but I never necessarily hated anything I heard from her. I went into this with an extremely open mind and trying to like it but the album kinda turned me into a hater, like I do see why people like it but I was extremely mortified, one of the instrumental songs made me feel extremely uneasy to the point where I had to get up and turn my lights on cause I was listening at night and the vibes were just sooo uncomfy to me and I wanted it to be over so bad. Atopos was the only thing I could bear if I was being forced to listen, other than that it was honestly disturbing, and if that's her thing I guess she accomplished it!






Literal noise??? Like, I know I am most definitely not the target audience of this band and I honestly had no idea of who they were before I found this album but I saw it on several acclaim lists and online friends were raving about it so I decided to check it out, best believe I was extremely confused. This music is definitely not for me but I honestly do not get it like… it’s noise. Thank god this had two randomly listenable songs tacked on in the middle and I didn’t fully lose my sanity but like, why?






Officially declared my WORST ALBUM OF 2022. What the actual ****??? I had heard like like 2 other of his previous songs before in my life and I really do not remember them being this horribly pretentious and unlistenable. I went into this album with basically 0 idea on what to expect and I was left absolutely gobsmacked in a horrible way, this was extremely unlistenable to me and I know there’s gonna be people in here who think otherwise since it’s a critically well received album :skull: I hated it and I never want to listen to a Perfume Genius song in my life again, thanks.  

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These GORGEOUS graphics omg :jonny:


I agree with basically everything on your worst lists, especially happy to see drags for Banks and Lykke (besides the usual FLOPS like POTD)


The only thing is: Sneakers is a bop, you are over, and Wallice was GOOD!

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