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Did you ever have an ugly duckling to swan moment?


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Like did you ever undergo a beauty upgrade? Like were you low key ugly at some point in your life and then worked on looking better and transformed? 


I'm kind of feeling ugly lately and I started dating someone and he is hot AF. I kind of dont like being the uglier person in the relationship so I want to transform. I've been hitting the gym these past few months, upgrading my skin care, got a better hair cut that suits my face way more and am in the process of having a wardrobe overall (though I dont want to invest in tons of new clothes now when I am still undergoing my body transformation / trying to gain a lot of muscle). 


I know there is a cap to how much you can upgrade / looksmax yourself but I think this stuff will make me feel a lot more secure in this blossoming relationship. It's low key tough dating someone really attractive :'( 


Anyways, have yall gone through this and how did you do it? did you slip back to being an ugly duck or did you stay as a swan ever since your transformation? Discuss below:

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I went from an ugly duckling to a slightly below average duck, does that count?

I just aged into my looks I think


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1 minute ago, Kummercell said:

I went from an ugly duckling to a slightly below average duck, does that count?

I just aged into my looks I think



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i used to be fugly back in highschool but had a glo-up in college (lost weight which resulted in a thinner nose :skull: and more facial definition, got better hair, style, etc) 


puberty helped me a lot to a point that some people thought i got plastic surgery :skull:


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Yes from 2018 to 2019, I went from whatever to hot af and ripped but mentally I was so unwell and I was so deeply insecure and obsessed with male validation. 

Now, I’ve gained a little weight back and am trying to have another aesthetic glo-up as I near my mid 20s but I’m so much more secure in myself and mentally stable so whatever tbh :gaycat6:

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How do you know which haircut fits your face more? Just go to the barber shop and ask them? I get very nervous when I walk into a hair salon :dancehall:

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i think so? i was kinda awkward looking as a teenager and my nose grew WAY before the rest of my face filled in, so i became a lot better looking when i turned 18, which is when the rest of my face finally started growing :rip: i think my first REAL peak was mid 2018 (when i was 21), and i’m currently entering my second peak now that i’m almost 26 lol

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3 minutes ago, Likingstars said:

How do you know which haircut fits your face more? Just go to the barber shop and ask them? I get very nervous when I walk into a hair salon :dancehall:

I know what you mean, I'm SUPER nervous to go through the whole interaction with the barber for like a half hour as they cut your hair. It feels like you are trapped and have to engage in awkward small talk lol but it must be done. I actually started going to a hair salon that caters to both women and men and all the hair dressers there are like women in their 40s and 50s and they are so sweet and really super casual. That helped a lot.


And yes I literally walked in and they asked me what I wanted and I legit was like "I honestly think i've been getting the wrong hair cut for my face all these years" and the lady legit laughed and was like "yup! I can tell" :rip: She then laid out two suggestions and explained why she thinks it would suit me (basically it is based on your head shape, your face shape, your chin as well as the way your hairline looks). There's like a science to it lol and now I feel a lot better with the cut. It's a little longer than what I am used to but I enjoy it now.

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Was ugly all through school so yes.


21 - 26 were probably my peak years but then turned 30 and lost it again xD

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1 hour ago, Likingstars said:

How do you know which haircut fits your face more? Just go to the barber shop and ask them? I get very nervous when I walk into a hair salon :dancehall:

for me, long hair suits me best and i can tell by looking at photos from different angles


short hair makes my face look older and a bit too earnest, so it clashes with my personality. longer hair more matches my friendly presence

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Yeah. I cringe looking at any picture of me before I joined the Navy at age 20. 

But all it really took for me was 3-4 days at the gym weekly, Clearing my skin and getting a good barber. I’ve been approached and complimented a lot more since I fixed all of that. 

Personally I think I jumped from a 4 to a 7. Still need to get Invisalign/braces, and a round of chemical peels to fade my hyperpigmentation and I’ll feel like a solid 8 :gaycatina1:

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I was never ugly but I was super awkward and had absolutely no style until my early 20s. I went through some hard life experiences including the WORST breakup and in the aftermath I really took the time to figure out who I was. I think one day I just looked in the mirror and realized my outside didn't reflect what was inside at all.

I ended up throwing out my entire closet and starting fresh, picking up bits and pieces over time that reflected my actual taste and point of view. I completely changed my hair and once I came to terms with my gender expression, I started wearing makeup as well. 

Physically, I didn't change all that much but when I look a photos from back then the transformation is like night and day. I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin, and it's reflected in the way I carry myself and even how other people treat me.

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Got a glow up in during lockdown but downgraded again. So yeah, still on my ugly duckling phase. :giraffe:

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Idk how attractive I am honestly I never got asked out in school and was surrounded by some really racist, sexist teen boys but also got told a couple more popular guy’s had crushes on me? so I have no clue about whether I was attractive or not as a teen I was def insecure as f tho. 


with makeup I go from looking in my mid teens to in my late teens (in my early 20s lol) and have caught lingering looks. plus the classic creeps on the street and public transport unfortunately, had one 40 something ask me how was school before trying to give me his number it was horrid. but also guys my age, they just never approach and I don’t get complimented expressly unless from my female and gay friends? I’m a girl btw


so yeah there needs to be support for those of us who don’t know if they’re pretty, ugly, or if they’ve got more or less attractive lmao. All I know is I’ve been getting more attention. That’s it. 

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Also there’s been so much shifts in beauty standards. I remember feeling really hard done by when bigger lips got popular as I was bullied bad for them lol 

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I was never ugly, but was trying new things during my early 20's in order to find my style. 

Haven't reached that swan moment as I feel that I need to work out more in order to get there. Right now I just eat healthy but not work out enough as I should.



If you're going to change your looks, do it for yourself first rather than for your partner. I'm not getting that in the OP.

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Yes when I was in school I was too skinny and had a terrible nerdy haircut. Also had problems growing a beard.


I gained healthy weight in college, grew a goatee and got a better haircut that incorporates my natural curls better.


I can tell you the gerls from my class were shookT when I updated my facebook profile pic (back then Facebook was still the IT social media).

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Yup, I was very overweight at a child and I lost 60 lbs over summer break, changed my clothing style, and shocked everyone at school when I returned. Suddenly all my bullies wanted to be my friend but I wasn't having it. 

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Yeah, from like 18-22 I was chubby as ****, never wore contacts and only glasses, and never cut my hair propery. I was a solid 3-4/10. 

As soon as I turned 22, I lost a ton of weight, started wearing contacts out in public, started dressing a lot better, started going to a barber who knew how to give me a good cut regularly, and literally everyone I knew was stunned by my transformation. I looked good for a solid 5-6 years, then I stopped caring and still don’t care to this day….still get told every now and then I’m cute though 

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