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Russia terrorist state imposes blanket ban on "LGBT propaganda"


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The terrorist state has expanded restrictions on the promotion of what it calls "LGBT propaganda", effectively outlawing any public expression of LGBTQ+ behaviour, relationships or lifestyle in the country.



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where is the massive 24/h media outrage? I hope we see German politicians do symbolic hand gestures covering their mouths about Russia too! or will they be discouraged from doing that because Russia STILL provides Europe tons of gas? 


They'll prob say "we have other things to focus on with russia because of the war!". Bish...Russia was LITERALLY executing gays even when yall went to the Fifa World Cup there in 2018 and hardly did ANYTHING. 


I'm so tired of the fake and selective wokeism of these nations and I am frustrated for the gays around the world who hardly get any support and then see these politicans, nations, companies etc be selectively "woke" for ulterior motives. 

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We have to stream t.A.T.u. harder now so Lena and Yulia can afford roof over their head!

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21 minutes ago, IBeMe said:

where is the massive 24/h media outrage? I hope we see German politicians do symbolic hand gestures covering their mouths about Russia too! or will they be discouraged from doing that because Russia STILL provides Europe tons of gas? 


They'll prob say "we have other things to focus on with russia because of the war!". Bish...Russia was LITERALLY executing gays even when yall went to the Fifa World Cup there in 2018 and hardly did ANYTHING. 


I'm so tired of the fake and selective wokeism of these nations and I am frustrated for the gays around the world who hardly get any support and then see these politicans, nations, companies etc be selectively "woke" for ulterior motives. 

I wouldn't say it's hypocritical since Europe would have no access to gas for a while until a new seller is settled. Shall we freeze to death until a plan B is found? 


Would it better if Europe gets its gas from Qatar? SA? Azerbaijan?


21 minutes ago, Bloodflowers. said:

We have to stream t.A.T.u. harder now so Lena and Yulia can afford roof over their head!

Only Lena's solo stuff






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2 hours ago, IBeMe said:

where is the massive 24/h media outrage? I hope we see German politicians do symbolic hand gestures covering their mouths about Russia too! or will they be discouraged from doing that because Russia STILL provides Europe tons of gas? 


They'll prob say "we have other things to focus on with russia because of the war!". Bish...Russia was LITERALLY executing gays even when yall went to the Fifa World Cup there in 2018 and hardly did ANYTHING. 


I'm so tired of the fake and selective wokeism of these nations and I am frustrated for the gays around the world who hardly get any support and then see these politicans, nations, companies etc be selectively "woke" for ulterior motives. 

People always have double standards, in fact finding someone who has one consistent standard is actually impossible. It’s not news that Russia has a dictatorial conservative regime.


But does all this mean that Qatar has not been more aggressive towards the LGBT community?

I mean, in Russia you can still hear about LGBT people protesting with rainbow flags, good luck doing that in Qatar. Not to mention, restrictions on entry with rainbow flags were less stringent in Russia than in Qatar.


Now if Russia is to be blamed, it should be blamed for its destructive wars, because that is the worst thing Russia has been known for in recent years, starting from the Syrian war (during WC 2018) and now with the Ukrainian war.

Now while it’s true that everyone in the world should stand against Russia for killing thousands of civilians, and since this is unfortunately unrealistic, at least I wish that the Arab teams in the Russian World Cup could show some solidarity in expressing their feelings with peace armbands or closing their mouths with their hands as the German team did since they’re the closest to Syrians of all people.


Just how you would expect more solidarity towards the Ukrainians from people who are close to them than other people in other parts of the world.


But if someone is afraid to mix politics with sports at least let others do it without accusing them of hypocrisy, because they are not really that hypocrites, they just have a greater willingness to express their feelings than others without fear.

Edited by A.R.L
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its sad because his supporters will gobble this up as a political victory when going after gay people actually does nothing to solve any of Russia (and the world's) problems 

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Welp, no more Charli XCX shows in Russia I guess.

Also it’s always the homophobes that end up being closeted gays so we could also see this as the first step to Puthin coming out.


Text Phone GIF by Charli XCX

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